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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol you hate queer people and luckily Twinblade will never procreate so it's nice you guys see to eye.
  2. Lol what is with this weird insecure shit people have about being laughed at and for the dumbest reasons. I'm sure there are people laughing at America because of lack of Healthcare, mass shootings, life expectancy, prison population, laughable food regulations, war funding, food insecurity but people like you are so concerned about seeming too courteous. Let's be assholes to look "tough" I will be fair and say that it's mostly you guys just repeating what you see people say because none of you alt right types in here actually form your own opinions and ju
  3. You are either so charmed or a miserable cunt if your big issues are people being too considerate to each other or fat chicks and lesbians being on TV. It's like the only fucking thing you retards worry about. At the end of the day this forum seems to just be repository for so many of the forum's bigots to whine about all of the woke people and minority groups yall think have too much power.
  4. Lol this cuck writing love letters about his new favorite politician who himself is a cuck. Twincels cunt ass whining about standing up to woke companies. Not companies that pollute, don't pay fair tax rates, not companies that are union busters or fight collective bargaining, or underpay staff. Exclusively only because some seem too "woke" to y'all. I I haven't seen one of you guys whining about the billions of dollars big companies extracted during covid that they just put back into their war chest without properly allocating the money as intended. Not
  5. That sounds kind of big government regulation/oversight that is the work of the liberal devil.
  6. lmfao Remember when I said even when you're wrong, you some how claim that you were right. Enjoy your cope.
  7. You specifically mentioned being married with kids as your reasoning. I admit it was a petty and baseless insult but and anyone would be right to call it that but if I were to call RuPaul one in the same situation you wouldn't have a problem with it. You've been defiantly calling teachers groomers left and right for weeks now but how dare I insult the great Matt Walsh. No, that's a perfectly logical way to feel. I'm not saying this because of that. In every scenario, you paint trans people as predators or scammers looking to take advantage of either women or children. Yo
  8. Yes I did. You responded to it in an ignorant and disingenuous manner like always. Hell you said "IT WASN'T A VALID SOLUTION"! Oh boy, here we go again. This was in response to some other dumb shit you said. You mentioned that I called you a dishonest idiot, which I admit is harsh but at the end of the day I dont view you as honest or reliable as we keep having the same arguments over and over and you always seem to be incorrect or recall things that aren't true so what am I supposed to think? This is a fucking month ago and we were still arguing how you
  9. Technically you're a dishonest idiot. Dishonest liar seems redundant. Oh wow, you got me on something I already said I have no knowledge of. Oh, wow I got destroyed. I said they had rules in place and they came up with their process. TBF to past for mentioning prepubescent transitions in regards to sports, to which you didn't seem to get my point. OOOOoooooooooh well. Also, yes. Research can prove a thing but I didn't do any research and openly admitted to having no interest in doing so but thanks Captain Obvious who is usually dead wrong but always in the right some how. Cucke, R
  10. You LITERALLY asked how a married man with kids could be a pedophile. Now that you realize how stupid your gut reaction was you're trying to spin this on me like I'm being obtuse or something. You being inability to accept when you're wrong is pretty telling. Again, like a child. There you go again proving what you really think. You can't pretend you're not a homophobe/transphobe when every single comment you make paints them in the worst light possible. What exactly are you saying they need to be "protected" from. How is acknowledging that gay people exist some threat t
  11. The point is that they can and are choosing not to. The price is affected by demand. If enough people were not willing to pay the cost would go down. Production dropped during covid when prices were 2 something a gallon. They are not struggling at all at this point and it's considered "bad business" to not make the most money they can in the current climate.
  12. Tbf that's how most of the gaming industry thinks about pc.
  13. So this is what I mean about your pathetic biases. You're now claiming that married man with kids can't be a pedophile. I guess every occurrence of parents molesting their children or other children is a lie then. But you think all gay and trans people are potential predators. It's easy to think you're clever when your so narrow minded only your own personal view makes sense. This is possibly the dumbest statement I've ever seen. Allowing kids to play sports can be dangerous. Letting your kids go to church can be dangerous. Letting your kid be a scout can be dangerous. P
  14. I'll say this. What benefits a fuel producer more: Investing money in refining and distribution of fuel to make prices lower, which means less profit for them or keeping higher prices and making more money with less of an investment? Even in the video I posted he has actual interviews of oil reps who state they have no interest increasing production. Tens of thousands of people employed in the sector have been laid off during the pandemic. Increasing production of would mean investing in people, hardware, equipment, and other operating factors.
  15. And some Republicans are claiming that their elections were rigged. Which seems more likely?
  16. Yes, we know how "honest" you and Twinblade are. Funny how that selective honesty aligns solely with your biases.
  17. Lol you're not intellectually equipped to have an actual discussion about the economy or pretty much any else but whatevs. You're intellectual curiosity ends at the headline footer. To make things worse when you are eventually proven wrong you just shrug it off then lie and/or just make something up.
  18. I know trans people are just punchlines and villains to you insecure little bitches but if someone transitions and they identify as a woman, I will address them and consider them a woman. It cost me nothing and can help to filter harm down the line. I don't get upset seeing queer people on TV or bent out of shape some softcore porn game might not be on steam.
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