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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol you're arguing with yourself at this point
  2. Lol Jesus you're a bitter bitch. There aren't many 500 lb people waking around, You people are so hyperbolic about everything you don't like. I'm pretty live and let live about other people's personal choices that don't affect others. Imagine being such a male Karen you argue for public shaming people while pretending to care about their health as the reason. You're fucking demented. "but our healthcare cost" lol I'm not even touching that goofy shit. If you think insulting fat people is going to reduce American health care cost and not, you know enforcubg food and dru
  3. Lmfao sideshow freaks. So all your points are this is bad because we don't publicly shame people for their appearance. Such a noble stance.
  4. First of all, who fucking cares? I'm sorry that the people you guys don't like are no longer easy targets? That with the growing "non white" population companies are sometimes catering to non white, not straight, not men. Is riduculiing fat people or harassing gay or Trans people is so important to you all? I love that you're like "stop acting like the educational system is important, we're talking about videogames and TV shows here!" like lives are on the line or something. Shitty movies and games and shows have always existed, and will always exist. Entertainm
  5. No, those groups are writing public policy, advising school districts, and advocating for public funds to be divested from public education and used to fund private schools, and at home schooling. But yes, women with small breast or a hanging belly in Fortnight is very important and we should be worried about it.
  6. That last one sucked, no wonder you love it.
  7. So according to your proof, millions of fat people have existed for at least 60 years. I never said anything about percentages or ratios. I said they weren't some new invention. Also, if you were even a fraction as smart as you pretend to be: you might realize showing a chart that of a growing population of people is why companies are seeking to cater to them, rather than insult them? You can't claim they are only appealing to to niche audiences then post a graph claiming that 1/3 of the population is part of this "niche" market. Cooke, sit your dumb ass down, or just
  8. Lmfao "we used to shame these people." is a flex for sure. You totally don't sound like a salty asshole. Ohhh, another problem caused by feminism. Tell me again how you're not an incel. For most normal people, acceptance is just that. Treating people like they would like to be treated. Where the punch line isn't lol you're gay, or lol you're fat, or lol you have an accent. For internet weirdos, it's the sky is falling as communist lesbian feminist are going to storm every house knocking the lotion and tissues out of your hands while you play Tomb Raider.
  9. Cooke, stop. I already know how dumb you are.
  10. He's irrelevant, Jay Z is irrelevant, Nas is irrelevant. They are all legends and deserve their flowers, but they are all irrelevant at this point. Yes, plenty of suburban dad's are still clinging on the high school and rocking Eminem but all music artist become irrelevant even if they remain the biggest names in their genre.
  11. Because it's 2024 and who the fuck is still talking about about Eminem at this point.
  12. You guys act like overweight people are some woke invention that didn't exist until a couple of years ago or something.
  13. You obviously don't know what that word means.
  14. God, they just brought him back for GTAO this year and he's still annoying. It's brief though.
  15. Lol the two most petulant man-children trying to console one another. Tell us again how feminism is ruining your life.
  16. You act like their aren't multiple social groups based on not being able to get or maintain a woman. They also usually some how also worry about the same stupid shit like how sexy videogame and cartoon characters are. Blame everything on feminism, tend to be some kind of phobe/misogynist and use beta/alpha/sigma descriptors. I don't make the rules. Edit: it's cute you stated your assumptions like you're not retarded and anyone gives a shit about what you think or your opinion on anything.
  17. Lol Yes, I'm sure you never use beta normally. It just sprang to mind in this one instance and isn't somehow part of your vernacular lol. Did you really think that would cover your tracks that you don't know what the warmth of a vagina feels like?
  18. Lmfao You mean like the anti-CRT and anti-Trans special interest groups you refuse to acknowledge exist or their impact - which they themselves openly admitted were their goals? Funny how you're ready to believe what you want to be true yet dismiss what you don't want to, regardless of the evidence.
  19. How was I cornered? You're literally in here calling people betas and whining about feminism. You're the living definition of a an incel.
  20. Oh wow, a one letter typo. You totally got me. Look how happy you are about that lol.
  21. Lol you're so fucking stupid you just esposed how you're using gay as insult while trying to explain that you aren't. Tell us more about those mean feminist and what they did to you.
  22. You're both in your 30s calling someone gay as an insult Lmfao. Totally not incel teenager energy.
  23. Lmfao what does anything we're talking about have to do with feminism? You know who complains the most about feminism when the topic has nothing to do with a feminist? Incels.
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