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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Nigga walking around with an Infinity Stone and shit.
  2. Aren't they the same shit now? Sony is so fucking confusing with this shit, always copying before they can ever stop and think how to improve something before implementing it.
  3. So on the topic of CRT, here is what she has to say. Rep. Lauren Boebert stated: “Democrats want to teach our children to hate each other. This radical critical race theory brings division, not unity, it advances hate, not love, and puts a person’s skin as more important than the content of their character. If we do not stop teaching critical race theory, then in the words of Ronald Reagan, ‘we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men and women were free.’” This woman is an adult, m
  4. I hated Sense 8. I never made it fully through season 1, so haven't had the chance to see season 2's improvement. I'm just gonna be optimistic because I've wanted a Matrix sequel for a very long time.
  5. I was already sold. I have my fingers crossed the washosky sibling showed some restraint as they are definitely creative but with unchecked creative control can let stories get a bit absurd.
  6. Yeah, yeah I get it. This isn't splitting an atom. We'll see if/when he's back.
  7. I mean half of Fox News campaigned with Trump and no one took a day off so this is something performative on CNN's part? Like why bother? The same people who would shit on them for leaving him on, shit on them now. The real problem with the moderate left and centrist is that they always seem to cave in or fall on a sword to prove a point to the savages on the right. Fox wouldn't have done shit.
  8. LOL This is a fun watch about idiots whining and banning CRT despite not even knowing what's in it. Imagine being so dumb that you follow other dumb people. Notice how these people use the exact kind of language that Cooke uses. All this "I'm for equality, not equity." Again. I'm sure it's just a coincidence you guys think and talk like idiot right wingers.
  9. I can't imagine that one platform is really that much better than the other. I'm considering an iPhone for my next phone but we'll see. I'll probably just stick with android since I'm so tied up with the ecosystem.
  10. Agree with what? Some random oped? I'm for the discussion of where certain terms come from, and it's up to individuals how they choose to use words that have questionable origins. Like I don't see a problem even if I don't have a negative view of some of the words as many have changed colloquially. Sounds like you're into censoring this discussion.
  11. Yes, white aggrievement seems limitless. Only white supremacy will quench it.
  12. The only person in over their head here is you. I got what your point was, it was just stupid and made no sense. If you were to say schools should phase out home ec and instead teach STEM. even if I agree or not, the idea makes some sense and they are sort of related. Comparing CRT to watching scared straight is comparing two completely different situations that are not at all connected at all. Like what would that even be like? Every school day a kid watches a different jail documentary? This is why I say you're not actually able to think for yourself because your ide
  13. Of all your autistic rants, this might be your crown jewel. Like I'm trying to make sense of this stupidity, even from someone as stupid and selfish as you, this doesn't make sense. It's toxic for adult college students to have an educative and constructive discussion about CRT, but it's fine to make middle school kids watch documentaries about jail? Like how the fuck did this stupid idea even occur to you? What's the correlation of being taught CRT and being made to watch jail movies as some deterrent to going to jail? And lol at the people last year who thought you
  14. I wanted to rewatch POI but I think they might have taken it off of Netflix because I wasn't able to find it again. Definitely was a show I enjoyed up to the end. I was hoping that Cevezel (sic) would have played Batman in the Titans show but then learned how insane he became over the year. The right ruins so many actors, its sad.
  15. Mr. Impossible


    lmfao Really? Because I can't remember the last time you, cooke, Bodycount, Dynocuck, or TLBHO have been right about anything. Edit: for example. This is what seems to be textbook here. You post some dumb dailymail clickbait article, designed to make incels and racist mad. Low self-esteemed people who generally can't think for themselves and are quick to get upset because someone they perceive as better than them tells them to. Now, let's think about Trump's first 100 days vs Biden's first 100 days. Remember that despite actually becoming President, Trum
  16. Mr. Impossible


    This little Alt-Right forum is only concerned with white men winning, black and brown villains, the all poweful trans mafia, and pronoun wars. If those guys were found innocent there would have been 2 threads about it, boasting how heroic they are.
  17. I'm saying enough of the time, they are not. For various reasons.
  18. Lol I'm only a Democrat because in NYC you have to be a member of one of the major parties so I chose to be a slash Democrat as proxy but am a member of the WFP. I don't have as many gripes with the DNC AS the GOP but that is because Republicans are fucking insane and cozy with bigotry and warring with logic. Also doesn't help that Republicans don't actually have any plans for anything other than preventing people of color from voting. As for MSNBC, I do enjoy the alt right wet dreams of leftist loving MSNBC or any other corporate news org because Crowder or Pool or Sh
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