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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. It won't have the mainstream attention TLOU show got but it's a good second game turned show to hopefully encourage studios to actually utilize gaming properties properly.
  2. He did go out like a G tho. I'm in the second half of Fallout and the show managed to get better. I think they evened the tone a bit more at this point. The backstory stuff is great. Goggins deserves an Emmy for this role.
  3. I also don't get hatred of physical games. It's beyond dumb. Digital games are fine and have their strengths but a fully digital console turns the player into a gaming bitch. You no longer own your games, and while the promise of sales and discounts and budget gaming are nice, they then decide what you pay for everything all of the time, not the market. So instead of picking up a game on sale/discount at a store or ebay or whatever you can only get your games directly from Sony/MS/Nintendo when they decide, if they decide, and for how much they decide. Hell digital ga
  4. Lol I have to check this out but that number sounds like bullshit. Well not bullshit, but there's no way it's an apples to apples comparison. When you buy a physical game, thats all of the money spent on it. Hell, pre-owned games don't even get counted. If you buy a physical or digital game then pay for the DLC, buy skins, pay a subscription, etc it's another story.
  5. Lmfao best response to shit like this. They didn't even name a single project he worked on and his role sounds like he's just helping source games? Maybe? Wtf is a AAA 3rd party manager for a company with the worst third party support.
  6. People get new jobs all of the time, you people are too old to act childish about everything. A friend of mine just quit Google to work at Spotify. Is that jumping ship? The industry is in perpetual flux and also people seem new challenges, seek more money, but mostly prevent their careers from stagnation.
  7. If Trump was scared he'd be throwing dirt on RFK, not flowers. If RFK was a threat to Trump, his allies wouldn't be still giving RFK a platform or speaking well of him. At this point you're just being retarded about the RFK thing for no reason. This isn't working, I know you think you look like some high minded radical or something but you actually look dumber and more right wing bot like holding on to this. I know you hate admitting you're a right winger and try to look unbiased or "based" as the kids say but like you've only said a kind word about two Democrats in th
  8. Presidential polls are erratic because of a number of factors including and mostly the electoral college and also the nature of call surveys. Where people under report their intentions. Like people who would vote for Trump but also wouldn't say it out loud because he's a piece of shit Racist/sexist. The nature of the survey itself and how it was conducted. The internet is full of bs polls, especially net based ones. For governor, or mayor voter polling data is a bit more consistent because the poling would be sourced locally from true likely voters. If a thousand people
  9. More parties doesn't automatically mean more democracy. The more parties you have the smaller amount of people you have electing winners. One of accidental benefits is you have half of the country who picked the President Vs having 1/3 or 1/4 of the country picking. The far more plausible change is for voters to actually vote on issues and candidates rather than party allegiance.
  10. Nolan also did Person of interest which is one of my favorite shows of the 2000s. I had no idea he was connected to Fallout. X-men 97 is way better than it deserves to be. I do have some issue with pacing. In five episodes we've had the Trail of Magneto, Inferno, the Adversary, Madelyn Pryor, Cables origin, and the fall of Genosha as well as shoe horned content from various backstories and had a filler episode and if I'm right they will be introducing a MAJOR X character that has never been used before. With that said, Episode 5 is a major story and I am surprised the
  11. More like HRC out polled Trump in 2016, then won the general election, and some how didn't become President. Nice try, retard.
  12. 3 episodes into Fallout. Show is satisfactory, I'm entertained. I've never played a Fallout game so it's all new to me. I'm just confused by the black guy character. They show his motivation...sort of but it's like I can't get if he's supposed to be good or bad. It makes his scenes less interesting but it's still early so time will tell. Everyone else is fine, the main girl is pleasant to look at for an hour straight and I'll watch Walter Goggins in anything.
  13. There's no such thing as woke AI or non woke AI. It's just how stupid people like Elon Musk see the world. The point I tried to make in the other Ai thread is strong guard rails need to be put in place and it's use competently utilized. Just leaving Ai to do it's own thing unsupervised is really stupid.
  14. I guess the woke Ai thread died with the forum switch. Anyways, what had happened was... Twitter made two different Ai features live at the same time. One that creates content from the lovely geniuses that pay for Twitter blue and creates articles based on trending data and another to pool and highlight trending news. In addition to this the feature also posted fake news about Iran missile striking Isreal. Another thing that the article didn't mention is the number of cops the story created which is more than the entire NYPD force has ever had. In parsing the jokes tha
  15. So, it happened two days in a row lol. This time aggregating jokes and creating a news story about the Earthquake. This is what I was talking about in the "woke" Google ai thread. The biggest problem with AI is what it will be used for by businesses trying to save money and generate content utilizing AI, and what pools of information said AI will be pulling from. The second story came from harmless jokes at the expense of Eric Adams public perception but the first was because of the unusual high amounts of racist post from twitter blue users.
  16. I remember how concerned people were in here about woke Google ai making Asian German soldier cartoons and how it was going to be the downfall of society. So I can only imagine the outrage over not-woke AI posting fake war news as real news.
  17. I mean this had to be expected with all of the moves MS made in the past couple of years. They are out to grow content, not employees.
  18. This works out in your favor lol.
  19. Good conservatives showing how much they respect women.
  20. The e sad thing is, lefty leftist actually don't like the DNC at all, but it's the Democrats or whatever antichrist is the Republican nominee. When you watch conservative media they make Republicans sound like gladiators trying to save every man, woman, and child - with Jesus and the founding fathers watching over them. Meanwhile left wing media just complains about how the DNC doesn't have the balls to do anything and they only like Bernie and Katie Porter. Even someone like Bill Maher does this and he doesn't even realize he's become right wing himself. Also, I have
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