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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Most of the reactions are from people still trying to be edge lords in their 30s in 2022. About 3 of them are still virgins (as I previously mentioned) and hopefully will never procreate. It's hardly a victory that unwanted children will be brought into the world, especially when the states that are the least abortion accessible have the most abhorrent pre and post natal care / infant mortality in the country. Are the poorest states, and most likely don't have comprehensive sex ed in schools.
  2. What is even the point any more. I mean it's good for future prosperity I suppose but like there isn't even two sides of the story here. Pretty much every single person involved admits that Trump lost the election and told him and he to this day is still claiming that he won and nearly every elected republican is still covering for him. There is no scenario where Trump comes out of this any worse for wear. They are not going to arrest a former President and his followers don't care that he lied because they had been eating up his lies for how many years?
  3. Lol this virgin fighting for his honor.
  4. It will probably help increase the prison population which is a big win for their side.
  5. You can do your part and eat one of your bullets.
  6. Yes, happily open gay Lindsay. Oh, wait...
  7. Lmfao systemwars was invented 22 years ago, how many people still are as emotionally invested after 2 fucking decades. The moment after you finally have sex with a woman, please come back and tell us how much NPD sales still mean to you.
  8. Cooke talks about "western culture" from time to time too. It's interesting because these people think that they are exploring a new way of thinking when in reality they are just coming back with refurbished garbage bigoted ideas that have been defanged but still lead to favorable outcomes. It's crazy that people just simply changed "gay" to "trans" in almost all of the right wing propaganda and none of them noticed or cared.
  9. The only people I call incel are you, Bytchre, and Twinblade. No one disagrees with that statement. You lose your shit over videogames like a mother who lost a child, Bytchre looks like a caveman, and Twinblade is Twinblade.
  10. It's funny how it's incels who are the happiest about this. I guess if you can't have sex other people should be punished for it. Lol
  11. This is the level of dishonesty that makes up Twincel's mindset which is the conservative line. They have hated feminist forever but now celebrate JK Rowling because she's a transphobe as well as other TERFs. At the end of the day it always boils down to creating a facade to cover for bigots. Lauren Southern was riding the anti-immigration thing for years. She's is young, very pretty, outspoken conservative so of course she was very popular. Then she married and has a kid with a Brown man and how quickly her followers began turning on her. Calling her a slut, fake Chr
  12. I fail to see how calling trans women, women takes anything away from anyone else and I'm sure you can't make that connection either. I can argue a 30 something year old man who has never been in a relationship with a woman in his entire life doesn't really care about their issues or them outside of hopefully manipulating one into having sex with him. If you had a social life and access to roofies you'd probably be Cosbying women all over Connecticut. Explain how transphobia helps women in any way? It's interesting how the right only talks about women when they are try
  13. Lol aren't you the one who was laughing at women in the military and other professions? You don't give a shit about women or women's sports. You spent half of your life trying to learn how to trick women into liking you. You probably resent them at this point. It's crazy that you people are trying use your crocodile tears about women's sports in order to launder your transphobia.
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