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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. LMFAO that is the only move these bitches have. Anytime you point out some inconsistencies in what they say, they claim you're defending something even if you dont actually even bring up what they claim you're defending. They're fucking pathetic.
  2. Lol this Alex Jones ass bitch. This is how the alt right have radicalized incels.
  3. I feel like they have been begging to be bought for years now and I'm honestly shocked no bigger entity has absorbed them yet tbh.
  4. lmfao yes. Lying is bad. Good thing Clinton lost and we had a very honest President.
  5. Yes, that was exactly my point. Lol now you're just replying with anything to save face or something.
  6. I mean it's unethical, it's just accepted. Oppo Research in itself is sort of this shitty thing we've accepted in our politics.
  7. I specifically said harassment, not assault as one can be more murky than the other. Of course your caveman brain simply thinks rape which is something that is more black and white. I've been trying to find some angle to get your smoothbrain to understand some things aren't so binary. Many things men might not find that bothersome can be for women. Yet again we another republican politicians running for office who claims that women who get pregnant during a rape should feel like heros by having their rapists baby. I'm sure if men could get pregnant or have suffered a
  8. I know you're simple, but there is more gray area cases than just clear cut, flat out rape. Lol fucking christ. It doesn't even matter. I can only imagine the level of gaslighting and bullshit you put women through. Lol no motherfucker, you appointing yourself the final word on what can be considered racist in a country you don't live in and have no experience with. Like how the fuck is this not getting through to you? It's bonkers that you seem to take offense or something lol. Again, how does this sound foreign to you? What mak
  9. Lol at this slimey way out. Like a mic drop to escape actually addressing anything because I think even you began to see how stupid you were sounding. Then the cherry on your shit Sunday is trying to pretend that I'm calling you racist simply because you are white. Literally playing the victim card to excuse being obtuse. Like I mentioned before, if you were to discuss sexual harassment with a woman, do you really think you have an equal standing in the conversation? That you would be 100% receptive of her points? Because it's always the same story with y
  10. Yes, divisive as judged by you. So we have a white guy in Canada deciding what is racist, who is/isn't racist, and what discourse or curriculum about race is acceptable in a country he doesn't even live in lol. You really think highly of yourself lol. You called me out today and was dead wrong about what I said but please go on about your all powerful observations and judgements on my racism based on your word. It's pretty simple, by your own words I didn't present enough racism about Donald Trump. Which included losing a case br
  11. I assume a white guy from Canada doesn't know what it's like to be a minority in America. I know, radical thinking. Just like a man doesn't know what it's like to be a woman. Men can and should have standing in gender issues such as harassment and such but to shut down all conversations and make verdicts is absurd. Just like I don't know what it is like to be gay or queer or trans or disabled. This "radical leftist ideology" you hate so much is really just empathy and an open mind and hit just feeling sorry for yourself and only yourself. I guess this is why the small
  12. This rat race incel enters the chat. Remember when you were complaining that nyc stopped the unconstitutional stop and frisk program because it targeted black people despite the fact that on paper it doesn't specifically say "Black people"? Lol this is how fucking dumb Twinblade is. Dramza is on his high horse because of the lack of literal people of color being wittten into laws and you can't put 1 and 1 together about the law that thank God is keeping you out of New York city was racist. Critical thinking isn't for you I guess. Yeah, Larry Elder is an uncle ru
  13. Lol Nigga, who the fuck are you that you require to be convinced and place verdicts on whether or not something or someone is racist? The arbiter or racism? This is what I mean by lack of self awareness. You're a white guy in Canada and deeming there is no racism in America. Like you even gave Trump a no-racist verdict despite being found guilty of racial discrimination and you know, the racist shit he said out loud. Lmfao You're that guy. Like when women talk about sexual assault, you're the one who brings up "that women lie too". It's some sort of desire your type ha
  14. Funny how you never seem to find anything "wacky" to post about him yet are talking about the 2016 election and Clinton lol.
  15. Probably why he was flushing state documents down the toilet when he was president.
  16. There's no reason for deflection. Like I stated, I have addressed all of this this multiple times already. This place is like a reverse - groundhogs day. You 3 idiots making the same debunked points over and over again. You're one to talk with your side stepping ass lol.
  17. Lmfao this post is a gold mine. On both macro and micro levels, the staggering amount of hypocrisy, stupidity, entitlement, lack of self awareness, and what you would call "victim culture" or whatever stupid ass alt right Facebook buzzwords you learned this week is actually kind of impressive. There's so much to unpack there but it's like what's the point really. This is just a compilation of stupid shit you said in the past so most of it has already been addressed. I'll just say I can see why you make your wife miserable and it's not on her like you probably think.
  18. Uh huh. Tries to dismiss legitimate issues regarding race, claims not to be racist. Ok, I'll just get to the point. Do I think you're a Klan member, or hate people of different races, or even dislike them? No. However you exude a level of privilege simply by using the "victim culture" card. Like you whine about how bad unvaxxed people have it, and it's mostly dumb people just being shitheads. So aren't you exuding victim culture? Wait, aren't you the same motherfucker who asked me in January of 20fucking22 "Why is Trump racist?" lmfao
  19. No, I said the right, not white people. You, the "non-racist" one taking that as me stating white people is your own thing. It's interesting and telling at the same time.
  20. Lol you say that like you have any credibility. Here you go being dishonest again (shocking-not-all)
  21. I was going to respond but you calling me racist is fucking hilarious. Your shameless and lack of self awareness is either a blessing or a curse.
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