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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol "I'm not a racist, I just don't believe in equity and want to preserve western culture." Cucke is such a piece of shit.
  2. A friend just said that Jada has some hair loss issues do to some health thing, so it might have been about the shaved head joke. Which is why Rock himself talked about the GI Jane joke. Still, Smith is obviously not well.
  3. @Twinblade is a dishonest idiot. Like the video he posted where he claims Russians dont care about the sanctions....like half of the people expressed issues that are pretty major. I would say much bigger than wearing a mask to McDonalds. It's funny after two years of Conservatives whining about much their lives and liberties were destroyed by being required to wear a mask. This goofy fuck hears people talking about the prices on nearly everything going up, scarcity, INABILITY TO USE BANK CARDS!, and is like...yeah, no big deal. lmfao The bizarro world he and Cooke live in is fucki
  4. I mean yeah, and if someone owns an xbox it is valuable that they have to put their brand new games day one on GP, but like it's hard to expect Sony or Nintendo to follow suit. It's kind of like how HBO was going to show the new Batman movie day one, then when movie theaters opened up again they didn't. MS is trying to be the Netflix of gaming and that's chill and all but it's not the responsibility for other companies crap up their stuff to follow suit.
  5. Yeah, people mostly use it for someone more serious than dating but unmarried and at some point you look like a douche saying girlfriend after 30. Partner definitely sounds better than baby daddy.
  6. The same loads of people from another gaming forum said Ukraine should surrender? Your world view is based what nerds on gaming sites say?
  7. I'm not a fan of sanctions but they also don't work in 5 weeks. It's like you try your hardest to act as stupid as possible just to mask you hate liberals because you're afraid of of the rapey shit you iike will be "canceled".
  8. I'm confused, the same people who don't like 10 genders and additional pronouns are against just calling them men and women and want to add more distinctions. It's like shit like this that makes conservatives impossible to take seriously. Yall just don't like certain people and take whatever stance opposes them in any way.
  9. Your level of stupidity if fucking mind blowing. You're also a liar but that might just be you being so stupid you actually believe your bullshit so you're technically not lying.
  10. So what exactly do you do? Just laugh and call them men? Because you demand the truth? Lol
  11. I dont know any shitty women that think you do so I dont need to ask them. If a man claims he's a doctor that doesn't make him a doctor. If a man goes to college and law school and passes his bar. He's a lawyer. If he decides to get a sex change, then he's a woman. Not just because he says so. Fuck you and the truth, you're dumb ass post mostly bullshit all of the time. Remember that one time an hour ago when you complained about the problem with democracy (the problem being you didn't agree with the results) then claimed you weren't?
  12. It feels like mental gymnastics because thinking is hard for you. A man who becomes a woman is a woman in mind and I'm done. When I think of men and women I dont xray their bodies to check their reproductive organs. It doesn't matter in my life or yours. You're just a bitch.
  13. Remember when you posted a video "exposing" the MSM and it lead with how right wing media creates panics, then report on the fall out? Why is every issue you seem to have the exact ones that are hot at the moment? Like you have absolutely no individual thoughts in your head. It's why when you fish you always offer people the conservative or "liberal" options, and them only. No context, no middleground. You're completely activated.
  14. I dont have an answer to that. The trans people I know, I identify them by whatever gender they want to claim. I dont know any transmen but I would just refer to them as a man. I honestly dont have time for extended pronouns so I would just say man/woman rather than cis/trans people in my general conversations. I honestly dont care.
  15. "but he's not saying that" It's his fall back whenever context is added to whatever stupid thought he has is explained to him. He's technically right I suppose. Cooke is like "I'm putting sugar, flour, eggs, milk, and vanilla into a bowl, mixing them, then putting them in an oven." but technically he never said he was baking a cake.
  16. You're not saying that now that it was pointed out to you, because you never actually pieced together the end game. You're a try-hard libertarian reactionary. Thinking things out to conclusions doesn't work for you. Which is why you and Twinblade are constantly proven wrong. You guys just react to headlines and tweets without any actually critical thinking or research on your end. Do you know why Trump appointed a record number of Judges, as well as the SCOTUS position that was rightfully Obama's to appoint? Because of Republican obstruction. You know how abortion is legal yet th
  17. Oh, so your problem is actually democracy? Those people were voted into their positions, so what you really want is to work against democracy to artificially level the playing field? I mean, I kind of where I saw you going with this train of thought. Which is why I called it child like stupidity. I just wanted you to actually say it because you being the disingenuous cunt you are, would have lied and pretended you weren't saying this. This is how people like you get manipulated. You dont like something so all of a sudden you want things to go your war no matter what. So what do w
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