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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. You defend Trump daily. You have just kept your bitch mouth quiet this week because of this "sham" as you think it is.
  2. First of all retard, you don't know anything about any issues. You never talk about issues. All you do is post reactionary bullshit you see the idiots you follow say. Nigga we see you getting dunked on EVERYTIME you try to argue issues so what are you even talking about? Secondly, Has BLM been posting proven lies in order to raise money designated for a specific purpose? I'm sure there's definitely some impropriety by BLM "members" but it's also open source which makes it harder to cite than a centralized organization like let's say the NRA. Anyone scamming money unde
  3. Yes, nearly everyone in Trump's circle admitting that he has been lying for nearly two years about the election results, raising hundreds of millions of dollars, and causing a riot at the capitol where people died, is a nothing burger. You are fucking slime. Trump should be spending the rest of his life in court paying damages to people hurt on January 6th as well as damages and also for raising hundreds of millions of dollars based on lies. I don't know how much cuck DNA a person needs to look at all of this and think nothing of it. I mean unless it was
  4. Fox actually produces something not horrible and of course people on the right literally boast they need to be cancelled for showing them something they dont want to acknowledge. Because the news should only tell you what you want to hear lol. The irony for all of Walsh's gay and trans bashing I wouldn't trust him alone with my worst enemy's children. lol This guy looks like a fucking pedophile sociopath and constantly whining about "groomers".
  5. So did the woke Twitter lefties finally allow Musk to buy Twitter?
  6. lol The only person damage controlling is you trying to pass this charade off as some honest discussion about environmental issues. I'm sure you came to this conclusion all on your own and it's only a coincidence you exhibit a reductive, disingenuous right-wing stance on it.
  7. Let's just cut the bullshit lol. You didn't even read this three fucking years old article you randomly decided to post for some reason to point out the "hypocrisy" of hundreds of random people you know nothing about regarding an open-ended topic. Instead of old man yells at cloud, it's man with intellect of a child yells at the internet. This article doesn't even name any individuals or companies so you dont even really have proof of hypocrisy. I assume you randomly saw this posted on some right wing commentary and thought it was so good you needed to share it.
  8. Again, you dont even know what these people drive or not. I checked that site; unlike you, Cucke, or Twincel I actually check out the links you guys post and these are made to custom. Meaning if you're going to lets say Germany for a weekend conference on Climate Change. You can't just rent one from Hertz. Lets follow your train or thought: In order to set an example. Instead of flying private and using standard cars for the two days. They should have a fleet of custom Telsas made because we all know how easy getting a Tesla is, and they're not still hundreds
  9. Remember when our last President who was a former high-end slum lord championed for the return of Asbestos, was against wind and solar energy, was against water or energy conservation? Claimed that sound causes cancer? This week Marge Green did her radio show where she actually talked about the "good side" of global warming. Right wingers have also started talking about indoor smoking bans that in places like California or New York. The right is actually turning pro pollution because they let the environment become a leftist issue.
  10. Like this right here. You dont even know what these people drive. Yes, officially I doubt these people who probably have a sizable staff which includes high end security are driving armored Priuses. Again, how a child thinks.
  11. This is just some weird purity test right-wingers use to be obtuse when they want complain about "the left" but they know that they don't actually have any high ground on. Like when ding dongs like to complain that Bernie Sanders and his wife managed to make enough money together over the course of 40 years to own 2 houses. So he can't speak for middle class people? Complaining that a couple dozen world leaders used private jets to gather for important time and security sensitive councils is just a childish coping mechanism.
  12. Lol it's crazy how looking like an inbred mutant can make you a shitty person. Reminds me of that dude Ramza cucks over. Lmfao that grotesque looking ginger. Ugly and dumb, what a combo to "love".
  13. Everyone was eating off of Trump's grift. This is why he always has scumbags in his circle.
  14. Lol I'm fine with MAGA retards sending a millionaire their money so he can spend it to keep telling lies.
  15. In a sane world Trump should be done. For a couple after the capitol rio it seemed like it was happening but he just kept lying and right wing America didn't want to lose their fascist lord. All of this grief because some sad fat ass boomer can't be honest about anything in his life.
  16. Could you please stop posting videos of this ugly motherfucker? At least put warning tags this mutant is going to appear or something.
  17. Also Tucker, sitting during the national anthem is an attack on the United States. Funny how many times he calls it an attack, but Jan 6th is no biggie. I wonder why.
  18. Even Trump's biggest supporters know he's a lying piece of shit but he rallies against what they hate so they pretend he's telling it like it is because the results are the same.
  19. It was never about free speech it was always about propaganda and conteplllng narratives.
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