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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol how are they making it a topic of discussion when it's the right constantly crying about it? Your video isn't lefties forcing a point on anyone, it's a windbag hack attempting to troll. You bring up the "define a woman" topic more than anyone else on this site combined.
  2. You sound like a sore loser. Additionally, it's interesting that I didn't say anything about myself proving you wrong, just that you had been. Your coping method was to create a scenario where you couldn't have ever been proven wrong lol
  3. My point is that you care more about feeling right than actually knowing the truth. One of the many traits you share with Twincel and Cucke is that once your point is debunked, you don't change your mind about the topic, you just drop it and move on to something else.
  4. The sad part of this is that most of them know this isn't true but they know they have a shot at winning simply by playing the Trump ass kissing game.
  5. Here is a man who became a congressman because Donald Trump said he liked him going all "come and take it" that I got accused of making up when I talk about nutjob gun owners. Being a lawful citizen only when it's convenient for you is actually how a criminal thinks.
  6. This seems like it would be benefit Sony more than MS. If the game is good it could spark interest in other Sony games you can't get on Xbox. It's not like people are going to pick an Xbox over a Playstation because they can get one Sony game on the console.
  7. When ugly hetero people have an issue with ugly trans people. Ok.
  8. I take hateful people's words as hateful rhetoric. Lmfao oh no, the motherfucker I've been dunking on left and right without breaking a sweat thinks I'm a joke for seeing thru Peterson's sham lll
  9. You literally responded to a post where I show that the women's soccer team made more revenue, ticket sales, played in more championships, had higher TV ratings, and sold more merchandise...sourced by the WSJ, ESPN, and Nike which led to a court decision on their behalf and you respond with bitches need to buy more tickets, and complaining if men should take paycuts, comparing bowling to baseball etc. The reason I asked if this was a prank was because I didn't realize that you were so fucking stupid I would have to reprove the very point I already made, that you yourself quoted.
  10. So you are doing that thing where you act so fucking obtuse when you don't have an actual point. Ok.
  11. Is this some kind of prank or are you really this stupid?
  12. Well some of the resident incels on this site pulled the women getting what they deserve bullshit here about abortion. Which is on brand, guys who aren't successful with women grow to resent them after time.
  13. So you hate women so much and are such a fucking retard you chose to respond to a post showing that the women made more money, had higher ratings, were more successful, and sold more merchandise... Yet still made less money than the men did to post a "bitches need to buy tickets" rant? You guys seem to be getting dumber.
  14. While I'm used to your stupidity, I don't see your point.
  15. I've seen that video weeks ago when it dropped, nigga. You ain't gonna teach me or introduce me to shit. Your question was ludicrous because he fully intended it to be fatphobic while also trying to appear reasonable. So your sad attempt to gauge whether or not I'm being overly critical is pointless. I think Peterson is pathetic. I think his followers are pathetic. If that sounds like a personal attack, it is what it is. I'm not going to gauge anyone in a singular fashion when it's obvious they have an overall agenda. I leave that to the intellectually dishonest types
  16. Not really but I'll ride with your attempted sarcasm being is closer to the truth than what you would have said. Peterson is the incel messiah for a reason. His content is for agrieved 4chan dudes extra heated in the past decade because of Gamergate, metoo, nontraditional models on TV, lack of tinder matches, and Joe Rogan cuck disorder. It's hard to take him seriously because like all right wing pundits he needs to produce inflammatory content to be relevant. It's no coincidence he had the swimsuit thing and the Elliot Page situation a month apart. In ge
  17. Maybe they're happy Ghost of Tsuhima is so awesome it sold as well as TLOU2.
  18. I saw that Tim Pool was conspiracy casting that this was a left wing Op in order to make Republicans look bad. Like Twinblade, Pool wasn't defending the Republicans. He was just finding a thread where democrats were partially responsible for this. Pool also went in how extra disgusting the fact was this was illegal alien rape. Like at no point this week was I even remotely thinking about the ethnicity of the rapist. The same people trying to run counter Ops against people "for politicizing" a 10 year old needing to go to another city for an abortion have no problem po
  19. Lol oh shit you got me there, good point! Distraction successful. Fucking goofy. Lol Lol only "may share some" he says, right before... You made a great case how this is Obama and Biden's fault while being honest enough to half-heartedly admit that the Republicans "may" have a "small part" in all of this situation. But you are right, he snuck into the country while Obama was President, so he is partially responsible for the attack. I take back all of the comments about how stupid, dishonest, ethically bankrupt, disingenuou
  20. Answer my questions first. It's been over a month.
  21. Yes, the people you can't name whose tactics you can't describe. Again, 20% of the 26% of the LGBTQ community surveyed indentify as Trans. Most of the non binary people simply don't go the traditional gender roles as they have been constructed. Like they sell headphones for women... I assume headphones can work and be gender neutral. Yes, it's very dangerous. So you compare the surgery to a bad and unnecessary optional one to soothe someone's vanity. Cool. Yes, the ones you can't
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