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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. So in the circles you occupy on the internet, everyone is wrong about you and you're the only person who knows what racism is? How does someone who doesn't say racist things get banned time after time for racism? Is your head really this far up your own ass that you think everyone else is wrong?
  2. Or like most current say racist, you think a racist is only someone who expresses overt racist rhetoric and burns crosses on lawns. You're not in the Klan, therefore you're not really a racist.
  3. Lol MS gonna have to start sending out free xboxes in the mail like AOL disks with 30 day trials.
  4. This is the core of you arguing in bad faith. You're the only person on the internet who really knows what racism is? And everyone else from all those sites were wrong? Hell, if this place wasn't so fucking desperate and had such low standards you would be banned from here too.
  5. lol Jesus Christ. Only at SW can you skip over a few post and miss something like this. It still baffles me how many racist post here, and how many are this oblivious to their bigotry. I also love his completely dishonest arguments as well.
  6. lol Fucking DynoCuck crumbling from PS5 surpassing Switch before Xbox could. Nigga's about to retire and shit.
  7. Damn, this is like when Darth took his helmet off and was just a mutilated old man at the end. How the "mighty" have fallen.
  8. I watched Batman the Long Halloween this weekend and boy was it good. Even with two 90 minutes movies they had to rush thru some things, it also has nearly big pre-Bane era villain in it. With care they can use a number of characters in this. Batman is such a well known story they have a little bit of wiggle room.
  9. The second suicide squad is way better than the first. It's not as good guardians 1 but I liked it better than GOTG 2. It's a Gunn joint, so people who like his work will like it. Cena was pretty good in the role.
  10. As for the set drama, from what I read the director and studio expected Pattinson to bulk up like the recent Batmen have for the role and Pattinson doesn't believe in roiding up for a role. He was also down and out with covid for a bit so it was at least partially about his physical state and looking healthy enough to play the role.
  11. That's fine. It was a great experience but there was only like four or five stories so it got old at some point but one of the big gaming highlights I've ever had was that first time we got 3 survivors to the goal and had to decide to go back and help the fourth guy or leave him. That was the evolution of survival horror in my opinion. If they are creating new maps and mods for the PC, then I'm not surprised it still ha players. It's definitely a break from every other online shooter.
  12. There's like one other, equally if not shorter comment later in season, and that's about it.
  13. Again, they barely mention it at all. You could literally miss everything he's talking about if you were distracted for a minute. He's only upset because he's been told he should be. Eh, done.
  14. Catwoman was featured more than Ferrell in the first trailer.
  15. That is a pretty shoddy trailer tbh. What's in it looks good but the last trailer that they made after only shooting for a few weeks looks tighter and builds a better narrative. This looks like them giving away the whole movie 7 months early and some of the footage doesn't even look good enough to show off. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it, Reeves has a good track record.
  16. Lol there's literally a missing white woman in the news right now and California just had a recall election. Sounds like a topical show being topical. Secondly it's a show made for women, not incels so they are not going to talk about wanting to have a train ran on them at comic-con or have a hot girl fall in love with her nerdy best friend who has been simping on her while she was dating hot guys or whatever the fuck you guys want to see exclusively.
  17. Lol this snowflake. They literally mentioned covid twice in the entire season, and in passing fashion that wasn't even part of any of the storylines. Lol "what side they are on." I don't want to post spoilers but you sound retarded getting this upset over this. You has always skewered pop-social issues. First in New York, then California. This season actually spent its time on #girlboss, influencers, self help, monogamy, cheating, tech bros, surburbia, domestic abuse thru out the entire season. Yet you're whining about dialog that probably totaled 30 seconds of screen time across
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