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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. That looks terrible. The show might be OK, but that looks like a high budget YouTube fanfilm with worse cosplay.
  2. Well idk about all that. Hopefully he's all good and comes back to the people that miss him.
  3. Lol this phone just made 2 years old, but nice try. Putting aside your pathological lying, what do phones even do now they couldn't do five years ago? Except slightly faster?
  4. Nigga, it's a phone. You're like the only person here who talks about cell phones every single day. Are you really still mystified by them at this point?
  5. I'm sure. Just think Playstation anytime I see mask or game logo.
  6. No, they put the same camera in it they did for X, XR, 11, and 12.
  7. Eh, interesting. I actually never saw Hill House but tried Bly Manor and was bored to tears for 4 eps before stopping. I was going to give MM a shot because I'm not too much of a snob to ignore glowing previews and how much people Stan the creator. I just got the Starz app this weekend so might give P-Valley or whatever is supposed to be their killer app show a try.
  8. Jesus fucking Christ, is that the only lens you see stuff through anymore? Like Gamergate was some of yalls 9/11 or something.
  9. Making a thread asking "Is he dead? " is just an observation lol. You can't be so disingenuous and stupid at the same time. For the record, I know you're happy to be rid of him. Means he'll never dare to post console sales numbers again lol.
  10. lol You guys complain he post too much, then he doesn't you whine about him not being here.
  11. Yeah, there is no point in upgrading flagship phones yearly anymore, other than tryhards and no-life Apple weirdos.
  12. I do dig the roll out of bed right in to the gaming chair life-hack though.
  13. Weird question, but yes. Mass shootings are basically the new serial killings.
  14. And you are right. If that's how the scenario works out.
  15. I can't imagine people who claim they love games would be happy with MS buying an EA or Ubisoft. Like that in no way could be good for the industry. Of course Xbox fanboys juiced up on mountain dew would celebrate thinking it would push xboxes to ps2 or Switch numbers and that's probably not what would happen. This trajectory would mean either Xbox would become the dominant console or it won't. Which in that case would probably have to force MS to just become a fully third or partial 3rd party. I'm all down for MS wasting money and not getting their return
  16. Please continue to wax poetic MS and their fat wallet buying whoever they want and it making sense.
  17. NIgga, you are always wrong. The fuck are you talking about? Like they could legit make a subforum for all the threads you've wound up getting dunked on in. I'm surprised there isn't a "Dynocuck was wrong" retaliation post or post bump on the front page right now. And every time you weave some scenario in your mind it's dead wrong. Spare me your retard Jack Welch nonsense like you're a pragmatic thinker and shit.
  18. MS would just be better off buying their own consoles and games and burning them than buying another studio.
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