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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. No shit, Sherlock. Doesn't change anything. No one cares about your kids so please spare us the sob story.
  2. Twinblade has no world view outside of wanting to ensure dating games aren't cancelled.
  3. His cunty condescending tone is the best though.
  4. Tbf it's not retarded by Cucke standards. This is one of his better post. I mean it's so dumb and cringe but he's capable of much worse.
  5. You're a fucking psychopath. I don't know how you can defend what Russia is doing. It's fucking disgusting.
  6. To be fair, it would have to be Sony to do the returns. How exactly would they actually do returns if they don't sell the products themselves? Obviously they would be expected to compensate Sony in some form.
  7. Do you really think they purposely made one version better than the other to curry favor? Lol
  8. So this was a high ranking Trump official saying that people should just let Russia take over the Ukraine and not offer them aide to defend themselves and they should just give up.
  9. Isn't aza an average citizen? You said this like he's some oligarch or something. Lol at your condescending tone like you dropped a bomb or something. Many idiots on the right are cheering for Putin but again your focus is on looney lefties rooting against Russia.
  10. I'm not going to comment on the trucker stuff but I was in a session war on GTA last night and some guy mentioned feeling like the president of urkraine and it felt good and it's like Americans have no idea what it's like to have a domestic war since we haven't had one since the Civil War. All of these regime busting patriots have some power fantasy of fighting a ground war in their backyard. This isn't something they want and they need to chill with their military gear they got off of Amazon and Wish.
  11. Interesting choice lol. To keep it simple, the comparison is one person who didnt seek more opportunity vs someone actively fighting for relevance. I dont hold him in any esteem so not sure why he was your go to.
  12. lol and you talk about Jerry. At least he post links and shit and some information to back himself up. You're literally just saying anything that comes to your mind as a dodge, which isn't much at all.
  13. You have to excuse Twincel. He's programmed to respond with the "common sense" defense lol.
  14. In other words you're waiting for appalling takes from leftist.
  15. Other than rebuilding the old USSR, I'm kind of at a loss by what Putin's motivation is.
  16. It's kind of crazy how these people always end up speaking on stage with right wing nationalist "by accident"
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