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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Yes, I grew up with light gun games and was one of the saddest when consoles were doing away with them. I also remember what it was like when there was a a resurgence in the genre thanks to arcade units and the utter disappointing experience playing them on home consoles. House of the Dead sucked. It's just the biggest name in the genre because of the camp factor. Time Crisis was the true king, but at the end of the day they are novelties and lack of specific hardware makes them even less interesting.
  2. lol What sane person would be excited for a House of the Dead remake? Who even wanted this? In VR, I could understand but on a standard controller no less? C'mon son.
  3. S2 of Russian Doll was a dud. There's a point early on where it seems like it's headed in an interesting direction then it doesn't and it just ends. Such a let down.
  4. Get those new video cards boys, Little Big Planet might be coming to PC in the next 3 years. Lol
  5. Why do you keep fishing for people to defend this?
  6. Weird, I know 2 people who were able to receive treatment. My GF lost 2 grandparents (to dementia/heart issues) during 2020 and while visiting them required lots of hoops to jump through to visit them and such, they received the appropriate care til the end. My mother is an RN and her dad is a surgeon and both worked their asses off during the lockdown. You make it seem like hospitals just closed down and werent doing anything during this time or only dealt with COVID patients. Why are you guys like this?
  7. Yes, that's exactly what I did. Thank you for showing us how retarded you can get.
  8. Lol Twincel falls for propaganda bullshit and lives in the United States. He's in fucking no place to call someone else out. He's proven how retarded and cowardly he is time and time again.
  9. lol I meant WAPO and accidentally put Amazaon. I admit I'm getting lazy but like its you, Twincel, and Ramza so it's like a bare knuckle fight against a sleepy 6 year old. I'll always state I'm not business expert but like anyone with half a brain realizes what Musk did is complete stupid shit only he would do. Being that you dont even have half of a brain you are some how of the mind that he can just buy any company he wants or something. That's not how it works. We're not talking about buying someone's used car or house. This is where you add your stupidity and intelle
  10. Did Bezos buy Amazon, or did he just buy ad space in the paper and "announce" he was thinking about buying it to make editorial changes? You can't be stupid and dishonest at the same time.
  11. lol Twincel is such an ignorant little gremlin. Like this is millions/billions of dollars we're talking about and he thinks it's some woke consortium working to protect digital liberalism and not just wealthy people looking to protect their investments. It's fascinating how people hate capitalism but have to do mental gymnastics in order to blame something else.
  12. Who cares. LMFAO "dignity and fairness" This motherfucker is completely brainwashed.
  13. Lol nigga you look like Charlie Brown, STFU. "i don't care about corruption, I care about how much press it gets." is as dishonest as it is stupid. There's kind of a bit of difference between reporting about a white house employee that basically oversaw every major platform of the administration and reporting some suspicious laptop of a candidate's son that was acquired by suspicious means. The only reason you have an issue here is because right wing media told you to. The real reason you don't have an issue with the Kushner stuff is you never even knew about it.
  14. So far they dont seem to have any issue with it lol. They gave Kushner money to start a company from scratch that he has no experience in. They dont have a single issue with this lol.
  15. LMFAO My first take was "lol at this bitch ass hypocrite." motherfucker is always either wrong or just making shit up and no one ignores or disregards the truth than he does.
  16. Yet another red state directive that leads to a stunning drop in services for vulnerable Americans because of sickening the legislation is. Isn't Texas also one of the places that lost so many clinics because of weird shit like making women and girls receive multiple (unnecessary) vaginal exams in order to have an abortion or receive birth control/contraceptives? Who supports these people? Oh yeah, we know.
  17. I used to consume a lot of geek vlogs and such as background on one of my screens for quite a while. Usually youtubers in a chrome panel. Pretty much had to quite near the end of the Trump administration. The nerd/geek culture had become so toxic with the antileft/antiwoke bullshit. It was like some movie where the nerd in school becomes an asshole or something. It's just bitter nerds mad that comic/cartoon characters weren't as sexy as they like. The obsession with anti-diversity to the point they began sounding like racist boomers describing fucking Marvel and DC mo
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