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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. When you can't find any evidence of voter fraud, create it yourself.
  2. LOL Well now it's "Well he could be more racist" as a defense. Jesus, you're such a pathetic shit stain of a "man". LOL I dont know even know what to do with this. Some people think I'm being mean to you and it's like no, you're legit one of the biggest scumbags I've ever come across in 20 years of SW. Not only are you stupid as fuck, you're disingenuous and generally mean spirited. Like yeah, you're a 30 year old virgin or whatever and that deserves some pity I suppose, but you're like the shitty virgin that most women can tell is a POS and just stay away from.
  3. Yes, a court of law finding him guilty of racial discrimination is reaching. Yes, his use of open racist rhetoric and racist dog whistles is grasping. lol As if your stupid ass knows what he did or didnt do about anything. You just repeat the stupid shit he says or Fox News says. Your retarded ass thought he ended the drone program so please spare me your analysis of his economic platforms lol. lol Nigga, I'm not here to slap Trump's dick out of your mouth. Your cuck act is pretty fucking pathetic dude. If jacking off to videogames is this big of a
  4. This would make more sense as Segas name and IP catalog is strong. Dropping 3 billy on Bungie seems like setting money on fire.
  5. Why did they try to Frankenstein a Phil Collins song in the theme? Lol doesn't even go together.
  6. How is that a even stat, retard? Like the motherfucker had to be sued by the state of New York to rent apartments to black people. There was that time he called all but a few Mexicans rapist and drug dealers. Told 4 elected officials to "go back to their countries" even though 4 of them are natural citizens so this is their country. He actually said that shit publicly. Wouldn't hire black people for certain jobs because he felt they as a race couldn't do. Like he hired Ben Carson, a fucking history making retired surgeon HUD secretary? Not even
  7. I mean... Is it really necessary? Do I need to prove he's fat with a combover too?
  8. People have the right to not get vaxxed, that's their issue to deal with. I don't see how them potentially going around possibly shedding unchecked COVID should be the rest of society's burden. What is the whole point then? It's not even about being racist as apathy and disinterest nets the same results. Like if Trump said he loves underaged girls on camera he'd lose half of his base, him saying racist and sexist shit isn't a deal breaker for his supporters tho. Uh huh.
  9. Yes, punchlines that don't make any sense are always successful. Totally not the logic of a stupid person.
  10. Oh i was commenting on your stupidity as well. Since CRT was your punchline feel free to enlighten us.
  11. Health care, voting rights, criminal justice, warfare, income inequality are still issues today tho, so.... He also wasn't an idiot and realized platitudes don't actually make change. He also talked about the status quo and how it by design or just human nature is resistant to change and how it leads people to be willing to sit by and do nothing or go along with whatever suits their interest. Like I said your buddy Twincel is fully OK with unconstitutional treatment of black people in a city he doesn't even live in, who loves the openly racist Trump. King sup
  12. You two retards are peas in a pod. Twincel hasn't been right about anything in two years so that should give you some context as to where you stand.
  13. I would say it's the majority. King is glossed over in most curriculums. Most people only know about the bus boycotts and that one speech. Conservatives said the same things about him then as they do about BLM and "the left" now. I hadn't seen a bigger look at what his take on the broader issues until my 20s and most people never do. That in itself isn't their fault but that doesn't make it any less true. Twincel said MLK would be ashamed of the point system for vaxes but he wouldn't be by his own beliefs of the Healthcare system that hasnt gotten much better since. K
  14. It's not really a generalization. Pretty much every single conservative talking head has spent the last 4 or 5 MLK days using their white washed, lite-version of MLK to use against and try to discredit modern day leftists. I will actually give Crowder credit for retroactively bashing MLK because that's exactly what they would do now and did say about him during his era. Conservatives hate everything he stands for but have to pretend he's a hero to them one day a year and in the most pervese manner possible. Too bad, you would have learned something and might
  15. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that they all get their news from the same places too.
  16. Lol another idiot enters the chat and immediately makes his stupidity known. I've listed several actual valid points and none of them were accusations of racism. It's funny how you talk about your wife making you miserable when it's more likely you make her unhappy and that's why she's always on your case.
  17. Lol says the person who makes a fool of himself daily just repeating what he (barely) reads on his right wing social media feeds.
  18. Lol nice try. You're too stupid to gaslight anyone here other than Cuuke and Dynocuck. Nothing I said was a defense of China or Communism. This is your one sad pivot move to avoid acknowledging how hypocritical, factually incorrect, and/ or disingenuous your statements are. To be honest with you, you're probably not even smart enough to be doing this as a tactic and it's just your bitch made coping mechanism. You only pretend to care about the environment, human rights issues, drone strikes, when you think you use it against the left and every time it backfires you do
  19. My gf and her best friend are grinding the hell out of it since we are hiding from the snow, this shit looks on par with Pokémon Go and shit lol. They are having fun this so good on them. Edit: yes it's about the game play and not graphics but this is kind of ridiculous. There is no reason for the game too look this outdated. And there is zero voice over work. Nintendo takes advantage of their bases good will towards them.
  20. The funny part is that the later part of the article talks about the possibility of variants which would require the creation of additional vaccines and how COVID could possibly be a social issues for years to come. Like these motherfuckers only read and care about headlines and don't actually read the shit they post.
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