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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I think I remember saying this about Tulsi to @Cooke
  2. I thought it was mask off when Trump was President but now they openly embrace racism.
  3. Yes, this is the crowd at the "America First" conference cheering for Russia and Putin because he is a bigot. lmfao
  4. Fucking thank you. Idiots like Twincel and Cucke think that NBC or CNN are leftist outlets are fucking hilarious. CNN is almost as responsible as Fox for Trump's rise, to the point the ex head had to acknowledge it. This fantasy they have that leftist get their world views from them is fucking hilarious. Maddow made it because of a mix of actually doing research and parsing that manner in a relatable but also mild enough way the network could stomach is. MSNBC will and have purged their leftist host without hesitation if they veer into hard hitting rhetoric. They are chasing money, not some le
  5. We all hate Putin, right guys? Funny how the gonzo news team in here haven't found anything piece of right wing media's constant praise of Putin. Like how they have spent the past decade calling the left Communist but one by one the media in the right is basically working the Bagdad Bob route of how strong and admirable Russia is. I imagine if Rachel Maddow said any of this shit Twincel and Cucke would have posted it by now.
  6. Lmfao tbf, it's to be expected given the stupid shit you listen to and believe. I'm sure you imagined some Marvel like team up where China and NK joined forces with Russia to take on NATO or something. Lol have Russia's back. Like what would they gain by helping Russia fight to take over Ukraine?
  7. Lol the Right has been going out of their way to praise Putin for some reason and strangely for terrible things. Some how bigotry and abuse of power are good traits to the modern Right.
  8. Putin ain't woke! Unsexy candy is just how the year started, buckle in. Lol these fucking ghouls are celebrating his intolerance of the queer community lol.
  9. We could but I admit that I hate the right and explain why, so that would be pointless wouldnt it? Hell, I dont like much of the shit you claim I do. CNN and NBC being the pillars of the left you retards claim is fucking hilarious. You probably have in your own underhanded way but like a lack of praising Trump doesnt actually prove anything. lol Most Libertarians are just Republicans (or their domestic doppelganger) with more steps. It's sad how often it's like some small stupid thing like indoor smoking bans or whatever that sets them off. Like som
  10. lmfao You only seem concerned when people you find left leaning do anything. Which by itself is one thing, but marrying that with this down the middle center bullshit you try to play off is just buffoonery at this point. LIke why do right wingers go out of they way to pretend they are not? For credibility no one gives you except other right wingers?
  11. Who is laughing about this? You sound fucking retarded. This is how programmed you are.
  12. Lmfao isn't this a political board? I like how you think he's brain washed but you're not.
  13. LMFAO this is how little Fox News and right wing media treats their plebs. Just keep hating the left, even Russian dictators are better.
  14. Yes, we know. All you defenders against Government overreach and big bad technocrats terms of services.
  15. Your question was stupid because it was never about what the call the media as much as you simply parroting "the media" like you're woke. You're one of the biggest bottom feeders in here of propaganda yet act like everyone else is some puppet and you're above it.
  16. How many of the right wing sites you use reported on it? It's funny how you guys whine about CNN and NBC yet watch Fox New which by far produces the least news of any cable network. I'm sure they're reporting all about the Canadian convoy and only because for some reason being anti-mandate or anything COVID related is automatically a good thing to right wingers. I only really know what my boy blizy in Toronto, and some segments I've seen about it but I know when Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham are in support of something, it's a red flag.
  17. lol Y'all continue to be dishonest scum. I've never said anything pro or against the Canadian truckers. I've only said I dont care. It's rich seeing the hypocritical tears of people who were against BLM or Occupy protest because they would cause traffic jams and make it hard for other people to go to work defending this caravan. Hell, We even had anti-protest laws put in place...all from conservatives now they are the ones showing the most support for the Convoy, because of course. The irony is that you're one of the most "activated" people on this forum. Your entire world view i
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