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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. So people are getting banned on Truth Social for posting about Jan 6 hearings Lmfao. Also you're not allowed to make fun of Trump on there either? Wasn't this about free speech?
  2. That entire video is a temper tantrum. It's the toxic white aggrievement bullshit you guys spew every single day and claiming to be blind about where this actually stems from. Like in the first minute he's already referring to Drag performers as pedophiles. He himself wears women's clothing and make up for his skits but it's different. When he does it, it's because he's dressing up to mock either women or trans people so it's chill. "wokism" has become some open ended boogieman that just incorporates all of the anxieties and insecurities of self unaware straight white men. T
  3. How is accurately describing the video a sign of being mad? Don't do that thing you guys do when you are cornered and try hyper-troll yourself out of the topic.
  4. Lol that's not how it works. "I love it when..." Lmfao the most cuck line I've seen on here. Then the cherry on top is the video is full of lies, misinformation, soft bigotry, capitalist ball licking, right wing conspiracies, and further bashing of minority groups. And you "love it"
  5. Lol how so? Please show me where I gush over some inbred looking idiot for making a hacky YouTube video. You are proof of how right wing grifters can easily manipulate low information idiots.
  6. Don't act like I'm reaching or being unreasonable. I call you ignorant because you are constantly saying untrue or stupid shit. I can't think of a single thing you were on point about. Literally everyone you've argued with wiped the floor with you. I feel dickish calling you retarded but you are most especially dumb.
  7. Lol people paying subs so some old fat fuck can talk about videogames.
  8. You need an ANTIFA punch to the face.
  9. Saying they are better than the retarded grifters you watch is such glowing praise lol. For context, That JP guy was doing stupid unfunny keto/spiritual bullshit post for like five years then all of a sudden over the past 3 years he began making almost exclusively right wing bait for MAGA chuds. He's even gone and made "I've changed my mind" videos in which regards to guns and shit to appease that base. YouTube algorithms are a bitch.
  10. I want to object to this comment as this JP guy is far worse than even Alex Jones. Say what you want to say about TYT but they are substantially better than that guy, and Maddow is a hell of a lot better than him. JP whatever his deal is a low end bottom feeder. Just another no-talent using the MAGA grifter pipeline for noteriety.
  11. Lol nice try, hypocrite. I never praised big pharma or authority but you called me pro for both. Meanwhile what I said is still true.
  12. I said the right and the two fucks who love to pretend they aren't right wingers takes offense...lol. Glad you two at least finally recognize what you are.
  13. To be fair he has been programmed to think woke doctrines are the cause of everything bad.
  14. Lol I said the right not you personally so this is telling.
  15. I love how the right worships blind capitalism and consumerism but only with COVID do you jugheads all of a sudden question a big business lol.
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