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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Twinblade on multiple occasions has blamed Antifa and BLM for "all of the racism" in America today.
  2. I honestly haven't paid much attention to what DeSantis has said or his exact policies since winning his election but these people like him for some reason, they like the Republican party for some reason. There are tons of theories why but that's the way it is. It's also not always one thing. Some of these people honestly want an authoritarian government (that aligns with their wishes) Having politicians openly call for Christian or Western Nationalism could be part of it, as it comes with certain priveledges in their minds.
  3. It's a bold strategy to make shit up and mistpresent facts in order to prove himself as being honest and precise with his words.
  4. No one cares what I think now. I dont see the point in supporting the movie by watching, just to be annoyed by bigotry for 90 minutes to point out flaws that dont matter. This wasn't created as some sort of social anthropology, it bigot bait. Apples and oranges but I'll be generous and give this to you out of pity. I could be wrong in assuming that a documentary about a group of people the producers and writers hate and have spent years vilifying isn't probably isn't going to be fair. You are right and I can watch and point out the flaws to a forum where half of the peo
  5. True, you're right for once. I never said they were far right. I asked where is the equivalent to racial/western purist on the left. I'm sure there are Nazi sympathizers out there that atheist who like drugs, premarital sex, and dont care about tax breaks for the rich out there some where. Why are they not at Democratic conventions or inviting Democratic politicians to their events? You constantly misquote and misrepresent what has been said, but yes, I'm the dishonest one. Yes, Donald Trump who called black NFL players who peacefully kneeled at foo
  6. I originally came in here to post this before getting side tracked. My question is why do these people only show up and praise conversative politicians. I'm not saying there aren't racist democrats or liberals but wow, when you see someone threatening people with gun violence if things don't go their way, waving Nazi flags, or confederate flags, they are supporting the same people the people in here love like Trump or DeSantis.
  7. I'm sure the documentary is shit. The Daily Wire and Matt Walsh aren't going to produce a remotely fair narrative. They are invested in representing the Trans community in as bad of a light as possible. It might be cynical of me, but I don't trust someone who wrote an anti trans children's book to make a credible documentary. It's made for people like you, who already have an issue with them to feel justified. This is how right wing propaganda works. All racism exist on the left because of Obama and BLM. Twincel believes this. You believe, or at least are only concern
  8. That's your built in dodge tho. You make these situations seem like the majority in your urgency when you are just talking shit, but then act as if you're willing to admit they might be isolated incidents when you get called on for accuracy. It's why you are always so purposely vague. I never said you did. I said you defend racist. They are two different things and the fact you didn't see that already proves you're not as sharp as you pretend to be. No one praises racism or sexism because deep down we all know that it is wrong. Which is why peop
  9. There you go being dishonest again. I asked for proof a coordinated agenda, what the agenda was, and who orchestrated it all. Funny how you don't judge all white people, all cops, all Republicans, all conservatives, all clergy, all gun owners, all men, all hetero by the actions of an undetermined small number of people. If a simple person were to judge you by the people you condemn vs people you defend what would that look like? You defend: Racist Misogynist Antivaxxers Transphobes You bash: Trans people
  10. I'll just say that this is one of the most dishonest or delusional statements I've seen on a site full of fools and liars. You're literally making stuff up to defend yourself against making shit up lol.
  11. Lol incel rage. Did a 10 year old burn you with this on Fortnite or something? Lol so cringey.
  12. Yes, I'm sure the millions of Christian conservatives feel differently.
  13. Another elected MAGA politician calls for Christian Nationalism to rule the country. It's not like religious fundamentalism has any downsides, keep owning the libs!
  14. I dare say your willingness to blanket damn entire groups of people based on nothing and willingness to defend Trump against anything are probably related. Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is.
  15. lmfao yes because you are well known for backing up your points. No, I dont remember asking you for weeks to backup anything you've ever claimed oh wait that's not true I did.
  16. I think I remark more about your consumption of misinformation. Obviously the byproduct will be you telling the world the stupid shit you believe. Well that depends on how you quantify that. The current right is really further right compared to 10 years ago...which had just recently been pushed further right by the Tea Party. I read a really insightful observation of Joe Rogan and the Rogan types about having good intentions with no conviction, but being fully committed to stupid ideology. That seems to sum up the current "down the middle" types, where they place grossl
  17. Dumb and disingenuous per usual. Funny the kinds of people you always give the benefit of the doubt, regardless and evidence and those you are willing to condemn with none. I dare say a pattern is emerging.
  18. I mean Ramza still thinks it's absurd to call Trump racist despite...all the racist shit. Even being found guilty of racial housing and employment discrimination didn't deter him. Ramza is a very reasonable guy and he's giving Trump all the due consideration an honorable man like that deserves even if every molecule of reality says differently.
  19. Oh, what misinformation have I ever said? Like it's one thing if you find what I say leftist, but in what way have I spread misinformation? For the record, I have never presented myself as centrist. I find most self proclaimed centrist or independents are just cynical people with no real world view. Just consumers who only scoff when they feel personally inconvenienced... like antivaxxers or have some preconceived notion about a group they don't like or understand. They are reactionary and can swing fully from one side to the next in a single election cycle. Kind of li
  20. Walsh is an incel influencer. It's funny how guys who want to "women" then go on about this guy because he's a transphobe meanwhile he hates women too. Like everyone else in the alt right he's a disingenuous fuck, so now defends feminist who TERFS after years of tearing down feminist in general. He doesn't even think female sports reporters should cover male sports because he's also one of those dudes who are insecure about masculinity. Like if you want to say that you don't think a woman can be a viable NAVY SEAL is one thing, but he doesn't think women should be in
  21. Lol tell us again how you're just a normal down the middle common sense guy who somehow by chance only consumes and enjoys right wing misinformation and defends the fringe at every opportunity?
  22. And he's constantly wrong yet full of himself at the same time.
  23. Lol no it doesn't. Actions speak louder than words and sitting and watching it and doing nothing was more telling. His two previous messages to the masses was that Pense didn't have the guts to do his job and telling the world what had happened that day was some sort of reckoning for Biden winning the election unfairly. Like he's some fucking movie villain. Maybe it was his daughter that he used to sexualize that had him delete that tweet. So saying nothing then making some shitty video his people knows he didn't want to make, hours later was on the nose. Leave to you
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