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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. You are such a dishonest piece of shit. Like I genuinely despise you. They like many lefty lefts aren't in favor of NATO in general as military presence but it's not like they're pro-Putin and they at the same march want Russian completely out of the Ukraine, and aren't advocating that Americans not care about the Ukraine, nor praising Putin or making excuses for what he's doing. They also have been "against" NATO in most situations, and it's not like they're suddenly making a pivot in this case. They are first and foremost an antiwar group, so they're you know...antiwa
  2. And in most things it is, when it's only about the individual. This is a mass public health issue. It's not about someone eating healthy, exercising, or getting an operation. The fact that you dont see the difference shows how feeble your mind is.
  3. We'll see. Conservatives are easy to grift and the only Russian sympathizers are on the Right.
  4. What the fuck is your problem really? Like you've been a COVID skeptic from day one.
  5. It's a good s thing Putin would never do any of those things lol. These fucking people are so demented or stupid they like say shit like this with a straight face. Perfect role model for Cucke.
  6. What else do adults over the age of 30 talk about other than videogames? Seems like a genius idea.
  7. People still convince themselves this is a good series? Shit is like a digital sleeping pill.
  8. There are people in America who think JFK Jr is alive and in hiding in wait to join Trump as his VP nominee or Trump was recruited to fight Satan worshipping aliens who eat babies to stay young. I would say that's even more ridiculous.
  9. From the same places you got this information the first time?
  10. Lol Cocke's been hiding out after Jerry embarrassed him in that Pfizer thread. I guess he is capable of shame at some point.
  11. Not being able to use your cards or get cash is a bit more than an inconvenience. "An inconvenience at best" is wearing a mask in Walmart.
  12. Yeah, that's pretty stupid if you are trying to sink them. I'm pretty sure it's big oil stepping in on this. He really should dig into the reserve for this. This is nearly a prewar territory we're in.
  13. @Cooke is probably doing more research on his alt right RSS to turn this around.
  14. Because these people dont want Russia there. Like this is telling someone to give up their home to a burglar or something. Like how did this small detail not come to your mind?
  15. Like are you being monitored or actually believe this bullshit?
  16. Yay, Russia? Like are you cool with this shit?
  17. He's not even that, he's a chicken hawk. He wants to pretend to be willing to.
  18. You are a coward, so stop talking about looking strong. Saber rattling only looks strong to weak people. It works in corrupt countries with state run news. We aren't going to use nukes, no one wants anyone to use nukes. Having them is a show of strength in itself.
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