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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. "if it walks like an Opp, talks like an Opp..." There's the story you posted and then there is the is reason you posted it. Some how in the past two years your rss or Google feed never seems to find right wing oppression, grifts, crimes, or problematic behaviors. It's some how exclusively some random Twitter bait used as a strawman to prove the downfall of society by the corrupt and greedy left that is looking to install communism across Western culture and the source is always a biased right wing outlet. I will put your fears to rest, the existing power st
  2. I'm not alt right. Also: nearly every news source I use is right wing or conservative. So you're either getting a dedicated feed of only conservative leaning news some how by accident or you're too dumb to realize where you stand.
  3. While I think that's a bit high, I'm glad it's reviewing well. First season is only 6 ep and definitely ends with an oh shit that sets up season 2.
  4. Yeah, the live action follows the Anime's disjointed pacing more or less. They are even named and numbered the exact same way of the OG show. The first episode is almost a tacky reenactment of the first ep of the Anime. The one thing they did well with the show is sort of expanding the character's backstories a bit. The two best episodes of the season were spent on Spike and Faye's backgrounds and making slight adjustments which felt a bit more cohesive. Spike's origin ep was actually pretty good even though the actor they have playing Vicious is an abortion.
  5. Iol you're just looking defend another stealth right winger even when they are wrong.
  6. The part where he posted tweets by racists on Twitter was a nice touch.
  7. Lol more of that bullshit. At no point was it inferred that Saucer ignored it and you were talking about cocke and in order to "get someone" you first have to set them up. Pointing out a flaw in someone's logic they themselves volunteered isn't trying to get them.
  8. Lol Cooke stating that "people are talking about Florida more than New York, maybe because our infection rate dropped in 2021 and Florida's increased.
  9. Lol that's a fanatic for you. These dudes legit live in their own world. Like a big ass Muppet baby or something.
  10. Oh, you're too cowardly for that. Instead you spend every day complaining about the left exclusively and spouting alt right propaganda. You and Twinblade are as bad as any boomer who watches Fox News all day. At least Twinblade is starting to reach his final form and is a little more honest with himself. I'm sure you probably think you're a classic liberal or moderate but you're not.
  11. I didn't realize it had come out already, tbf I haven't paid attention to in theater releases. What I read was a good response and I admit to being a huge Ghostbusters mark so I'm interested. I do want to see Last Night in Soho and the new Wes Anderson movie.
  12. Lol "stop gaslighting me with facts." Motherfucker actually quoted Fox News. Wild.
  13. The WY GOP literally kicked Liz Cheney out because she didn't kiss Trump's ass. Yes, it sounds exactly like something a republican would do.
  14. I literally didn't know this shit hole existed until today and every post I replied to was on the front page so... As for the Lincoln Project, they've always been a self serving grift and there's nothing leftist about the group. In fact the group actually tries to encourage the left to warm up to republican ideology. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/08/us/politics/lincoln-project-weaver.html I'm well aware of the fact that you don't care about anything other than whining about the left because you're so stupid you fall for any right wing headline. I can't t
  15. The designs and cgi are bad, but they are also a small part of the show. It's not really about the three demons but how humanity reacts to the phenomenon.
  16. Lmfao the biggest reason for the Rights hatred of Michelle Obama was her MOVE initiave. The same people you praise have all condemned conversations about healthy lifestyles because 64oz sodas are freedom. Republicans are also against guidelines for healthier foods being served in schools. Not to mention the biggest contributing unhealthy lifestyles is the actual cost of Healthcare. Chris Christie, a picture of good health used to brag that he will let schools keep serving pizzas and burgers because kids should eat whatever they want. I know in your mind it's all just f
  17. I didnt even know this forum existed. I've been laughing my ass reading all the fucking stupid snow flakey shit here. It's like r/donald jr
  18. lol It's going to be fun to see how many of your post here is either praising Trump or complaining that he wasn't praised enough. I wonder if the deaths totals would be lower if half of the country wasn't actively working against vaccines, testing, and wearing mask? Can we all agree that like 8 out of the 10 highest death states being Red states isn't a mere coincidence? Especially when the 2 Blue ones have substantially larger populations living in far more densely populated areas than the others.
  19. You made it a point to state she's a "lesbo"...twice. lol Entitled people seldom feel or can comprehend empathy, so they feel all of it is peformative. Unless it's someone telling them they are right.
  20. He's also the one who wanted to ease up environmental and safety regulation for companies as well. So basically moving polluting production back to the US and making it easier for them to get away with it. I'm sorry, this helps how again? Do you guys even think past an immediate sense of proving a point? You also have no idea of what military moves were made when. Remember when you actually thought that Trump ended the drone program and it turned out he was drone bombing more than Bush and Obama combined, in only 4 years? You only know what Ben Shaprio tells you.
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