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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT WOMEN'S SPORTS. I wasn't aware they were "being destroyed" or the urgency that somehow exist for something no one talked about outside US Soccer team every 4 years. Again, I dont run any sports associations so I'm not sure what you want me to say. Yes, it should be fair, if there's legitimate science that hormone therapy evens the playing field WTF do you want me to do about it? Like create my own research? Jesus fucking christ. It's more of just adding more and more context to what kind of person you are, which you claim you're not. You're fu
  2. lol "neowoke" Motherfuckers are making up meme words now. Yes, that secondwave wokeness. Wokeness has been a thing for like 5 years now so obviously it spawned "neowokeness". This sounds intelligent and well thought and I'm not being sarcastic at all. Neowoke makes total sense and you dont sound like a cringey retard using it. Please use neowoke in the future too please. From what I read LT had tested within the horomonal level, but the rules indicate the athlete must test for 36 consecutive months (3 years) and LT had only been on hormonal therapy for a ye
  3. There was also the time Cooke made the Smith/Rock slap issue about how white people are constantly being unjustly called racist and spent days coming up with multiversal situations where either a Chriss Pratt slapped Chris Rock or Will Smith slapped Tom Hanks and of course the white man was the victim of false racism claims? Like this is how his fucking mind works. I'm sure none of that colors his judgement about a white guy who admits to racist hatred driving 200 miles to a city with an established black community and a low gun rate to go on a murder spree, killing 10 black people
  4. I love that the natural course for this thread is a 30 something year old involuntary virgin and a guy who drove his wife to drink dunking on women in Special Forces. Essentially a man that women hate and man who hates women discussing women's issues. Fascinating.
  5. We've already had this conversation and I stated that this is something I know very little about as I'm not a biologist. I also deferred to the amateur rules that require a certain level of hormone therapy for a number of years and disagreed with whatever that swimmer was because she hadn't undergone the very rules put in place for trans athletes. This is what I mean about how dishonest you guys are, you fucking lie about and misrepresent everything people say or do to just to have an actual responses.
  6. You ignorant fuck, we've have this exact argument before. You're still lying and exaggerating.
  7. Please show me where I or anyone in here has said anything off the rails. I can show you plenty of times you said stupid, untrue shit as a fact only to be proven wrong then ignore the fact that you were wrong. I can also show you times where people like Cooke or Dynocuck brought race into situations where race wasn't the issue. Are they far left progressive too?
  8. The very first thing you wrote is an exaggeration and lie. I didnt even need to go very far.
  9. "Bad bait. This is a hate crime and the shooter deserves no sympathy, but before you go and blame conservatives and guns it would be a good idea to look inwards towards to the democratic party..." This is what your scumbag ass said about a white man murdering 10 innocent black people. So any crime that happens in the world is the fault of the left in your sad dry dick world. Where's Cucke's rebuttal about the guy not really wanting to kill cops despite killing one and writing talking about hating cops? It's re
  10. Considering you've been making a fool of yourself on this forum for a year, you shouldn't take it easy on anyone. You're one of the dumbest people on this site, my boy. Everything you write is either a lie or a gross exaggeration. Most of the shit you whined has been explained to you, yet you keep pretending that you don't know in order to keep saying this stupid shit. I remember back when you were still pretending to be a halfway decent person and called Margorie Taylor Green a nut job and you now sound exactly like her on a daily basis. You're such a c
  11. lol Shut your dumb ass up. With out a doubt, how to build the department is only worthwhile if it's staffed properly, having a central hub in which departments such as the CIA, FBI, DEA, blah blah could parse valuable information isn't a terrible idea. However I'm sure you're only cackling like the corner cuck you are because you thought the department would be censoring the right wing retards that tell you what to think on social media.
  12. I mean depends on the person. For a President there would be a shit ton. When Trump would tweet, there would be as many negative comments about him as positive, so having sympathetic bots help. I'm sure the same with Biden. I dont know what the percentages could be but 5% sounds ridiculously low. It's definitely gotta be in the double digits. It can also be tricky on their end to. There are legitimate bots that operate for legitimate users bot are portals from other sites or scheduled tweets.
  13. Anytime Trump would post they would be spam vote and commented on. You could notice dozens and dozens of automated responses to any of them just skimming the comments. Many within seconds of his tweet. The usernames would be like BobJones87574847 and they would have generic profiles. Most times you hear of big profile people, Trump included would whine they lost thousands of followers overnight it was most likely a bot purge and I doubt Twitter was getting rid of all of them on a regular basis. Half sounds like a lot but large accounts on there are littered with bot followers.
  14. Yeah, no shit. Anyone whose used Twitter more than five times knows that. Musk knew that ahead of time.
  15. Oh yeah, I do understand. You admitted to not knowing what it meant, and embarrassed that you only know the term because of right wing social media so you created a laughable fiction about you choosing the word because it was soooo good. We'd have to be as stupid as you to buy this bullshit. It' doesn't. What you said is still stupid. I'm no disputing or disproving that.
  16. LMFAO this motherfucker is going through all of this because he used a word he admits he didn't understand. Even when you're wrong, you're still right some how. Now he's just gonna keep saying using the word incorrectly to own us soyboys. *chef's kiss* Actually, that would be you. The reason they are using the term groomers is the same as always. To paint the LGBTQ community as predatory and Republicans love using children to scare their base into action. Except school shootings, guns are actually more important than children. It was and still is a big reason conservative
  17. lol Ok professor. Not to be a dick but there are two scenarios. 1. You sat and thought about how perfect the word groomer is to describe older people teaching young children specifically only left wing political ideology. 2. You just heard Marjorie Taylor Greene or Matt Gaetz say it on Fox News or Facebook and started using it like a good little bot. I'm choosing scenario #2. I have no problem with you using it incorrectly. I already think you're an idiot. To be honest, I thought you knew what Groomer meant. Not that you just saw the
  18. This is how I know you made your wife miserable. You are using terms you don't even know but heard used in right wing rhetoric and propaganda, and some how thats on me? Lol would you like an apology? I'm sorry you're ignorant. You can call them whatever you like. All but admitting that you are just parroting shit you don't understand from other people who also don't know what they are talking about or lying about it is entertaining. So now you are moving the goal post to any possible amount, even minuscule to try to prove a point? There are teachers, most who are stra
  19. Lol OK, so you're using it in the intellectually dishonest alt right way. Got it. It's funny how you guys whine about context one minute to defend right wing propaganda while completing avoiding it when talking about "woke" issues.
  20. Lol rebuttal to bullshit? "Grooming is widely used as an adult attempting to coerce younger people, usually kids into sexual activities with themselves or other adults. We all know this but now as a dodge you're trying to claim it's" only about wokism". Like you typed that bullshit and thought you made a valid point. Lol by this retarded definition all adults are groomers. Oh wait, you made it only about "woke" politics... You're so clever! Eat shit lol
  21. Lol Isn't Musk trying to now downgrade the value of the company in order to not pay his "last best offer" and putting the sale "on hold"? Even if resistance existed the only reason that exist in your heads is "woke" people trying limit conservatives. Not people trying to keep their jobs, not people scrutinizing a stupid bid that made no sense to begin with. You can keep your stupid attempts at condescension as I near accurately scrutinized how the financials of Musk making a private bid for Twitter made no sense even before they agreed. Now Tesla stock has
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