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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. What's hilarious is that he wrote he told Zelensky "I want no pro quid pro quo" only because that's what the news used to describe the nature of his phone call. This man is the worst liar in history. But he proves if you lie with enough conviction, there will be people who will pretend to believe you.
  2. Lol forcing women to have children they don't want in order to increase the population is almost the plot of The Handmaid's Tale you fucking little creep. Here's the thing, you guys whine about bad schools, government assistance, poor people, the homeless, crime, yet never have any ways to address them. How exactly does forcing women and girls to have kids they don't want not potentially add to all of the problems yall love to complain about? Yes, please say adoption then look up adoption rates, foster care population, cost of prenatal care, cost of actually having a
  3. I think hospitals needing storage trucks for bodies and barely enough staff to keep up with covid cases is a big enough reason. You rat asses trying to ride the fence on this because some how vaccines became "woke" are retarded. Like you won't actually just say "we should have done nothing about COVID" but then blast or scrutinize every single aspect of harm reduction taken. If vaccines weren't mandated most people probably wouldn't have gotten it, making it pointless. Vaccines also greatly decrease hospitalization and the affect of the virus.
  4. Lol I've been to Seattle plenty of times. You act like it's fucking Greenland or something. Fucking idiot. Actually twice, plenty is an exaggeration.
  5. Lol it's fucking hilarious how distorted these retards world views are views are. You can tell who falls for all the right wing bullshit.
  6. A woman getting an abortion doesn't affect anyone else's life. Vaccines are a public health situation. I was going to explicitly state that but figured even the dumbest person would recognize the difference lol, of course you're stupid enough not to. I won't even bother with that stupid shit about people getting bussed to abortions because you never had or will have sex with a woman so this might seem like a viable option for millions of people in many states. You are such a cruel little piece of shit with your incel rage.
  7. Lol the retard didn't even tag the actual book company and instead tagged some random woman. You're so fucking stupid, no wonder you will die alone.
  8. Dude, I wish I had a fraction of your optimism. This is why I didn't want Joe Biden to run. He's one of the good old boys politicians that thinks he can work things out with the Republicans and doesn't have enough fight in him to take them on when needed. Harris turned out to be a dud VP. The Republican empire is on the march.
  9. What's more fascist than forcing personal beliefs on other people, especially when it comes to life altering decisions? If you want to expand it out, name a more vile notion than forcing a woman to have their rapist's baby.
  10. Lmfao "I can't believe Republicans lied to me."
  11. The fascist got their wish. Leave it to Republicans to do the thing they spent decades saying they weren't trying to do. Also Thomas is setting sites on birth control and same sex marriage.
  12. I think that's the only good part of the whole show. Well that and the slick opening montage that made the prequels actually look like they were exciting lol. Disney needs to give this franchise a little break. They are milking a dying cow.
  13. Lol Your autistic ass calling anyone else a sheep is hilarious.
  14. Don't call it woke, you coward. Keeping a hundo, you feel trans/queer people are "running western culture" and that white people in Canada are at a disadvantage. Complain about fat and queer people even being on TV, even if they are playing queer characters. You claiming how much you hate wokism is just a way of flaunting your bigotry without any of the judgment. It's why youre constantly bashing lesbians even when sex/gender is the topic or calling out "anti-white racism" when race isn't an issue.
  15. Lol God, you're so fucking dumb.
  16. This is the most boomer post you've made so far. Lol
  17. You mean like the right does Christianity?
  18. You have too much faith in people. Look at the retards on this site like Vinnie and Twinblade that turned into cartoon level throne sniffers when Trump, arguably the worst Presidential candidate in history won. DeSantis can win just yelling BLM, LGBTQ, and woke media. All the groups Republicans hate and moderates don't have issues with but at the end of the day don't carry enough about that they would vote a bigot into office. I'm not calling DeSantis a bigot but it really doesn't take much work to be a republican president anymore. Look at the the last two we had.
  19. The Boys is so good this season. It's fucking hilarious how Homelander turned into jesus for incels. The show is so much better than the actual comic.
  20. Dont underestimate "moderates' and "centrist". Many if not most are as uninformed and obsess over stupid shit like Twincel does. These are the people who vote every other way ever other election cycle thinking they are clever. If you're someone who voted for both Obama and Trump, congratulations, you're retarded. How many people in here who claim they aren't homophobes or transphobes but have issues with gay/trans visibility and representation? We dont hate you, but we dont want to see you or have you attention any equal status to us "normal" folks. Twincel was going an
  21. I love how people are like 'I'm not a homophobe or dislike queer people but more and more people are coming out as queer and that's a problem we need to address." and are too dumb or not self aware enough to hear how they sound. It's sort of like how supposedly good people find themselves upset that other people might be too nice to other people when it cost them nothing.
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