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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Basically the show wipe out. 60 people run through an obstacle course and players are eliminated over a number of rounds. It's very pick up and play, like anyone can play it right off the bat.
  2. Lol AOC, The real villain of Jan 6th. Look at this weird little gremlin getting owned post after post.
  3. I think this falls under transphobe? I get it, you're doing your best here but this ain't it. And no I don't think it's automatically transphobic to think it's unfair for transwomen to compete with born females. However you only talk about trans or gay people in a negative light or constantly accusing them of scamming or being abusive with no actual tangible reasons. You are faux well intentions type who lacks any real conviction or sense of fairness. I never called you racist, but you have defended racists in the past. I mean of course you hate
  4. I called you a transphobe/homophobe lol. Calm down, Karen.
  5. Lol just take the L bitch.
  6. Lol one video, three annoying people. The host is the worst and obviously hates women. The girl like most full time tic tokkers are annoying and over reacted. The trainer could have just blown her off but his dumbass chose to match her energy for no reason.
  7. I feel like they found the laptop back in 2020 so I'm confused how it reflects on the current administration. I could be wrong but Hunter Biden doesn't work in the White House. This was all about the appointment of Harris as a VP. So I talked about administration norms and practices. I'm now noticing you guys completely switch lanes when you hit a wall without missing a beat. Sounds about right. Is that why you just make shit up and post vague nonsense instead of facts? Because you're a pro at making unconvincing arguments.
  8. Here you go being dishonest again. I've said countless times that I didn't want Biden or Harris in office and only voted for them because the opposition was Donald Trump. I say this while being 50% convinced that Biden might have been the only Democrat who could have beaten Trump, so it stings but it what it is. I didn't defend Harris. What I did was give context. The thing you guys HATE. You, Cucke, and Twincel love to be able to say that woman only got her job because she was a woman, and being a black woman is the cherry on top. The previous administration was the
  9. Lol @ Cuckblade talking Trump restoring dignity to the platform. People thought he was being a fakeboy 3 years ago and he was less of a cuck then. I've also noticed Trump now finds a different reason each rally to say "bullshit" because his worthless supporters usually go wild when he does it so I am surprised by this underwhelming reception. There brains probably broke because Elon has become their irl Tony Stark.
  10. What exactly is a good Vice President? They have no real power and operate as a higher level ambassador. There's some procedural shit they do with the Senate so you actually don't see or hear them much. The way she was chosen is exactly how almost all VPs are. Pense was chosen to compliment Trump like Biden was chosen to compliment Obama. Cheney is probably the only VP to buck the trend but that's because he basically chose himself for role. I don't care for Harris in an office higher than senator, and did not want Biden as President but had no choice but to vote for
  11. You literally described how every Vice President is chosen you stupid bitch. I don't even give a fuck about Harris, I just find how much of a cuck you are that you make fun of people's communication skills while being a Trump dick licker.
  12. Lol this fucking scumbag has no shame at all.
  13. So all of this is based on some tik tok video of one child at a very risqué drag show. Ok, not reactionary at all. I fully agree that that kid was too young for that particular event but I also find child beauty pageants to be fair worse and is far more akin to grooming kids than Drag can ever be. You keep talking about this shadow agenda and all I've been asking is what it is and who are the agents that will carry it out. "everyone is talking about it" is the sort of excuse a kid who didn't do his report would say. You say this like conservatives don't m
  14. Yeah, I tried to watch it again and made it up to the point where he calls Nancy Pelosi evil and diabolical. I got issues with Pelosi and definitely would love for her to be gone but this is how the right conducts itself and its fucking pathetic. How is she evil? How is Hilary Clinton evil? How is AOC evil? He disagrees with her politics, fine. What evil shit has she done? I've noticed since the rise Trump most of the right became his cuck cultists, who just calls anyone who opposes their views evil so casually. They know the idiots that actually value their opinions a
  15. Lol possibly unrelated, but I find guys who need to generalize and insult women out of nowhere when talking about dating seek external factors and never consider that they just suck and women sense it. Yes, being attractive is definitely gonna get you far but women want to have fun, feel safe, are attracted to, and someone who is generally on their level in the ways they value at the time. A woman doesn't need a dating app to fuck a good looking guy. They can literally exist and that will happen if they really just want that. Women rule the roost on datin
  16. Lol oh God. Firstly, it's fucking Mark Levin so I already know it's most likely him with his MAGA kneepads on to stump for his daddy. I watched up until he went into a cuckservative boomer rage about something some unknown person said, on an unnamed show, on some network. Remember when I pointed out how you get all worked up over cuckservative rants into the ether based on trivial shit.
  17. I was a bit disappointed. Where as I liked how Stranger Things season ended because I feel the show is better off going into next season, I feel they kind blew up parts of the show and some characters were under used or weren't used effectively at all. It's set up as a final season it feels like but the season over all was very good, I just felt the finale didn't stick the landing.
  18. He's not a conservative, he's been in an orgy and did drugs.
  19. What is unconstitutional about the j6 hearings?
  20. Lol more of your gaslighting bullshit. You haven't pointed out shit. I've been asking you to actually articulate your claims for weeks now. Don't get me wrong, I know that you don't know wtf you're talking about and simply reacting to other people being reactionary. I only asked because I knew eventually you will pull this shit where you pretend you've been making solid cases despite never once actually providing even a "far reach". Here's yet another chance for you to prove that you are actually making valid points and show us what this LGBTQ-woke teacher agenda is.
  21. Lol I used to fuck in orgies, do drugs and I watch Mark Levin!
  22. Lmfao this is what your world view on this based on? I'll help you out. You don't sound like a prude. That would actually be a step up. You sound like a reactionary transphobe and conspiracy theorist. What's shown in the video is fair to say is inappropriate for a kid that age but that's not what you are saying. You are making blanket statements about the drag community, LGBTQ community, and even teachers. All of your baseline comments paint the worst outlier content and presents them not only as the norm but the maxim. Trans people are either adults looking to indoct
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