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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I can tell you've never felt the warmth of a woman.
  2. Lmfao I still can't get over that candle factory thing. Like how fucking important are these candles that they had a 3rd shift working during a tornado.
  3. Amazon is looking to take over the world. Like it's fucking scary what they're going to be like in 20 years.
  4. I mean tbf Rittenhouse wasn't a school shooter. He was a wannabe hero shooter. He's a piece of shit but like he didn't premeditate a mass shooting.
  5. Lol that nigga was probably abusing the hell out his Nord VPN voting over and over again.
  6. Lol you made a whole thread because Halo won an online poll?
  7. Oh, Rockstar is dropping a Dr Dre DLC with new music and starring the main story character. Ah shit, here we go again.
  8. Lol nice try, dummy. I've never once made a complaint about the system holding me down personally, but you have. This rant sounds more like projection. Nigga you think Trans people run the western world and shit like a fucking dotard. I'm still waiting for you to try to think for yourself for once and explain your comprehensive "I want equality" mandate. As yet again you avoid clarification on how this is something that can be implemented (well that's the easy part) but how in the world would it be measurable or even beneficial to "equality" in reality. It's easy to l
  9. You're so fucking full of shit. You're against processes in place like Affirmative Action for marginalized groups put in place to offset legacy inequality. I've asked you multiple times how exactly would you version of equality work in the real world and you never have an answer past "I believe in equality". Yet you've never actually shown any distrust or contempt to anything outside of your mentality of "best-in-class" white men can't get jobs because they are white ideology. You see "woke" protest and you say shit like "we need to wipe these people out." and yet you see no prob
  10. lol You giving white nationalist the benefit of the doubt is shocking.
  11. lol Rampant looting. You talk like a fucking boomer. I never defended or bashed anything. I simply added some facts and context to your grandma karen pearl clutching. You stated it as a liberal state legalizing shoplifting and in reality it's a nation wide policy among many large scale retailers. It's not some phantom law ANTIFA forced "liberal" law makers to write. Even then, it's within a lower amount of money. Again, if someone steals a pair of $100 shoes, is it worth an employee risking bodily harm to recover them? Capitalism says no. Allow me to act all TwinKaren: "DO YOU WANT PEOPLE MAK
  12. So basically reality plays no part in your world view. Like a guy who openly admits he isn't credible, but you still say he makes some good points some times. Based on what exactly if he himself claims he's not a credible source...you? That's the grift. They can tell you guys exactly what you want to hear even though you dont know any better and they make money off of it. Carlson isn't a kid. He wasn't relevant until he was 50 and since Bill O'Reilly got fired, he stepped in and basically scared old white people into ratings gold. You talk about their viewers, and in the clip from
  13. Oh, @Twinblade Remember when Tucker Carlson, Rudy Guiliani, Alex Jones, and that crazy Trump attorney all had to admit in court they lie and make shit up? Carlson doubling down and stating on camera with Ben Shapiro that he will make something up when he's cornered to save face? And you can't pull these people out as outliers as what they lie about are the platforms that the right are currently built upon? You can cross of Jones as he goes into fringe territory but Carlson, Guiliani and whatshername have gone full bore into topics that have real world consequences. None that impact
  14. How can you have equality if racism exist, simply based on taking people at their word? How many racist people are like "yeah, I'm racist." The reality is you dont think you're a racist. So how can you actually be in any position to decide what is equality? Like you dont actually have an answer, just a platitude. One that isn't born from actually wanting equality but wanting to see what you consider disadvantages removed. Basically your perception of racism is from the side of the poor white man that's getting the short end of the stick. Which is fucking absurd. White men are living their best
  15. I put those in quotes in some vain attempt you would realize that I meant it as an intellectually dishonest dodge disguised as a righteous objection of racism. It's like saying "I'm for not killing!" as an answer to combating murder. It's a flaccid do-nothing response, usually reserved for the people who the existing problem far less than others. Some people would call that privilege. Racism will still exist outside of a declaration of "equality". Like do you ever bring what you to you think to some sort of conclusion? This is how a child thinks.
  16. All the stuff you guys whine about in here. Preserving western values, shutting down the woke libs, "equality" not "equity", destroying "antiwhite" culture. I'm sure they have all the same gripes you guys have.
  17. I dont follow or get my news from this person, nor is this a news article. This was trending on Twitter and I grabbed the most arresting visual posted. It's a picture taken at an event juxtaposed against legacy conservative movements against progress. I've never seen a tweet from this person before and will likely never see another. Like do I even need to address the fact that you're acting like Fox News isn't the least reliable news source and pretty much EVERYONE acknowledges this. There has never been an actual intelligent or honest defense of Fox News in his entire history. Li
  18. Same things you, Twinblade, Dyno, Bodycount, Ramza, and TLBHO want.
  19. Yes, the liberal CNN. You retards relish the dumbest shit possible. This is why conservatives are a joke.
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