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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol you are such a snake. Like how did you even draw the conclusion that I was saying any of the sequels were better than the original?
  2. Lol I didn't even know that nigga was still alive. And he was only 85? Jesus I feel like he looked 80, twenty years ago.
  3. I mean they basically said it during the movie. Like I said, meta AF.
  4. People who lack empathy tend to doubt it in others. It's called projection.
  5. Lol I love how you drop any topic you're dunked on in (about all of them) only to move on to something else stupid with out missing a beat.
  6. 5 eps into season 1. The intentional cringe and awkwardness overloads my Gf's mind so haven't gotten to watch as much as I'd like. She's good for maybe 2 eps before tapping out lol. Will binge a bit later in week. Love the show. It's like a glib Arrested Development.
  7. I didn't ask, I saw the trailer. I still was going to give it a shot, like I said I like the people behind it, but hearing it's as bad as the trailer looked was enough. I finally started watching Succession on Christmas, and it's satire that's so sharp it can split hairs, not going to waste two hours that when that's two eps that I can be savoring.
  8. Lol imagine being so shameless that pretty much every point you make is proven wrong, yet taking time to reevaluate your points of view never occurs to you and you can still convince yourself that you're right.
  9. Yeah, I was surprised at how hard they hit the satire to the point of parody. I'm a fan of everyone involved and the concept seems fun. That trailer was just so cringe tho.
  10. Everyone I know who saw it hated it, and they are all big fans of McCay (as am I) so it's gotta be bad. No wonder you like it.
  11. FYI: You're not being ironic when you actually are just a douchebag.
  12. Lol it's like cops just can't kill people and get away with it anymore.
  13. I found the blocking OK, there was that one scene where they had like a hundred people in frame and yeah some cuts wee clunky in that part but outside of the helicopter chase that seemed to get a little repetitive I was into it. People seemed a little bend out of shape over bullet time but the new bullet time actually makes more sense than how it was originally used in some instances.
  14. We get it, you hate Trans people you bitch ass nigga. Shut the fuck up already. Maybe if you flexed your bigot shit less you would still be an admin.
  15. I'm confused by this comment and action is one thing Bay is good at and none of the action sequences were terribly long.
  16. Someone at SW2 is working with some effects team that's working on the show and says it looks good from what he's seen but he's kind of mum on some details.. Probably had to sign an NDA.
  17. I liked it alot. Maybe a bit long for what it was but I don't have any complaints. Like I said in the other thread, it was super meta but to be fair, they created a movie 20 years ago that had been misinterpreted and claimed by people (some terrible people too) so the movie kind of was a clap back. I assume parts of that rubbed certain people the wrong way, which I'm all good with. I'm sure it didn't help with nerd reviewers.
  18. Lol look at this dishonest bullshit you are pulling. You didn't even know Trump used drone strikes until I told you that last year. Now you are qualified to judge every drone strike he's done? This is what is so frustrating about you and your ideology. If you're never right, you make shit up/ repeat something someone else made up and get bent out of shape about it, what is your agenda then? You have no real values because you only harbor judgment or feelings depending on who is doing it. Like when Limbaugh and all of the conservative media spent decades talking about h
  19. You say she isn't real like that doesn't make your constant whining about how unattractive you find her and the constant remarking about her sexual preference look even sillier.
  20. Lol Cocke has some fetish about whining about "queer" women he doesn't want to fuck for some reason. Like it makes him feel better or something.
  21. I really liked the new Matrix. It's way too meta, but I dug it. Could have been shorter but Washosky definitely reigned her self in a bit. I don't know if this is a whole new franchise, and if so they probably should have let some newer characters be a bit more important. It was a comfortable watch.
  22. Lol this nigga said constant scandals like their wasn't a whole movie last year about Fox News scandals and there isn't all of the Jan 6 texts that are out. And this roach makes a Fox news dick sucking thread yet is completely unaware of any of this? I know I joke how uninformed Fox viewers and Slingblade is in general, but this is fucking meta ignorance.
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