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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Barry is so ducking good. Tonight's ep was fucking amazing.
  2. So you just went from one person to "most" pretty quickly. You guys don't fuck around when you're just making shit up.
  3. A couple of pages ago you were making fun of women in the military, now you're a Feminist? And only because you know one household name "Feminist" that bashes Trans people. lol Fucking creepy incel.
  4. You're getting desperate. Are you one of those antiVax Karens acting like you're in 1940s Germany? lol It's hard to pretend you have a point when you continually misrepresent reality to such an absurd degree to make your one point. You legit have only made one point in a week of back and forth and it's not even based on reality. lol ok. Have you actually posted anything to back up what you say? Not at all. It's actually pretty easy. Like you go on about this fake outrage about women's sports and pr
  5. It's untrue because you're stating one situation to disprove another. What you're attempting to do is exonerate Republicans as if they pushed all of these new voter laws, limiting ballot locations and access as if it wasn't meant to slow voting. It's additionally dishonest to not acknowledge Democratic pushes to engage and grow voter access going back to the previous mass election, especially in places like Georgia. If anything you're most likely upset it didnt work.
  6. Hey Saucer, see you're still up to your old bullshit. LOL At your nephews liking this because they're so stupid they make you look like a honest genius.
  7. It's just at some point whether I agree or not, it's incredible that none of these motherfuckers can make any points that aren't heavily slanted, illogical, untrue, or just plain ignorant. ALL OF THE TIME. How do people find themselves this fucking misinformed?
  8. So according to you, a flawed system runs perfectly. Ok. That makes sense. So we've now moved on from not teaching CRT in schools, to it should never be discussed at all, any where. Sounds a lot like censorship to me. Speaking of CRT Here we have CRT given as part of the reason we have school shootings lol. This is how you people rationalize shit your heads. You're such a good little bot. There are people who regret tatoos, piercings, nose jobs, breast implants, hair styles, guns, cars, alcohol, marriage, children. You name i
  9. lol You're fucking delusional. There is a bit of difference in words taking on different meanings due to the zeitgeist or from a colloquial influence and you just making up your own definition because you kept seeing people use on social media and you didn't know why. You literally admitted to not knowing what the word meant, and made up some extremely specific definition that still doesn't actually make sense. Oh yeah, way to prove you dont argue like a child. You are legit committing purposely to use a word incorrectly, with your made up definition because you're embar
  10. I just like pointing out that you keep using a word you didn't know a week ago incorrectly and also created your own made-up definition for it. This is how disingenuous a person you are. I was going to call it gas lightie but I dont think it's even clever enough to qualify as that. It's like arguing with a child. I'm putting your faux outrage the RNC told you to feel in perspective by highlighting their hypocrisy and cynical governing. lol I'll come back to this. You stacked a lot stupid shit into this paragraph. I will say you're the smartes
  11. So you think replacement theory is ridiculous but also completely agree and repeat the stupid bullshit about some voter pipeline. All Republicans have to do to expand their base is not vilify anyone who isn't a white Christain. It's not a high fucking bar to pass. How about Republicans try any human interest platform outside of oil I guess? Can they try something other than scaring old white people to get votes. It's so cute when you guys pretend to be reasonable. It might help if even one Republican would be willing to say Black Lives Matter without immediately trying to downplay
  12. It's usually right wingers who make this stuff out to be a liberal thing.
  13. Oh, you're going with "being dumb on purpose." as a dodge. Cool
  14. Lol imagine being so stupid you fall for disinformation even after it's been pointed out to you as being fake. Cucke you continue to be living proof lol
  15. Nothing like the real time destruction what these idiots post in here. Almost any stupid or untrue things these fucks say is because they just repeated something they read some right winger say.
  16. You by your own admission were stating "extreme examples" all of the time regarding Trans issues.
  17. I like all the drama about Twitter not selling to Musk within hours of his out of nowhere hostile takeover attempt but also it's prudent for Musk to take his time and properly establish if this purchase is in his best interest. These people have become some army of drone cucks constantly saying stupid shit in defense of right wing rhetoric and propaganda.
  18. Can we stop to think that you acknowledge and see nothing wrong with fucking child molestation as a partisan issue? And what exactly is the left's equivalent to tens of thousands of legitimate sexual assaults in churches? Are you giving equal weight to fake grooming rhetoric as actual assaults just to create a fake balance? You spent two days expressing all of your exaggerated concerns about LGBTQ grooming but actual child assaults is just one side being partisan.
  19. I never said he was. He is responsible for spreading hate and disinformation. Make no mistake, he is aware of what is going on. He used to hate Fox News because they used to lie about him and doxxed him back when he was on CNN. Like you're defending Fox and he only wound up there because he washed out of every other new outlet. Twincel boast about Tuckers ratings but that 50 something year old fucker was a joke until he began telling fox news viewers what they wanted to hear. He knows where his bread is buttered. Did he tell anyone to go out and shoot or hurt anyone?
  20. Lol you spent all weekend painting trans, trans allies, and simply anyone who doesn't hate trans people as predators preying on young children and women. But you're defending the honor of Tucker Carlson and Fox News? Lmfao OK, nothing cuckish about that.
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