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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. At last count it was at a minimum of a dozen individuals. I posted the OT but the thread is filled with a examples of people applauding it, then that same person calling basically anyone or company that had a pride tweet a groomer. Again, Ramza himself posted a boomer meme video for you to enjoy. Nice try tho.
  2. Oh please inform us of how you're free of echo chambers.
  3. Yes you have, on more than one occasion.
  4. Nothing is stronger. Conservatives celebrating a 45 year old having sex with a 14 year old while calling Lego a groomer company because they have rainbow colored bricks is as solid as it gets. I'm sure Cooke or Ramza will find some unfunny boomer memes you'll like.
  5. Uh you've claimed that Trans people are the most powerful group of people in North America and have gone on fits about how antivaxxers are the most oppressed people in Canada and the US.
  6. Having seen the final two eps (twice) I'm all in for season 5. They could have ended the show this season, but they shook up the status quo and really delivered a major change heading into next season. There's definitely momentum going into whatever direction it goes next.
  7. I wouldn't want to trigger your martyr syndrome thinking about how disadvantaged you are.
  8. Painfully unfunny white guy makes uncle boomer Facebook jokes... Sooo funny. You be rolling just hearing "white people have it so hard" lol
  9. Lol of course you would find an unfunny video of a white guy complaining about black people and gays to be funny. You never cease to not be a stereotype.
  10. I dunno, I'm torn. On one hand I believe it's hard for a racist to be able to detect racism in others. The other; I do not think Ginny Thomas is a white supremacist either.
  11. Cooke knows white supremacist well.
  12. Yes, more disingenuous bullshit from you. “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long, Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!” Yes, these words sound like a man who bothered by all of the chaos he was witnessing. Those rioters really didn't react in a manner he found tasteful. Lol the motherfucker called them "great patriots".
  13. Lol you are so full of shit. Violence is always on the table for the right. It's the promise from "lawful" gun owners if the law ever goes the way they don't like. Trump started his career telling his supporters to beat people up who questioned or protested him. It's why he loved to boast about all of his "tough" followers like soldiers, gun owners, cops, and bikers. Multiple people stated he was fine with what he was seeing. He even fucking made some bat shit Tweet basically stating the country got what it deserved because his supporters were justifiably upset that his election w
  14. I know no one would be in Washington, let alone storming the Capitol if Donald Trump was honest about the election results. On top of that he then throws Mike Pense in the mix and blames Pense for not breaking the law and holding up the transfer of power. At the end of the day Trump's team had planned on blocking Joe Biden from becoming President at whatever official time was supposed to be. All roads lead to that. The fake elector plot that they telegraphed way in advance was designed on the base level to keep certification in limbo for a few more days at the minimum.
  15. So much stupidity dressed up as objective observation. Like how is a hearing that has no legal ramifications, and the individuals involved can simply choose to not participate (again with no ramifications) the same as a "North Korean trail"? Also, what exactly is their side of the story? That Donald Trump actually won the election AND Mike Pence had the legal authority to delay the certification of the 2020 election? Because plenty of loyal Trump people did testify and admit that none of this is true and all the pesky evidence says he lost and Mike Pence had no legal standing to d
  16. Yet you don't seem to understand that this is not a trail and the other side of the story isn't being told because the people involved chose not to cooperate. Or you do are are purposely being obtuse about it. Which wouldn't be out of the ordinary for you disingenuous types.
  17. It's OK to not play every single game ever made.
  18. There's probably a few hermshits in there who knows they will have to wait 4 or 5 years for a port so they are naturally a little impatient.
  19. Lol another I don't know what I'm talking about but I'm also right situation.
  20. Lol idk what is happening but I know it's fake because Fox News told me.
  21. So I'm delusional, dishonest, and one-sided here? Despite the fact that I am the only one who has provided facts, timelines, and context to this conversation for weeks now. You keep redifining a word you admitted a month ago you didn't even know, and still using it incorrectly each time because you heard it used as an attempted slur without knowing it. You literally use the same ass backwards logic the person who brought it into your right-wing lexicon. I asked you for some real world scenarios that are fueling your concerns and so far nothing. You just keep assuring m
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