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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. We wound up finishing the show. It's an interesting concept. I actually think this would be better as an M. Night style movie. Even at only 7 eps,by the time the show picks up speed its so close to the end that all the previous build up (that little that was actually there) is insufficient. This show is padded with too many too long monologs where characters take 10 minutes to express what would normally be a 1 or 2 minute scene. That graduation type speech at the end that went on for-fucking-ever. There's just something missing from the show. Like it's not scary eno
  2. Imagine a retard thinking another retard made a good point. Yeah, no shit not as many people would double dip for a DC. that's pretty much how it is for every piece of media. The only reason Dynocuck decided to share his "second of clarity" is simply throw some salt in the mix about a Playstation title.
  3. Lol imagine trying to find negative shit to say about something you enjoy. Like how is being a cuck for MS beneficial to you?
  4. Lol fun is for casuals. Real gamers love digital chores.
  5. So I caved and watched like the first 3 eps of MM. I get why some people like it. My GF is a former catholic so people who love to relish in their religious guilt have something there. It has these long Sorkin style dialog scenes. It's definitely better than the average show... But nothing to rave about. I was also super distracted by what's clearly young actors in old people makeup. I have a theory but won't post anything spoiler like. It's just you see where this is going as it's painfully obvious at a point. Its all personal taste, the show to me has so many of the
  6. It's one of the few shows that manages to keep up thru out the entire run of episodes. Nothing was filler, nothing needed to be cut, and they paced it extraordinarily well.
  7. Sdubz keeps going on about it being his best work and for some reason I don't trust that pov. I'm in for lighter fair anyway, caught up on Y The Last Man. It's an interesting concept but the show does have good room for improvement. I never read the comics so can't confirm how it stacks up.
  8. Payne 3 was a nice solid romp with some good shooting. No one was even talking about the game itself and just the music. The cranky little shit just wanted to whine about something even if it didn't happen.
  9. Ghostz is right, that sounds like a terrible amount of work.
  10. Yes, I'm sure you of all people hear that all of time, in the most unself aware manner possible. Those types are generally regarded as homophobes because they expressed or worked towards oppressing equal treatment of gays. Not just a dim wit's attempt at a gotcha.
  11. Lol last week you were accusing me of being gay, this week you're claiming that I am a homophobe? You can't even keep your lies straight.
  12. Rockstar does have a good ear for music. It's going to be interesting seeing them as a music label or whatever. I'm sure it will be utilized for their game music development. I feel like EA tried something similar but not quite as thorough back in the EA Big days.
  13. Racism is many insecure white kids' liquid courage on the internet.
  14. It's shocking you're not an admin anymore.
  15. I'm going to skip midnight mass but really enjoyed Squid Game. It's way better than Alice in Borderland, which I enjoyed. Doom Patrol is back and dropped 3 eps at once. Been looking for a good Anime to watch.
  16. You're now shifting it to laughing at an adult man... because he didn't play videogames for a couple of weeks? Lol It's not even about taking sides, y'all walked right into this one.
  17. Lol I know you don't like Jerry and all but trying to claim he's owned because people here were talking about him not logging on is kind of flimsy.
  18. Lol MS defense force got Jerry under surveillance.
  19. Lmfao lemmings were like the joker waiting for Batman to come back to be their foil.
  20. Yeah, y'all manifested your worst nightmare lol
  21. Lol people like you are never mad when white men commit crimes for some reason.
  22. Never read the books but this looks cool visually. Not sure how it translates from page to screen tho.
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