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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Explain what you're even talking about with the "levers of power" lmfao. It's that kind of open ended and vague bullshit conspiracytards fall for because they just insert the vague wording with their own biases and beliefs.
  2. We dont have the benefit of being stupid to understand what this means. You have such a child like stupidity that it's hard to grasp if you even have a clue what you're saying or just repeating bits and pieces of what you read and like.
  3. I mean if someone wants to be obtuse about things, they have the personal right to. Conservative panic is something that will always be out there.
  4. They also questioned her about CRT as if she's an AAS professor or something and it has no bearing on her being a judge. It's just the newest way conservatives can villify black people.
  5. The type of people who think she's a disaster for reference, the kind of people that tell Twincel how to think. Funny how he talks about her demeanor when she was calm and collected from what I saw during some of the most absurd questions possible. Meanwhile he loved Kavanagh coming in there like some pro wrestler villain yelling at the entirety of the democrats. Notice how he put respect on Kavanagh's name, meanwhile he calls her dumb even with her two Harvard degrees? All these people have to do is say CRT and it drives little rat
  6. Twinblade has become like some wannabe Ben Shapiro bot with even less charisma at this point.
  7. That's very fair. The difference feels like Sony sort of lets their studios do their own thing and Sony just signs checks. So Guerilla going in a different direction feels more organic than MS having this IP and just handing it over to one of their top studios with the hope they can make an equally good RPG than this team deciding this is the direction they want to head in. We'll see eventually. I dont even think the Fable franchise is that well regarded anyway that people are clamoring for it.
  8. I agree with the Nolan stuff but I think this movie lacks a certain summer movie moment that even the Nolan movies did. I was sold on the trailers where Batman was at a crime scene among the police department. That's definitely what I have been waiting for since the 90s batman movies. I just wish they had a big ticket moment like BB and TDK had. Something bigger than life. I'll wait for it on HBO to give it a second look. Looking at the leap from BB to TDK, I feel good about the future of the franchise.
  9. He does that shit all the time and acts like no one is aware he's just making stupid shit up. That is just a stupid person trying to tread water.
  10. A Dev team building a game in a genre they're not familiar sounds like a winner lol. C'mon man, it can work out at times I think the odds are against them. The industry has be flooded with devs chasing a genre they're not a good fit for since the PS360 era. Them taking a long time is better than rushing, but it's not a good sign.
  11. The conservative movement is built upon conserving where the country was 200 years ago. Yes, "woke" people can be annoying at times, but this is the real alternative. It's not live and let live and prosper. Yes, we do need to figure out things like trans athletes or whatever but shit like putting interracial marriage back in the conversation seems a bit more problematic.
  12. lol Every time you're cornered you just make shit up. What "liberals" want Ukraine to give up? Isn't if Fox who keeps pushing that notion? You're too pussy to even go into Manhattan, so please dont ever ask why anyone is "afraid" of anything. Aside from the fact that Putin has a nuclear/chemical military at his complete disposal and no care for human life...what's the worse that can happen? Again, make your position clear. You dont want war, but want force to be used which would be war. You can say all your cute, cunty side comments but you're also unclear as to what yo
  13. Lol where is aza again? Honestly sanctions is a slow burn but I'm confused as to what you actually want? You right wingers seem to want war without war.
  14. It's funny how retards like Twincel would whine about CRT and like I said, it was just some made up smoke bullshit to work up the right and it is for some absurd reason a major platform for the party. Like talk about a mindless mob of vindictive bitches.
  15. He only likes doctors (nurses) and studies that tell him what he wants to hear.
  16. Oh yeah, because we're all watching that shit. lol
  17. It's kinda funny Rem can't just take the L on a nearly decade old PS360 port. Like there's plenty of real battles down the road.
  18. Really enjoyed The Batman. It was the batman movie I've wanted since Batman Begins. It's not as bombastic as most current hero movies but it's also the street level Batman we haven't gotten yet either.
  19. The thing is, he's not antivax. He's just being anti-anything involving COVID that feels mainstream to him.
  20. Yes because you retards just regurgitate the bullshit you read and form your ignorant opinions based off of it. Daily Mail is written like some annoying tryhard teenage redditors writes for them. Like Twincel calling the guy a crazy leftist loon and questions his credibility when the guy has spent his career on public works aimed at the under represented community. His big "loony left woke" opinion is that cops aren't equipped to respond to alot of 911 calls that deal with citizens suffering mental health issues and outreach programs for homeless people with mental d
  21. My point is that if you are going to read a site specifically designed to rile up incels on reddit, just look at soft WYHI material they post. No I don't agree with it, but honestly I don't actually care or even know if it's helpful or not.
  22. No, what you do is just anti-trend. With no consistency and disingenuous intent. Like one day you're like "go ahead and listen to the CDC, bootlicker." and others "well the CDC said..." I might be mistaken but Jerry or gak already mentioned wave trends which you bypass but then bring up later in a different conversation. This is a complex situation you're always trying to find a simple minded answer to each angle you take on it. Now it's herd immunity as a tactic. What does that look like irl? Even if someone thinks that in hindsight, what responsible pers
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