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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Hey, Dummy. Where do you think all of our shit is made? You guys whine about "liberals" pointing out reality because it could inconvenience you a bit. First world companies sending most of their production into developing countries is why their emissions are at the levels they are. At the end of all your tears, real and pretend Capitalism is ultimately the cause. US companies can boast about reaching reduced carbon footprints in their corporate offices but that doesn't trickle over to their overseas assets. "Trump was smart" LMFAO Said in 2021. I fucking can't.
  2. lmfao this forum is fucking hilarious. I'm actually dumber just having read the thread titles on the first page.
  3. I'm all for open discussion in a politics subforum, but this thread is hardly designed to be a conservation starter and is just insecure dudes bashing queer people made by an attention whore who'll say anything for it.
  4. Cooke knew exactly where this thread was headed. Like this is his attempt to be clever and make a stealth bashing thread.
  5. I question it because you're the type of attention whore who would pretend to be anything, because you suck. You're just projecting the "gay stereotype" you have in your mind. This pathetic "rubber you're glue" bullshit is a sad play because you are getting called out for constantly posting queer bashing bait.
  6. Cowboy Bebop ends stronger than it starts, but it's still a disappointment. They definitely made a trajectory for season 2 to be much better. Hellbound is pretty good. Not Squid Game level, but definitely worth watching.
  7. lol dont flatter yourself, idiot. You're nothing special. This doesn't even make sense. A supposed gay person who bashes queer people is some how breaking a stereotype? You sound sound retarded.
  8. You always try to pretend to be a nice guy, yet as the only person who claims to be gay on this site, you are always looking to find someway to make LGBTQ people the butt of a joke or source for scorn. Like you're this cheery happy guy who spends his time finding uncreative, unfunny, and uninteresting ways to make queer bash bait on the internet.
  9. Lol at that one guy who dropped 35k so he could have all of ships and shit.
  10. How did I magically know you were going to post a LGBTQ (or what you perceive to be one) character.
  11. Actually, you are wrong. I'm not explaining in detail because you made any good points but because you haven't. You've been arguing in bad faith through out this entire thread. Expecting others to provide viable information while not doing so yourself. At best you've only offered perceived second hand anecdotal information. You know what it's like to be a person of color as much as you and I know what it's like to be a woman or trans, which isn't very much. Trans people being the least oppressed group in the world is some of the most fucking retarded bullshit I've seen your type s
  12. This isn't a debate. A debate is two informed parties combating contrasting points. You by your own admission aren't even informed, yet demand proof of what we are saying and then you question the validity of the information we give all the while not giving any evidence anecdotal or tangible for your points. Privilege isn't simply how much money someone has. This is what I mean about right wing propaganda. That isn't what the issue is, it's walking into a store and not being assumed you're there to steal and treated differently than white customers. Or not having cops stop you at
  13. Well, that's straight white male apathy or priveledge or entitlement or whatever. You're not gay, trans, black, or female so those issues don't affect you, nor do you care about them, and you find other people who do care to be going on about nothing. I call that a priveledge because white conservatives and right wingers have absolutely no chill when they perceive their own liberties are being trampled upon. They are also historically the first ones to tell any group that they are over reacting and everything is fine. James Baldwin was on the Dick Cavet show back in t
  14. I admit that I skimmed through the thread but as far as I am aware he's the one person who hasn't actually provided any sort of stat/info or any data to justify his world view. In fact he uses lack of knowledge of something as some sort of platform. "I'm from another country and haven't seen this stuff on the news so it doesn't exist" is a flex. Especially when he openly disregards people's personal experiences who actually live here on top of it. Nigga is legit just making shit up in his head and demanding to be proven wrong. Lol Which he has, multiple t
  15. This reminds me of OG released and they had all those games announced that they were supposed to be genre killers that never finished development.
  16. So how does one going about changing an issue when simply mentioning it is considered aggravating? I haven't brought up CRT for various reasons before but people can't say "don't protest", "don't preach" and "don't teach" at the same time. That's pretty much telling people to shut up and deal with it. This is what I mean by disingenuous rhetoric.
  17. There you go again lol. Now it's about the quality of the terrorism.
  18. I literally told you not to listen to me. But you also can't be uninformed and critical or skeptical of what I have been saying. It's not just a matter of credibility but of quantity of content. They carry only so much news on the news. Mostly a 24 hour news channel will spend all day talking about the same four topics. You can also find links to articles, research, and statistical information. There I used the internet and this was the first result. I said as high as 20 percent this seems to say 24, so I wasn't thst off. Again, there is no way to determine how justif
  19. Last I checked, the internet still exists. If you don't want to take my word for it, you're welcome to actually find a source you find more reliable. You can't have it both ways by acting like what I'm saying isn't true or reliable while you openly admit to not knowing about it yourself. What's the term for prejudging something again?
  20. Your world view being shaped by what you see in the news is your first problem then.
  21. Well that's where we disagree. I think hundreds of additional deaths a year is an issue.
  22. I mentioned 3 high profile cases one of which is in trial now. Even though you're being disingenuous, the estimated yearly numbers are in the hundreds per year across the states that have implemented them. I can't say (as it's something that is hard to guage) which were exactly justified or not because in every case one of the sides is dead and it becomes the survivor's lone story to be told but it would defy human error if all of them were truly neccesary. In most cases there probably isn't video footage as well. States that have stand your ground laws have seen a st
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