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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Again, I eat meat. But factory farming also isn't a part of nature. Animals eat other animals but there's a food chain and sustainable predator/prey balance. Lions don't have freezers in their basement full of gazelles. There's a great abundance of over consumption and waste that should at least be discussed. Humans can also choose to not be omnivores, like I don't agree with everyone being vegetarian but your reasoning is still dumb. Layered conversations like this is difficult for and with people like you who are bigots and don't realize it.
  2. I already did and it's not bonkers at all. I think the comparison is too extreme but there is a viable point of humans assuming dominion over all wild life on the planet. Her view isn't fringe when you not only listen but at least attempt to parse what she's saying. I think she went way too far in her parallels and they were a tad tasteless. The 13 minutes video does give greater context than your proud boy bait. Like it's absurd that you just won't be honest about why you posted this in the first place. However it's not like it's a completely bizarre concept that nat
  3. What does this have to do with what I said? Is this her speech in it's entirety or is a smash cuts of stuff meant to make idiots like you upset?
  4. For one, this is not a speech. It's a red meat (no pun intended) smash cut meant for morons to share on Facebook and Twitter. So you're either being stupid or dishonest when you say you want to know what people think about what she said.
  5. So basically your entire train of thought is reactions to random wokisms right you find in your alt right flipboard?
  6. Lol nigga, you literally make shit up. Show me a clip of a second amendment champion saying they would be chill and willing give up their guns because they abide by the law vs if they want my guns they can come try or some other bullshit to look tough.
  7. The thing is the right hate cops too. They are fine with cops beating up and killing black people but as soon as a cop stands in the way of what they want they'll be the first to threaten to shoot one.
  8. Oh, I figured that's what you got from it. To be fair, that's how it was set up for stupid sheep to think when they just scrolled through during their right-wing doom scrolling. To start, they are two different states with two different situations. So like from jump this is just moron bait. Secondly, one is directly quoting someone who was lifting mandates due to dropping numbers of infections in NJ. This wasn't commentary from MSNBC, this is what he said himself in his address. The other is a quote from a segment about Youngkin reversing his campaign promise to
  9. Jesus Christ dude, just admit you were wrong and shit. Like this isn't that big of a deal. You read a couple headlines and thought you knew what you were talking about. Like you were reduced to making shit up about maybe someone hearing something at a lunch last month and it doesn't seem like you have anything to back up your point since then. You should be used to this by now.
  10. I dont claim any sort of moral high ground on anyone. You're a dishonest person and would willing follow corrupt people for your own benefit.. That makes you shitty in my book but take it how you take it.
  11. lol You enjoy a clip of a rich kid who became a journalist calling out a rich kid who became a journalist. Carlson, who failed everywhere he went until he made it to FOX NEWS and just copied O'Reilly and became an enabler to power. Ok lol.
  12. I forgot enablers. It sounds like a grand charge but seeing as you yourself qualify as a DK, a liar, and enabler it's not that much of a stretch. It's also not half but a third. That's a possible problem if there were ever an equally powerful third party option. We wouldn't be dealing with majorities anymore. You claiming to find anyone "woefully ignorant" is fucking hilarious as I've never seen anyone get proved wrong on a consistent basis as you do. Like I know you're feeling yourself because there are misguided people here who agree with you but so far none of the facts, data,
  13. I think his point is that nearly half of the country fought tooth and nail against it from day one.
  14. It kind of is when it's the only take you have on a such a complex issue. Like BLM itself isn't built around violent protest. When Jan 6 happened the same people in here who love to whine about BLM all the time were saying shit like the FBI instigated it with fake protestors. So like BLM violence is all them doing what they want, but when it's a white mob it's the CIA and FBI making MAGA idiots look bad. Fucking Twincel made a thread complaining that one of the BLM founders house is too nice. Like come the fuck on already. Facts? Things that you and your retard posse nev
  15. No, I think I respond in a reasonable manner at all times. Despite the fact that you're always lying, making shit up, or just repeating lies someone else made up, I still do respond with evidence, stats, polls, or whatever. Something either scientific or data driven. "Unreasonable" is someone arguing in bad faith, like you do. How many times do you get proven wrong only to respond "I dont care" or "It doesn't matter". Am I nice? Probably not, but I'm fair. If you weren't such a spineless piece of shit I wouldn't point it out. I mean arent you 30 fucking years old and without shame
  16. lol I understand that you're a little butt hurt but I'll humor you. I discovered this forum a couple of months ago and here's what I noticed. You guys love to complain about black people... Like all of the time. The amount of complaints about BLM ruining the world outpaces most floating topics in here. BLM comes up in topics that have nothing to do with race, police, or whatever. It's like a catch phrase boogey man in here. You guys complaining about black people getting vaccines that yall dont even want, unqualified black people getting prestigious jobs only yall are q
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