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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Motherfucker, there's another high profile case happening right now because some pos and his son decided to play hero and chase someone down with guns in their truck and per usual someone else is dead. As bad as things are with cops, at least they are trained and recognized as legal authorities. This is the same case with Trayvon Martin where someone who probably shouldn't even have a gun pretending to be an authority figure because he had a gun. We can't claim to be a world leader and have any idiot with a gun feeling it's their right to patrol and detain people simply because th
  2. I don't think he should have gotten life, nor do I believe that he's a cold blooded murderer. However, he's not innocent either and there are people dead who would be alive if he didn't choose to take a gun he wasn't supposed to have in his possession to a different town to pretend to be a cop. This mentality is rampant in the country and the legal system is too far behind in order to limit shit like this from happening. Regular people who are not law enforcement shouldn't be doing armed patrols of anything. People like this who want to fuck their guns and LARP call o
  3. Like on paper, the delay makes sense as there are mechanical differences with a coop campaign vs single player, but isn't that something you work out in the design of the single player from jump?
  4. Lol Cowboy Bebop stinks. 1 episode in and this YouTube cosplay quality.
  5. Lol I have no doubt that you were super excited that Rittenhouse got off.
  6. Go fuck yourself. Politics are brought in to this forum daily and you never say anything until it comes to a boil then you come in with your incel energy and lock it right after you you put your two cents in. Like a coward. "Burn in hell woketard goons" I guess this wasn't political in nature? We get it, as your goofy ass is constantly whining about "wokeness" and part of the reason politics isn't allowed because of all the stupid shit you said that blew up in your face over the past 2 years. Give us a break already.
  7. Probably not. I'm guessing they are busy working on something as they haven't done bug/glitch fix for GTAO in quite some time. They have been doing steady and actually good content updates but surprisingly not even patching money glitches, which is something they are usually on top of. People suspect it might be a reaction to the luke warm responses to expanded and enhanced.
  8. I enjoyed Cyberpunk more than most people, but even 8 year old GTA Online completely shits all over it in most categories aside from first person shooting mechanics and graphic fidelity but that's a given as they are from different generations and Rockstar balances graphic fidelity with performance/functionality.
  9. Yeah, GTA San Andreas triggered a lot of racist for some reason.
  10. Yeah, on paper not having to physically produce and ship a game is cheaper but on the flip side they weren't going to cannibalize their physical game sales with that method. The main reasoning was to kneecap resales of games. If you own a digital game, you don't have any further value in selling the game or giving it to someone else.
  11. Well if people have gamer pass I guess they figure why get a a more expensive version just for better graphics.
  12. It doesn't get more naked than this pathetic display. This man has spent a full week spewing some of the most naked racist shit you can get away with in a trial.
  13. Barely anyone would notice other than Reddit sweats plus everyone already knows there will be other Spidermen at this point since they showed all of the older villains. What someone needs to talk about is that terrible cgi on green goblin.
  14. I'm guilty of having bought digital games day 1 which for some reason cost as much as a physical copy. It's kind of fucking ridiculous.
  15. MS' plan is working. They are letting Sony win in order to buy them out in a year or two and so MS has the 1st and 3rd best selling consoles on the market. From they will force Nintendo to sell to them too. MSDomination is fully on track.
  16. More parties would bring more problems though. Right now a winning candidate not taking the EC into account usually gets a little over half of all votes. If you add additional parties the electorate gets split down and you wind up with people winning with 30 percentile votes more likely. I'm definitely for ending lobbying, officials with private businesses overseeing decisions that affect their industry, or immediately working in the private sector using their former position for favorable treatment.
  17. I just can't with politics any more. Like it's not even democratic vs republican policies anymore as idiots being rewarded for being stupid.
  18. I wasn't aware of the performance issues but like GTA character models looked like shit in the PS2 era, no way they're going to look good in 2021. I dont know who worked on the port, but yeah R* definitely wasnt putting an A team on this lol.
  19. I don't get what people expected from GTA trilogy. I agree the asking price is ridiculous for what you're getting but it's not like they were going to rebuild all three of those games from the ground up and those games weren't visual masterpieces even for the era they released in.
  20. As great as BG&E was back in the day, who was really looking forward to the second one? It just seems like a lightening in the bottle moment and I doubt they would remake the magic 15 odd years after the fact.
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