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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Please stop already. It's not that you're dumb as shit, its that you keep acting like we don't know how dumb you are. When you try to throw shade at "the left" you just sound like a child who learned a big word but keeps using it incorrectly. Conservatives LOVE capitalism, it's all they can talk about. Yet you guys always hate what it actually does, yet always blame the commy left for shit. The real reason China doesn't get held to the fire is that they make everyone's shit and industry is what pollutes more and damages the environment the most. The right doesn't even
  2. This looked impressive when they started like 10 years ago. Now this just looks like putting breast implants in an old lady.
  3. You already seem to forgot that both Gak and I showed you multiple stats that crime dropped even further after moving away from S&F so your point is null. I also like how you keep avoiding the fact that it's unconstitutional. It's funny how you dont care about the constitutional rights of black people, how many rights are you willing to for-go? Actually you're a bootlicking coward so you would probably welcome a police state anyway like the cockroach you are.
  4. Actually you did with your bullshit "oppression" remark or your even more bullshit excuse that only the over policing of black people can stop crime despite 7 years of NYPD and FBI statistics proving it. You're so fucking stupid you're again arguing for Stop and Frisk despite being proven wrong several times in the past month about it. Again, you lost this argument with actually crime stats, or you know the supreme court ruling that it was unconstitutional? Or the cop Mayor even admitting that it wasn't legal? Wait...what's your "sound" argument again?
  5. Imagine a virgin coward from CT asking a black man who had been improperly stopped and frisked as young as 12, and 13 years old why he doesn't support it. This is what I mean by you're fucking demented and evil. You're reaching your final form Twincel. Oh, you're most definitely the scumbag. Fuck your fleabag family too. They're probably just as shitty and racist as you are.
  6. You're probably the biggest SW scum bag after VGKing. I see why women avoid you like COVID.
  7. And what did I take out of context considering I actually posted direct quotes of his. In fact, I barely scratched the surface. Edit: This is exactly why I call you a psychopath. It's like this is an argument you soundly loss yet somehow in your fucking twisted mind you're still right. It's fucking crazy.
  8. Don't do that. I read way more than you, and across a much broader spectrum. Which is painfully obvious because you never seem to know what is happening outside of rightwing Facebook. Hey remember way back this weekend when you claimed MLK would be sad about the same things he died actually fighting for? Which isn't your fault, it's the primary and secondary school curriculum that let's you believe that nonsense you thought. Also how hypocritical of you to talk about open mindedness and you read a book by an idiotic trump boot licker who simply hates "wokism" as much as you do. Is
  9. lol this conservation is like something out of a white nationalist recruiting discord or something. lol Who the fuck reads a Piers Morgan book? Y'all have been activated.
  10. Children also spread viruses everywhere they go. Cocke, you're half retarded. Do you really think you know better? And this isn't forum shit talk, you are very dumb. There was a point in time you were expressing how pointless vaccinating kids was because they were nearly immune to COVID, now thanks to variants they're catching it and potentially spreading it around. A Covid related death is still due to covid. If you shoot someone with a heart condition and they would have lived if they were healthy, they still died because they were shot. You just have this obtuse view on COVID be
  11. lol @ this gaslighting attempt. Point out anything I said in defense of the CIA. I know you're stupid but I already covered this in the previous post, but here we are again. Yes, the CIA does corrupt shit and spread misery worldwide but you weren't criticizing them for atrocities, interfering with foreign governments, or abuse. You're only complaining they are "woke". Was a nice try to use your false sense of empathy as some sort of dodge. LMFAO You're so dumb saying the CIA is woke still makes sense to you in hindsight.
  12. I'm actually fucking dying. "How am I right wing? I just called the CIA woke!" You are so fucking stupid, bro.
  13. lol I'm not defending shit. I'm laughing that you're both so fucking stupid and right winged you actually think the CIA is woke, which is why this "anti-CIA" thread exist.
  14. lol Imagine being so right-wing you guys think the CIA is woke. You are the two biggest idiots I've come across this forum.
  15. Here you go being a psychopath again. You're FUCKING WRONG ALMOST ALL OF THE TIME. What the fuck truth are you telling? You often are completely misinformed or underinformed about all of the points you make. You dont even fucking read your own sources FFS. But what you're saying is the truth right? See why it's hilarious you would accuse anyone of gaslighting? You sound like a delusional child. True progressives are always the minority. What you're doing is what you always do. Take your complete lack of knowledge of something, mix in your bias, and buzzwords you see on r
  16. You're just going to keep going on about anti-white discrimination despite the scientific reasons for this so there's no point discussing any further. You've made yourself clear you only care about racism you perceive as anti-white, even when it doesn't exist. Can't believe the ladies aren't knocking down your door. Per usual your lack of self awareness is impressive. Like right after what you just previously wrote. Homeboy, 90% of the shit you say is nonsense you make up and isn't at all in sync with reality. Please tell us more about how MLK would be MAGA and condemn
  17. I believe you're talking about the priority point system? It's not as clear cut as denying white people treatments and giving all the shots to the blacks. Priority is the highest at-risk population. So people who have pre-existing conditions that have have negative outcomes in COVID cases like hypertension, obesity, age, immune issues and such receive a point or whatever each potential problem. COVID seems to have an disproportionate affect on Blacks and Latinos. So in the grading scale they would receive an additional point for their ethnicity. So a healthy, young black man might
  18. It doesn't matter. They're all the same. There is very little air between him, Fox, Pool, DailyMail, Shapiro, Bannon. He's a cringey Canadian bigot, so you'd love him. The funny shit is, I explained that this stupid ass train of thought you have is the same shit right wing media was peddling against BLM a few years back. Because they actually dont give a shit about MLK and never paid attention to the other stuff he said that they and you would hate today. Which is why Crowder was bashing King and why I posted a screenshot of his show two years to the date praising King t
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