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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol who the hell follows Xbox on Twitter.
  2. I don't get it, this does not look good to me at all. As he's praising the game he's looping footage of the laziest alien designs I've ever seen in any medium in my life. Which don't even look that good from a technical standpoint either. This looks fine in terms of I guess checklist stuff pretend game experts talk about maybe, but it looks like every other Halo game. Just scattered military cargo boxes in make shift operating camps and the impractical metal corridor levels that looks like you're inside a Transformers lower intestine or something. The most interesting thing in thi
  3. There was th r time the judge basically had the entire court applaud a defense appointed expert because he was a vet on veterans day. Nothing is quite as objective as having the court applaud a man shortly before he's going to defend what Rittenhouse did.
  4. lol remember the dozens of times I said you always find some random right wing social media shit to post and you continually acted like you didn't.
  5. Your type always says that. It's how your bigotry is nurtured by all the right wing propaganda you digest on a daily basis. You guys find any fringe story on the internet to magnify You say you want equality but that's not what you really want at all. It's like the saying about equality feeling like oppression to bigots. You never post about racism, sexism, flat earthers, homophobes, or any of the wacky shit right wing people do or believe. It's almost exclusively what black people, gays, women, and trans people do or "getting" It's honestly fucking disgusting that yo
  6. Did anyone play this game more than a couple of times anyway?
  7. You used to say simalar shit about people of color in Canada. You're just a selfish fuck twat bigot who wants to be catered to exclusively. It's probably not even just your bigotry as much as your undying need for a attention or something.
  8. Y'all are fixated on trans people. There's like a daily trans bashing thread here as of late. Today there's two for the same game lol.
  9. We're told straight white male priveledge is only a myth to slander white angel warriors. (mostly by white straight males) We're also told how it's a travesty worthy of scorn anytime a non white straight male receives bare minimum recognition.
  10. Space Bounty hunters in the future. It's very noir in its presentation but also kind of cyberpunk too, but very subtly. It's pretty straightforward, the eps are mostly stand alone with some recurring plot points. It's definitely an anime you can recommend to people even if they are not normally into anime. The music is fucking amazing too. Like every part of the show is much better than it needs to be.
  11. Wait, this show was only one season? I was totally caught off guard when I realized that I was on the last episode last night. Such a good ride while it lasted.
  12. Lol you really need to be less of an xbox fanboy stereotype.
  13. I said this when they first started showing shots of the game. Like there is no inspiration in these devs for anything to be a visual treat or at least an attempt for an interesting presentation. I don't even mean stuff like Ray tracing or pimple mapping or whatever. They seem stuck in 2000 and they aren't even the original team.
  14. Started Cowboy Bebop for the first time. It really is a great show. I should have waited til after the new show came out because I can't imagine it living up to this.
  15. Not pay it. Capitalism works both ways. You don't have to participate in getting milked.
  16. It's pretty simple, they have GTA online now. In the ps2 era, you had to make a whole new game to capitalize on a successful title. In the HDD era, strarting with IV,they would release expansion pack stuff. Now with online they update the game 4 times a year. I'm not saying they shouldn't have released a sequel at this point, but it's been a strong strategy to disregard.
  17. There are a number of reasons for something like this. Spotify removes music all of the time, although money is probably the bigger issue as they still have Hall & Oats music currently in GTAO.
  18. You mean the "anti-woke" squad that you are a part of?
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