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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Oh, I agree it was political from the on-set. The irony is that politics was banned to sort of protect certain people's shitty views distracting from all the "game talk" and yet it's still those guys who make daily woke-alerts. Yes, it was locked after your little right wing info dump. You can dress it up to your ego's delight however you like. I actual am using it as a catch-all for the Incel level energy types. The guys making videos about Bond being cucked, small tits in the Netflix Cowboy Bebop show... or in this case prosthetic limbs? Because we can't let amputees feel a lit
  2. The RE thread was locked because you incels get fucking political about everything. Chances are when a thread gets locked for politic speech its one of you whining about the Wokes.
  3. No, I've called you, Boobycunt, and Malakius incels. Dynocuck maybe, but he seems like the sleep with whatever you can get type so he at least has gotten laid more than you guys. The thing is, I've explained to you before some of you bring incel energy, like complaining about fucking prosthetics representation? Even you felt some what self-aware on that one but shows the slippery slope with y'all. Like I know, you just dont like all that fag-hag shit right? The chicks with dicks right. You're not trying to hand shame some poor amputees like Boobycunt is. So what is your game plan
  4. Why are you incels so triggered by fucking everything? Like how fragile are your egos that shit that literally cost you nothing at all is so concerning?
  5. It's about ethics in videogame journalism.
  6. Tbf when he was gone your homies seemed to miss him.
  7. So it looks like there won't be a season 2 of Squid Game which sucks but I guess better than ruining the show. Although I wouldn't be surprised if Netflix tries to make it happen.
  8. 1. I assumed he was being sarcastic about Cell since like everyone knows he's a dude. 2. I didn't call Mala a simp for simply mentioning Xelle but he used to also try to arrange for them to meet in person despite her disinterest, so you're wrong again. Surprise, surprise. lol Stupid people trying "gotcha" shit is fun.
  9. Lol decade later and you're still simping for xelle even though she hasn't posted in all that time.
  10. lol Lemkids have aneurisms anytime someone dares besmirch Xbox, but always trying to act rational and make everyone else seem unhinged.
  11. MS Just seems like a souless company. Other than having a stranglehold on the OS market I really can't think of anything to commend them about. The Surface is a decent product but outside of that everything they seem to touch is shit. Edit: For better or worse I realize that the Xbox didn't even really come to mind. While it's nothing to get excited about, it's a viable platform and I'd count it as a win or sorts for MS.
  12. Wait, GP can be used on PC and Phones? I thought this was only an Xbox thing. I assume most users are still on Xbox and sort of impressive but seems lower than I would expect given the PC base out there. I'm still not sure what to make of Gamepass. For gamers, it makes sense for the most part as it currently stands. I just dont know about long term for how viable it is for the industry. there's like a plus for ever minus. On paper it really only benefits the gamer, which is a business model you never really see companies go for. And only gamers for the xbox platform? Well windows I suppos
  13. Lol there's more talk about jerry's monitor than Halo itt.
  14. Lol nigga with his "friends" and still thinking about Jerry.
  15. The latest What If ep was pretty good. Best of the show so far.
  16. I'm a huge Bond fan so yes, I watch them all. Hopefully this is more Casino Royale and Skyfall vs QOS or the other one. It was a mistake to try to tie all these movies together. People totally forget bad Bond films.
  17. Yeah, there is alot of dialog but not much character development. Other than a couple of plot twist or just one really it's just people talking... A lot. The performances were all good. I really liked the Preacher's work here and back when he was on Legion. It feels like a play too often. I don't love that you can probably skip like half of the episodes in between 1 and 6 and not really miss anything.
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