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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Yeah, it's great to play the game with this bumping but wish there was a Spotify steam.
  2. https://youtu.be/TYUibUqQ7D4 Fucking eminem destroyed his track. Damn.
  3. I'm still confused what your agenda is? You seem to keep making lateral changes to keep acting obtuse when you hit a logical speed bump. You keep crowing about vaccine effectiveness but like is your alternative to do nothing? How does that shake out? Vaccinated people reduce transmission and lessens the affects of covid. It's not perfect but it is what we can do. People with less severe symptoms means less time in hospitals and less resources to treat them. There is a spike among vaccinated people because many returned to pre lockdown behavior. Nyc takes c
  4. Well part of the reason. This is the time of year that conservatives pretend they admire MLK. I've said for years if they actually ever bothered to pay attention to his speeches or sermons modern conservatives would hate him. Even ones that used him as ammo against BLM are now coming for him on his own holiday. Lol White supremacy changes but it's always around.
  5. This has nothing to do with the topic. This is yet another tactic, you, Cocke, Ramza and your type always fall back on. When you can't argue the topic, you argue something unrelated just to give some sort of response. Again, what does this have to do with Fox's credibility and dishonest reporting? Or lies and disinformation from right wing sources and elected officials? Whatever happened to the Obama death panels? Or his recruitment camps to convert students into Muslims? Why hasn't Fox News produced a blockbuster expose of Democratic voter fraud a
  6. No nigga, you're the clown. You're the only person I've ever seen who uses Google and still loses arguments because you're too lazy or stupid to read what you post. Please find me a thread where I'm out right proven wrong or can't actually back up my claims with credible information. This is where you are make shit up out of thin air, again. We all know that you don't know shit about any of those awards so you go with your stupid "they are politicized" as your excuse for everything. Reality has been politicized. The reality is that Fox has never tried to be a legit ne
  7. Because your politics are based on low hanging fruit like "wokeness" because in spite of the fact that you're whole grown ass man, you're worried sexual harassment sims and overly sexualized scenarios in fucking videogames are under fire or something. Like I could go on and post endless studies and articles that prove that Conservatives are grossly misinformed but do I really need to? Like your petty gaslighting shit aside, you're not that stupid. I mean you're a living example of being completely misinformed and unwilling to acknowledge reality. Did you claim you "had no idea" th
  8. Lol this isn't for the price gouging it's because he tried to monopolize the market. That was his legal sin. Uh huh. Because you spend so much time criticizing corporate and wealthy badguys.
  9. Jesus christ, did EA cutting a 2 second butt shot out of Mass Effect really upset you this much? Like if you are stupid enough to actually believe this shit please do not procreate.
  10. Peacemaker is pretty alright. It picks up right where Suicide Squad 2 left off. The show doesn't take itself seriously at all but Cena does a good job of playing it corny but sort of sincere. They dropped 3 eps at once so you can get a feel for it. James Gunns girlfriend is fucking hot af too.
  11. Shut the fuck up. You idiots pick and choose what to believe based on your own preferences. None of you are objectively parsing information and rooting out any lies or misinformation. It's simply what aligns with what you want to believe and about what. The big brain trust of you, Twincel, and Ramza. Give me a fucking break.
  12. lol That's the best he can do. lol Fools coming in and deleting post but not replying to them.
  13. lmfao having to listen to that mothefucker the entire time. This looks like a chore.
  14. I dont have a problem with any of that. I'm not a fucking child like you are who is demanding a 100% effective, bulletproof answer like this a fucking Marvel movie. At this point in time it's about containing this as much as possible. This isn't the third act finale where an immediate cure is found and the world was saved. The vax lessens the spread, and symptoms. Varies on the variants but that's not someone's decision, it's how fucking nature works unfortunately. It's all better than doing fucking nothing. Because it's a variant, you retard... No,
  15. lol I avoided dealing with you since you're just a slightly smarter and a good deal more racist version of Slingblade. None of what you wrote has to do with what I said. "my brain on BLM" it's fucking wild how white ppl in this forum keep bringing race up in threads that have nothing to do with race. Like POC really live in yall heads rent free. You seem to have your hands full with Jerry. Feel free to leave me alone and keep your sly race shit to yourself.
  16. OH, there are non right wing people who dont want to be vaxxed, but it's right wing media that is driving the anti-vax/skeptic angle as hard as possible. Like the right likes to talk about having conversations but then Candance Owns accuses Trump of sun downing when he says he got the shot and the shots are safe. Its not a real conversation when one side is being deceptive and dishonest. It's like their pundits are busy pretending they aren't vaxxed to appeal to the anti-vax plebs. It's kind of fucking crazy that you, a white man in Canada keeps comparing being unvaxed t
  17. Oh, it most definitely is. The Right has sought to that. This is almost exclusively a right wing thing. The oxygen that exist on the right for this is being used to launch whole careers. It shouldn't be, it's something that doesn't discriminate yet it's the biggest right wing talking point. That's not a right or left thing. That's on you. Weren't you the one who just claimed this wasn't a left or right thing lol? I guess you remembered you're right leaning and you have a feels about it...naturally. LMFAO Wait, did this motherfucker. I'm legit dying
  18. The biggest reason I'm over covid is all the right wing bitching. No group is more catered to, yet fucking always crying about something.
  19. Y'all motherfuckers are still bitching about this?
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