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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Twincel has been proven wrong in every single thread he's made in this place where anyone other than cocke replies. Like how the fuck can anyone be wrong almost every single time they speak?
  2. Lmfao your entire point is incorrect and you simply say "and"? Like how are you this way? You make these huffy threads where you are dead wrong (every fucking time) and still feel your impotent rage all the same. You goofy as fuck.
  3. That Boba Fett show is so bad, but I'm having fun with it. They are trying so hard but the writers are retarded. The tone and pacing is laughable, and the creative team is out of touch with the kind of story they are trying to tell.
  4. This looks and runs like a Dreamcast game in 2022. The arts style is way too primitive for how this runs.
  5. I figured his character died? Like it felt kind of obvious.
  6. No, not really. Guess you're wrong. Again.
  7. I feel like this is the third time you've made this post.
  8. I loved CP77 but you're wrong. I did think of how great the world was and would spend days just in section just driving around and getting into anything I could. Going back to GTA and playing online which has stuff GTA V doesn't have and it is far and beyond CP77. There wasn't a time when I was impressed with Night City outside of the visuals. The possibilities of what you can do in GTA puts CP77 to shame.
  9. "but what made the situation worse" This is the right wing danger. I'm not worried about a war with China or Russia as much as simple minded Americans who are easily turned into outrage bots over fake policy agendas. It's never ending and we're at the mercy of the honesty and decency of shameless, dishonest, and unethical people. Morons like Twincel are getting more radicalized each day. The Tea Party were the big dumb asses angry for no reason and made the right even worse than before, only to be outdone by MAGA one election cycle later, and one year in
  10. Lol oh God, Twincel is back at it again. What if I told you that her mother lives in Florida? And this vacation was new years? So what you have is a woman visiting her mother during the Christmas/NYE holidays. Seems when you actually use context, it seems way less sinister than it really is. But this is how low information bottom feeders like you form opinions. Even fucking Vini saw this as absurd and yet you still gobbled enough MAGA dick to reiterate the acknowledged stupidity already pointed out to you. And her date repsonse was to a former Trump appointee tweeting
  11. Bigotry is at the core of the right wing. It's why right wing media just moved the collective hate of women (especially women of color) so easily from Hilary to Pelosi to her to Ilman. They just have to say a name and show a face and the culture will do its thing.
  12. The pros at Fox caught her slipping eating outdoors without a mask on. We all the CDC recommends that we eat food through our mask. This what credible and trusted journalism looks like folks. No agendas at all.
  13. Pretty sure wave 2 was during the summer of 2020. Huge spikes is sort of relative, but the numbers did spike upward none the less.
  14. I'm up to season 3 now. This is probably the best comedic show I've ever seen. The wit is incredibly sharp but at the same time the actors are as serious as shows like The Sopranos. The best way to describe it is if the writers of Madman wrote Arrested Development or something.
  15. There, was it so fucking hard to ask a question honestly? Matrix, Matrix 4, Reloaded, Revolutions.
  16. Just finished season 1 of Succession. Fucking fantastic, and what a fucking wedding. Shiv's body is fucking nuts.
  17. Didn't robo have a star citizen sig like 8 years ago lol.
  18. Lol I mean nearly thread he's made in this forum gets proven wrong in less than 2 or 3 replies. I've honestly never seen someone be so wrong so often yet keep on going.
  19. If you want an answer, stop asking stupid/dishonest questions.
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