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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. How arent the ladies knocking on your mom's front door looking for a piece of you?
  2. Oh, I don't give a shit about Candada. As you for your CNN commentary it's clear why you would think something stupid but turns out that they seem to state that the protesters aren't just retarded MAGA wannabes, it's just the grifters here vocalizing support to rile up their plebs. So you made a fool of yourself because Tucker Carlson finessed you.
  3. More like giving you some scope about this world wide phenomenon you think it is. Your post was ignorant for a few reasons. To pick one of them, I loathe to say something pro CNN and only in very specific situations but this qualifies. CNN has one of the most robust international divisions l, so someone only watching CNN would have a better chance seeing this than almost every other network. So while your stupid comment might have made you feel good for a sec it is pretty dumb. In addition I'm perfectly fine admitting when I'm not up to speed on a subject
  4. lol A response so stupid only you, or cucke, or twincel could have thought of it.
  5. It doesn't even matter because they took it back and did auto refunding like Gak said 7 fucking hours ago. You're legit whining about something that didn't even happen. This is how arguments go with you slowtards. First its yall whining about something you dont understand and by the end of it yall are whining about GoFundMe TOS lol
  6. It gets even sadder when he's clearly just making shit up out of thin air to back up his bullshit. It's like watching a child argue with an adult.
  7. Why is this nigga like this? Like this is always his answer when he's wrong and he never shuts the fuck up. He just continues to say stupid, and incorrect shit with an attitude. The dude talks like a fucking right-wing bot or something. Hey that thing I said was wrong, then that other thing I said as a dodge was wrong, also it doesn't matter that reason I'm upset are true or not, I'm still upset. It's a good thing Twincel is too much of a bitch boy or he'd probably do some fucking Elliot Rogers shit and murder a bunch of women or something with his psychopath ass.
  8. IDK how my GF can play this game. There's zero actual VO work, terrible repetitive music. On a DS or something I get it, but this is a modern console.
  9. Well an important question to ask if whether or not you've shown her your driving wheel set up or videos of yourself playing videogames on youtube. It will help gauge if the GF question is sarcasm or not.
  10. I'm assuming neither one of you are 12 years old and she's not interested and just teasing you.
  11. Now that Boba Fett has turned into Mandolarian Season 2.5 it's pretty good.
  12. This is what the CIA tortures terrorist with.
  13. A study by an economics professor who constantly whines about the monetary affects of lockdowns should be interesting. I admit I skimmed and my brain isn't in a place to parse that data atm. Did either of you cucks read any of it or just circle jerking off of the title?
  14. I agree and they should be punished, I just think personally and more importantly as a tactic making framing these people as such might be counterproductive. The right wing pretty much began trying to rehab these people only weeks after it's happened and now a year later is trying to frame them as patriots.
  15. It's bad casting. Like dude was just playing a high school student a few months ago now people are supposed to buy him as Nathan Drake? Walhberg should have just played the role even if he aged a bit since he originally signed on. Like Tom Cruise would have never let this shit go down.
  16. I will say that I dont think of the Jan 6 idiots as insurrectionist. They are stupid people who are easy to manipulate. I dont think they are domestic terrorist either, but at the end of the day their riot was an attempt to change a proper election. It's no different than hanging outside a voter booth to intimidate people into voting your way. It's something that should be taken seriously and they should definitely be tried for what they did but only the most violent offenders should have the book thrown at them. While I dont know if there's a legal case to be made, but alot of pe
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