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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Did you even read the article or the headline? The plan was to slowly phase out certain parts while building new apparatuses. The reason they lost so many officers at once was police officers resigning in larger numbers than expected. They also talk about an 8 month stall on certain processes and this entire timeline is about 15 months? So it's still in a building stage. I know, context sucks you just want to feel your impotent rage right now. Even then: I t’s hard to tell whether crime has risen in Burlington as officers have left the force, in part because ther
  2. Fox News always leads in ratings because right wing propaganda always sells. Ask any average person to name a far right writer/blog/radio host/news caster and they'll be able to with ease, they probably will be able to name one actual left leaning source at best. When there's a Republican president, they function as a white house propaganda mill and a crack pot conspiracy launderer when we have a democratic one. Fox has conered the angry white viewers for two decades now.
  3. Lmfao funny how the same people who claimed to they don't rely on Fox news now spends their time defending them. This is like defending lead paint or smoking cigarettes. Welcome to the final form of your stupidity.
  4. My GF's brother and fiancé are coming to stay with us for two days, neither a vaccinated and you cant get in anywhere.
  5. The two people least afraid of COVID, yet are always talking about it. I know immunocompromised people who dont talk about COVID as much as you guys do.
  6. First of all, fuckface. There are several ways of going about this. Just because one city attempted and never even got close to it in one way doesn't cement the entire concept. Crime has increased everywhere and red municipalities are still higher than bigger blue ones. There's also this thing were most places had record lows for 2020 (for some strange reason) and of course the change in 2021 meant an obvious increase crime. That's one of those pesky "facts" that your type hates. There's also the case of what police actually do. There are many cops who want there to be a support agency in plac
  7. They do that now, and how exactly would this address anything? The problem isn't their physical fitness, it's preparedness. "Defunding" would mean routing money meant for expensive but pointless equipment or surplus military level equipment they dont need in order to create an apparatus for dealing with particular situations. Police are always willing to create task force for anything but that usually just means man hours and gear, not actually training in things like diffusing situations or how to deal with special needs citizens. The only flop about it is appeal to low informati
  8. If only a concerned group of Americans would call for police reform and improved training dealing with people with various special needs. If only...
  9. What's sad is that this actually makes you happy. It must feel good to be so blinded by your fragility that dozens of net positive legislation is dead. So you and your incel friends can own the libs. Like what does the "living a worse life to own the libs" trophy look like? I mean the child tax credits that helped many low income families...gone. LMFAO Take that Bill Mahr! Expanded vision and dental coverage? LMFAO AOC gonna be ashamed at the next Met Gala. Meanwhile we increased the military budget yet again, even while disengaging from a war? Like how does it feel to be a fucking heartless
  10. Ironic since you never ever explain anything, which would probably be pointless since you're always wrong.
  11. I'm saying outside of battlefield, he doesn't know what he is talking about.
  12. Horizon is one of the only games I didnt mind grinding on. The weapons and fights were pretty good and satisfying.
  13. Nigga, you barely understand your own government, stop making a fool of yourself.
  14. They should do an anniversary patch that begins bricking people's Xboxes for nostalgia. Dyno would love it.
  15. Lol that could be and would be the appropriate name for this board. You love alt right bullshit.
  16. By conservatives, at Christmas time. Go ahead and harass the poor volunteers collecting money for charity. Go woke, go broke, bitches.
  17. I think their goals are a bit more large scale, since they are floating above the US supply chain mess that is currently happening. but, I can see this being offered to small businesses. Of course in time with post offices down trending customer shipping could prove profitable.
  18. To be fair the biggest Lemkids all got the super xboxes that didn't fail. So this will be an ironic purchase to hang in their rooms.
  19. Things are going to be interesting in the next decade or two when Amazon gets a strong foothold in global logistics and have the fate of other companies' supply chains.
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