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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. "When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, there were thousands of former Soviet nuclear warheads, as well as hundreds of intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers, left on Ukraine’s territory, which it decided to transfer to Russia. Ukraine never had an independent nuclear weapons arsenal, or control over these weapons, but agreed to remove former Soviet weapons stationed on its territory. In 1992, Ukraine signed the Lisbon Protocol and it joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear weapon state in 1994. The transfer of all nuclear material took some time, but by 2001, al
  2. Lol Ukraine never had nukes you fucking retard. Soviet nukes were there but they didn't have control of them and they were returned to Russia. At this point can you please stop trying to sound smart. Your lane is what random videogame developers had for lunch or what videogame engine they plan to use for a game that's coming out in 4 years. In everything you sound sooooooo stupid and uninformed. Your intellectual curiosity ends at "what can I say to make liberals look bad" for some reason. Again, in the conservative hellscape utopia you wish for, you're still going to
  3. Warren's entire career has been taking on corporations. Try to sound less ignorant.
  4. You gave two scenarios, in both one of the people involved was white. In both scenarios they are "unjustly" vilified even though no one involved was white. At the very least, these people are talking about what actually happened and not some white nationalist wet dream. If you disagree with what they said is one thing, but you started this the moment it happened, not after reading . The same way they turned it into a bigger more complex thing, your simple mind turned it into a white person being the victim.
  5. Lol yet you turned into into a situation where a white person is the victim. You're just as bad as any of these people you linked, far worse since they at least have a triple digit IQ and their points while reach in many ways are at least tied to reality.
  6. Yes, which is why you see an altercation between two humans and create a racial conflict that didn't exist? Yes, very post racial of you. Edit: and this fucking clown is calling other people racist for pointing out the reality that nothing he said actually happened lol. This is like someone being mad at someone for something they did in a dream. How can one site with less than 20 active users host so many retards.
  7. Yes, "plenty of liberals". Lmfao you sound like a child caught lying. My fault for not following every single liberal on Twitter and reading every tweet they make. Thanks for zero examples outside of a videogame forum.
  8. You're such a dishonest little piece of shit. Last time you were asked about these mythical liberals you are always talking about it was the fucking idiots you chat with over an NeoGaf or whatever.
  9. I don't know about military logistics but when people talk about right wingers they are talking about American ones, not British ones. Which is why American Right wingers get picked apart whenever they face a British one. Most right wingers here are like you. Just saying anything in the moment regardless of truth or reality or context to have an answer.
  10. Oh no, you got me. I'm totally going to ignore that you're avoiding having to explain why you're talking from all sides because you are an idiot. One minute NATO is some toothless LARP government, the next they are The Empire. Then again you only pulled that NATO dodge out of your ass because your first take on the situation was simply "Putin was terrified of Trump." Watching you try to think your way through this is like watching a cat with its head stuck in a jar or something lol.
  11. "waiting" is pretty much the answer to anything regarding PCs lol.
  12. Cooke is subscribes to the Richard Spencer type of racist thinking. It's not so much that he hates people of color as he wants to ensure that "good" white people are on top of the social caste system.
  13. That's how sanctions work. Cuba had sanctions on them for like 60 fucking years. So yeah, genius they won't destroy Russia in 5 weeks. You keep bringing this up like you're clever or something.
  14. Lol this fucking flat earth MAGA chud gives a different answer to the same topic over and over.
  15. Lol exactly why I can't take this clown seriously. These alt right retards all talk out of their asses on everything. They legit say anything in one reply then say the total opposite a few responses later. NATO went from a toothless, useless organization to a 40 nation mob on someone's doorstep. @Cooke since your dumbass seemed confused as to why I told this idiot to eat shit, this should help clarify it for you. From the jump I knew he was going to just do the stupid shit you and Twincel do where you just make shit up and flip flop on everything.
  16. The double standard you made up in your head? Lol
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