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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/poll-finding/kff-covid-19-vaccine-monitor-media-and-misinformation/ Conservatives believe more conspiracies about COVID and the Vaccines. https://news.osu.edu/conservatives-more-susceptible-to-believing-falsehoods/ Conservatives believe more political falsehoolds. I could go on but what's the point. For some reason conservatives are constantly believing things that aren't true and it's always because of their news sources. Both network and on social media. Given that the conservatives on this site are alw
  2. This nigga tells the biggest fucking lies with a straight face. This is some psychotic bullshit right here. You're either even stupider than we all think or just disturbingly dishonest.
  3. Hey, remember that time you were right and proved someone wrong about something? Oh right, that has literally never happened before. How Fox News helped killed Republicans at a higher rate than Democrats. Jan 6 lies by Fox. Remember how they lied about Jan 6 on air while half of the host were actually texting Trump to do something. Fox News covering the Ebola virus vs how they covered COVID. Lol here's a hint, we had a black democrat president during Ebola so do the math there. Remembe
  4. Lol I wondered how she fell on to Cooke's radar so he could fake rooting for a long shot. Like how Vini was being a Stan for Yang. Her being on Fox bad mouthing Obama is most likely the reason.
  5. Lol you say this like it makes them look more credible. A whole staff at the 'biggest' news network couldn't be bothered to realize this was a fake photo. This isn't something they care about addressing because no one on fox bothers to fact check anything. There are dudes making basement youtube shows with more credibility than fox.
  6. When I saw a pic about Tulsi hosting tonight I thought it was just a sarcastic joke. Nope lol. While I dont care for Harris, you have to give someone credit when they call something right. It sucks because Gabbard is so hot.
  7. Please tell us again how FOX is a credible news source. What the fuck is wrong with the right that they can't tell obvious photoshopped images. Why are these people so fucking stupid.
  8. these people can't be owned because they can't or wont ever admit to being wrong. It isn't whether or not he did something wrong as much as his authority being questioned. I've been watching with glee as all these right wing nut jobs lose their minds because Trump got raided but the influencers are now calling for the alphabet agencies to be burned down and replaced with more authoritarian style ones that serve their interest. They are falling back on BLM, sex trafficking, (only) Democratic donors, and South American undocumented citizens as their desired focus for what their new
  9. Jeez, I like After Effects but Resolve really seems to be a bit of a beast. I never do rotoscoping but this is pretty cool.
  10. Again, what is your solution? To do nothing? I'm not saying the vaccine is pure nectar of God immunity but you're in my face essentially blaming the vaccine for not being able to also counter the affects aging and other health problems. There is always some intellectually dishonest angle to everything you post. Not getting vaccinated is a personal choice. If it's more valuable than your job to you, then fine. So be it. It's that simple. I'm curious at this point what aren't you weridly right wing about. It's funny how people go from Democrats such for want
  11. Oh god. So this isn't even a Dem/Republican thing with you anymore, You're just completely far right wing at this point. SHOCKING. Can you guys please for once follow through your line of thinking to their logical conclusions. What was the alternative? For all of the countries of the world to do nothing at all and let COVID run rampant? Not to mention, that's not how variants work. Sometimes variants can be less dangerous or infectious. There's not a lot of ways to predict how they will mutate nor do variants "decrease the effectiveness" as much as they can be immune to them. Which is why boos
  12. Lol they didn't do nothing, but also I don't pay attention to what they do. Twincel is getting more retarded each day. He makes good points like he gets pussy,which is to say never.
  13. I can explain. Apparently there are things called "variants"? Lol what was even the point of posting this in the first place? https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/australias-covid-19-cases-surge-hospitalisations-hit-pandemic-high-nsw-2022-01-03/ In Victoria, the second state, the authorities said one in four people showing up for a swab test was returning a positive result. Almost everyone in that state's intensive care units was unvaccinated, the authorities said. Victoria had 14,020 new cases, nearly double the previous day's count. "Th
  14. He has to say that because he probably is attracted to 17 year olds and doesn't want to seem like the creep he is.
  15. To be fair, from a 30 year old virgin with no friends, what he said is an honest perspective.
  16. lol I think I watched this video before, she does a lot of reading stuff and some movie/show analysis. Is this the book where every character tells the lead character that he is big and strong? It's fucking porn for incels.
  17. The rules are rich white people are above the law.
  18. Yeah, Tony Shaloub is amazing. I like the actress who plays the mother as well. Even the ex husband stuff is kind of fun. I'm going to post more about The Sandman, which I liked but was let down by weak and in some cases fucking embarrassingly bad CGI and lack of interesting cinematography. When you have the God of Dreams fighting fucking Satan in a metaphysical battle, it should impress some what. Even Legion tops it in this department and that's a five year old FX show. Look at this fucking establishing scene for a random middle of the season episode of two people having drinks
  19. I binged the first 3 seasons of Ms Maisel during the lockdown and was suprised how enjoyable the show is. It looks good for a period piece, the cinematography can be much better than needs to be. Some of the scenes that take place in a venues are great. A nice mix of her comedy and some great music pieces. While I dont like real characters in fictional stories, the Lenny Bruce stuff is fun too. The cast is also fantastic. The main actress is gorgeous but does a fun Lucille Ball type 60s female comic.
  20. It just looks meh. I was going to watch it at first cuz I thought it was a movie, but it doesn't look interesting enough even in trailers to spend a whole season watching it. That movie he did with Amazon was ass so I skipped the show. 🤷‍♂️ I'll say this as a bubble statement about diversity. It's funny that after less of a decade of 'diversity in Hollywood' white guys are always score keeping how white men are represented in film. After 100 years of claiming positive representation didn't mean anything because these are just movies and tv shows. Not always being the hero or cente
  21. lol The incel who afraid to leave his house feels manly because he watched a TV show.
  22. Lmfao Yes, I'm triggered by your hypocrisy as you literally just defined yourself as being triggered by one sentence in a 10 hour season. You're the snowflake here, bitch. It's also interesting you have to don't know the difference between fiction and nonfiction. Explains a lot.
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