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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Unfortunately the FBI can't stop every single crime from happening.
  2. You mean that one line free or any context? This is what I mean by you guys being programmed bots and why right wing media skews to being imprecise on purpose so idiots like you, Twincel and Cucke and insert your own biases to fill in the blanks. Some people see any "resistance" to a fucking hostile takeover that makes zero sense in a number of ways. But to you idiots it's "the wokes fighting against freedom". You're like children.
  3. Lol I don't even know what this hysterical bullshit is supposed to prove. When did I even claim Musk fired anyone?
  4. I like how you cucks whine over racist being called racist, but conservatives calling any person who doesn't hate Trans or Gay people groomers is totally above board. This is how programmed you idiots are by alright bullshit.
  5. Lol you still sound retarded. Even if true (you lie so much) Twitter is a publicly traded company. The employees can't prevent the company from being sold you fucking idiot, especially in hostile takeover situation. I'm very sure you didn't even have evidence about employees trying to stop the sale, this is just some stupid shit you made up in your head.
  6. I love how the situation is now Musk trying to get out of buying Twitter and them trying to force him too. Lmao 44 billion to own the libs. 😂
  7. Lol I've posted about that multiple times or when Carlson admitted to Tim Pool that he lies on air to avoid looking like he's wrong or not fully informed. Right wing pundits often state they are either playing up a character or purposely misinforming their audience. It has nothing to do with policy other than creating anti left content to be consumed by QAnon and the Twincels of the world. I've posted multiple videos of high level Republicans calling Trump a racist and Twincel always pretends he didn't see it.
  8. Saying it over and over again doesnt make it any less ignorant or dishonest. We had President who was literally charged with Racial discrimination, literally labeled the majority of undocumented immigrants "rapist and drug dealers", Literally said the Mexican government sends us their criminals, Literally lied about Muslims dancing in NYC during 9/11 but that doesn't make him a racist in your book. lol Go fuck yourself with that one. Hypocrite isn't even strong enough of a word for you.
  9. And Mr "all lives matter" doesn't tell his old white viewers that Black Lives Mater is coming to take everything from them? His former head writer for the show and his online tabloid wasn't outted for regularly posting on extreme racist political boards? I guess he didn't pick up on any of it despite the fact that people had been condemning what he said publicly. Maybe you guys aren't the right ones to determine what is racist or not since y'all are so "blind" to it. It's probably a coincidence that David Duke, Richard Spencer and other prominent racist all praise his
  10. Oh God, just fucking stop already you little acquiescent cunt. The irony is that he made one true point and that applies to the kind of people that would defend Carlson and that's many of you are just idiots spouting political buzzwords you don't understand which describes you, Cooke, and Ramza to a tee.
  11. Cooke's is the dude who made Chris Pratt the victim of being falsely labeled a racist by leftist after Will Smith slapped Chris Rock some how. This is how he sees the world.
  12. I don't even think he's gay, he just hates women that much.
  13. Lol he does remind me of Twinblade, but with more charisma.
  14. Lol no. When do terrorists go out of their way to preserve life. Like even on this you're trying to defend someone as not racist. I'm sure being a racist yourself doesn't cloud your judgment.
  15. Lmfao he's not racist, he shot a white person too! How are motherfuckers this low lol.
  16. No, because I dont believe in extremes. That's how they conned you.
  17. A preplanned shooting in a black majority neighborhood. 13 people shot, 10 died, all of them black. But yeah, you're right, it wasn't racially motivated. Even on this Cooke defends the white guy against racism.
  18. That you're retarded? You're welcome. I assume you're talking about replacement theory? You know that thing that most racist organizations use as their motivation. Remember those chill "You will not replace us!" MAGA chuds in Charlottesville? Your bitch ass literally blamed all racism/racial strife solely on Democrats. All of it. Everything wrong with the world is all the left's fault in your mind so what the fuck are you even talking about? LMFAO Your lack of self awareness is fucking
  19. I'm still confused as to what Cucke's agenda even is. I dont think even he knows what his actual points are other than to be "anti" enough to convince himself he's some sort of free thinker or whatever. It's like he wanted nothing to be done about COVID but also knows that's stupid so instead just stuck on that nothing done was any good. He's been back and forth on this since the start.
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