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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol it's sad there are people stupid enough to watch this guy and think he makes good points or is funny.
  2. So they are new games? I actually don't know, didn't watch. Just used to Remi doing this.
  3. You mean games that are years old? Isn't this like bragging about dating a girl someone else dumped and got over already.
  4. The sad thing is that him being an anti-vaxer isn't his biggest problem lol. I love how he brings up Martin Luther King like most modern Right Wingers who actually dont agree with King and would have hated him during his time.
  5. It's one of those games I bought and played for 5 minutes and then never played again. Not because it's bad but my weird gaming habits. I could randomly start playing a year from now and her hooked. Always good to see good work pay off though.
  6. I mean dont let it stop you, I think you will still enjoy like I did. It's just jarring because if the fight scenes had hit right and the story a bit tighter this would be on par with Mad Max Fury Road. It's still a fun movie to experience.
  7. I think there's things that can be done without repealing the 2nd A. Also, you're a hell of a lot dumber than the idiots at the View so pump those breaks. You are right, there are many issues that contribute to gun violence. The thing is nothing Republicans want to do actually deal with any of those issues. I'm not talking about trying and failing, they dont even have any pretend solutions other than turning Schools into prisons complete with armed teachers who they hate and call "groomers" but also expect to now defend their children's lives. However, the US isn't the only
  8. Saw The Northman last night. Totally dug it aside from the terrible fight choreography. The surprisingly bad, worse than CW level fight choreography. It also felt a bit longer than it needed to be. The sound design is amazing though.
  9. Feels like this is getting political.
  10. So nothing other than thoughts and prayers? OK. They can't stop crime in liberal cities with illegal guns, you're right (such a genius observation lol fucktard) This is also a bit of a misnomer as well as most "illegal" guns are bought legally at some point. Not many people have access to actual black market guns, this isn't a fucking movie. What proposals would help with mass shootings which it seems a great deal were committed with legally purchased weapons like in Texas? I look forward to your next full of shit answer.
  11. Exactly. I'm not going to talk about Canada but here in the US the conversation is always how super responsible and law abiding legal gun owners are but also if the law changes they'll shoot any government official that wants them to abide by the law.
  12. What are the root causes as what is the conservative approach to fix it then?
  13. Yes, no one gives a shit. You finally make a true/accurate statement.
  14. Obsessed? You volunteered that information on your own, You weren't asked lol. I'm so bitter I shit on my loved ones on a videogame board for no reason.
  15. Lol "peach tree dish" This woman is a US representative and the highest earning Republicans with non cooperate donors. She's also weirdly fixated on Bill Gates. Then again maybe they actually found a way to put microchips in fake meat that sends data to the government every time you take a shit.
  16. Lol retarded antivax shit that falls apart as soon as he tried to make a point. More proof you're a dumb shit bot.
  17. Oh God, shut up. I agree this doesn't seem necessary in Canada but gun fuckers always act like gun owners collectively have some super human level sense of responsibility and it's like anyone who owns more than one gun is retarded to begin with anyway.
  18. This actually seems like something Sony would do instead of MS.
  19. Lol go where? Where you look like a failed clone experiment?
  20. Lol you look fucking alien so you should be happy about it.
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