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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. No, no. Stop trying this. You're too fucking stupid and misinformed to create some eloborate chart where you reach for a logical thread to blame democrats for this particular issue, while also discrediting your own logic so it doesn't pertain to any analogous situations. All to bootlick Republicans? Like Ramza and Cooke are fucked but you're like some next level cuck psychopath.
  2. No, no. Stop trying this. You're too fucking stupid and misinformed to create some eloborate chart where you reach for a logical thread to blame democrats for this particular issue, while also discrediting your own logic so it doesn't pertain to any analogous situations dealing with Republican politicians. All to bootlick Republicans?
  3. You literally brought the attackers nationality into this discussion and then blamed Obama because he might have entered the country illegally while Obama was President. Despite the fact that Obama had an aggressive deportation program, even more so than Bush's. Again, you flaunt your fucking ignorant and repugnant world view rooted solely in your right wing bootlicking. By your logic Trump is fully responsible for January 6th riot right? Since he created the rally based on a lie, then told his people to go to the capitol and to fight like hell? Fuck you.
  4. This is officially the most vile shit I've seen on this site in sometime. How did you get this way? Are dating games this important to you?
  5. Uh huh, it's also not. Solely about being paid as much as men. The women's soccer team is slightly different as they topped the men in all metrics, but most women's clubs aren't compensated in pay and benefits in line with how men are relative to their own ecosystem. Not necessarily in a direct 1:1 comparison. For example, you can be a AAA baseball and be underpaid for what AAA player deserves, not in comparison to a MLB player. Then again you guys just make shit up all day in your heads based on right wing misinformation intended to make white guys angry. I know the
  6. Far right extremist in North America = fine. Far Right extremist groups in the Ukraine = bad.
  7. Here you go being retarded again. According to politifact, the Wall Street Journal, and ESPN the women's team generates more money from ticket sales, is more watched, and according to Nike the women's jerseys sell more than the men team does. According to reality the women's team is far more successful and dominant than the men's team in their respective leagues. So please find me some evidence from whatever Incel News youtube it twitter account you got your information from? What's funny is I had this exact same exchange with Ramza a few mon
  8. Yes, the people you can't name whose tactics you can't describe. Again, 20% of the 26% of the LGBTQ community surveyed indentify as Trans. Most of the non binary people simply don't go the traditional gender roles as they have been constructed. Like they sell headphones for women... I assume headphones can work and be gender neutral. Yes, it's very dangerous. So you compare the surgery to a bad and unnecessary optional one to soothe someone's vanity. Cool. Yes, the ones you can't
  9. Remember when you thought Trump ended the drone program when in fact he used drone strikes more than Obama and Bush combined?
  10. Lmfao wow. This virgin made it Biden's fault in the craziest logic pretzel yet.
  11. You are not saying they are all bad, yet you keep going on about this agenda to confuse and groom young children as if it's some national operation with guidelines and mission statements. Yes, it's just one example. The only example you have given. But you're still so concerned over a single incident. Funny how many examples of other things don't seem radicalize you. You realize that this is among the LGBTQ community right? So what is the problem that 1/4 of already LGTBTQ identifying people also don't adhere to binary baselines of male/female represe
  12. So 1 woman represents every leftist person. Totally reasonable logic. Ok, pervert. I love this the scenario you envision. It's also hilarious that you assume they will tell kids to be gay or trans lol. You subscribe to Alex Jones or something? You have no idea how what the numbers should or shouldn't be. You are just going by how you feel. Lol you're such a scamp. Assuming the best of a far right nutjob sight unseen yet every leftists parent is a degenerate groomer based on one person.
  13. Why can't you articulate your point? You keep coming at me with "something coulds" Yeah, telling people to eat healthy can lead to certain issues as well. Like the existence of potential harm exist everywhere. I want you to actually say what is being told to kids that is so bad. Like in this moment it finally hit me that you know you can't say what you mean without sounding like a bigot. Is it telling young people who think they might be gay and are miserable thst life can be better for them? Telling people not to disown your kids or shun family members? Pushing for g
  14. Someone at SW2 posted this old Mad magazine graphic from the 60s. Crazy good.
  15. An accepting individual wouldn't be concerned "too many people are coming out as gay" lol. Like wtf are you talking about. Imagine if someone said that they were uneasy with too many people converting to Judaism and then blamed the "Jewish agenda" ? Does that sound like an accepting person? Change the subject? I've been asking you for weeks, hell I asked you in this thread already to enlighten us about the ideological issues you have a problem with and you never tried for some reason *cough*youaremakingitup*cough* Please, for the 15th or 16th time, explain wh
  16. Right wingers have no sense of humor. Right now what they consume as comedic content is just one of their own, mostly white straight men telling other groups to calm down and they are not special while also complaining about how their white priveledge is eroding. As much as the slime loves to claim social media is silencing conservative voices most of the political ads I get on YouTube are from right wing nutjobs for some reason. One ad was for the new Adam Carolla comedy special and a painfully long, unfunny joke about how the woke mob "cancelled" indoor smoking at r
  17. Yes, you acknowledge woke racism, like Ramza recognizes only woke grooming/pedophilia, or Twinblade blames all racism on BLM. Both of them also defend fucking Donald Trump as not being racist. So either all of those things actually only exist in woke society or you guys are full of shit and, you are only interested in some culture war bullshit with the wokes and its just a facade. Oh yes, the special child like thinking of "equality" I give Ramza shit for dodging explaining his theories, but I've been asking for you to explain how "equality" works for yea
  18. Like racist who complain about and acknowledge only "woke racism" but usually spend their energy denying the existence of racism in any other scenario.
  19. I love when people who dont give a shit about a group of people, but will exploit them to harrass another group of people they don't give a shit about. Like when guys who hate women (especially feminists) will use feminist bashing trans people to make a point.
  20. He was twisting their arms and pushing his shoulders into their heads. With the sound up you can hear nearly each kid yell oww and talk about being hit.
  21. So the only two two options in your mind is to either praise them or call them pedophiles/groomers? It's interesting how binary and cynical your thinking process is. So your either retarded or being disingenuous. I never asked for reasons why you were talking about it, I asked for tangible evidence of teachers grooming kids with "the LGBTQ agenda" and what exactly what is "the agenda" repeatedly... For weeks. I've been asking you to articulate your points for over a month now. You haven't been able to. Actually I called you a
  22. What we do in the Shadows season 4 has started. I only recently began watching it but I love this show. It's the best movie to TV show adaptation ever made. And fuck MASH before anyone brings that up.
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