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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Half watched this weekend but was distracted. Will give it another go.
  2. It's not a good thing that they can't produce more consoles but lets be honest, this thread wasn't designed to discuss supply chain issues rather than boasting that the Xbox outsold the Playstation. Free of that context.
  3. Lol you guys obsess over "wokeness" and Sony is afloat some how and there's few entities as mismanaged as they are. Xbox might not be the bell of the ball but it's not the failure you make it out to be either.
  4. Steamdeck isn't even a competitor with the Switch so I doubt any of them care. It's just Cucke being his usual cringe self.
  5. I'm not a businessman but more demand than supply is usually a good thing.
  6. Nigga, you're wrong like 9/10 times. What goes on in your mind when you are proven wrong? That it didn't happen and reality is a false narrative?
  7. Even tho aza is a creep with terrible taste in music, any sort of "brain washing" should be taken with some consideration of the environment he lives in. There were thousands of Americans who actually thought that JFK Jr was actually alive and aligned with Donald Trump. At least Aza has the state media excuse. What is Twinblade's excuse for thinking Donald Trump ended the drone program? Or Cooke blaming Biden for the XL pipeline not currently transporting fuel?
  8. I actually laughed out loud when I read it. Cooke's ability to say profoundly stupid things and just say another stupid thing as a double down without flinching.
  9. Lol so it's Obamas fault. Haven't heard yall use that one in a while.
  10. Yeah, but that decade old project was less than 10% completed when he signed it out on January 2021. So I'm confused how it would affect gas prices right now seeing as it would still be held up in court and less than 10% competed? Make that make sense.
  11. You still haven't explained your whole Biden/pipeline theory.
  12. Yall niggas need to just start a podcast or something.
  13. Lmfao hermshits already have their begging cups ready.
  14. You are pretty much right on this one. The American right has turned every issue into a liberal or conservative one.
  15. Lol it was less than 10% competed in over a decade when he cancelled it, so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have completed it at this point. It's been stopped a dozen times in court. Remember when Trump greenlit on day one and yet after a 4 year term it hadn't started because it was held up in courts? It's funny how you right wingers talk about Trump derangement syndrome yet have it over Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, and AOC.
  16. I have no idea about the efficacy of this but it's beyond retarded to say "how can someone selling something benefit... from selling more of it." Even if it's cheap. It's like you have to say something stupid no matter the situation.
  17. But that's not what they're saying at all you dishonest piece of shit. They're not against the sanctions as a means of ending or preventing wars, but because of the negative impacts it has on the general population. and lol @ Cucke's goofy ass liking your stupid ass post. You two idiots are running neck and neck for the dumbest person on this site. I note that you're both stupid and dishonest and you clap back with more stupid lies. Like the fuck?
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