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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. lol It's kind wild how racism is just like, the norm with some of you. Like as much shit as I talk, It's still fucking mindblowing what fucking pathetic pieces of shit some of you are as people.
  2. Yeah, someone was apparently pointing out your hypocrisy and here you are acting stupid. Your paint chip eating ass knows how it goes.
  3. Yes, judging by the decade long success in Movies and TV, people are definitely losing a taste for it. Meanwhile the people really want another dry ass Halo game.
  4. Nigga, IDGAF and that's not the fucking point. What's funny is you're basically saying take or leave it as if motherfuckers need GT7 to live. Same fucking thing, you're actually arguing against yourself.
  5. lol Yes, one is vital and the other is a racing videogame.
  6. lmfao you Incels have some sort of "woke" google alert or something?
  7. Lol No cap, if this happened with an Xbox game you would be like "if you don't have an internet connection, you shouldn't own a game console anyway" Some of yall make yourselves look like petty cunts with all the double standards shit.
  8. I feel like everytime a new GT game comes out people post pics that makes it look like a PS2 game, then the game comes out and it looks fine.
  9. The irony is it's pretty much the same as being a brand fanboy. You derive some sort of pleasure by someone else's "success" that doesn't actually benefit you.
  10. lmfao Da fuck are you talking about.
  11. I dunno, this doesn't sound right. I think you are understating the ruling. I'm not a lawyer but it seems Epic needs to fall in line with Apple more than the other way.
  12. Are you talking about that Enter the Matrix game? It was trash.
  13. Sony sucks, I've never disputed that. I'll chalk it up to coincidence that seemingly only the lemmings in SW never had RRODs while the rest of us had multiple of them. MS sent me refurbs twice, which I really didn't mind since luckily the 360 had that clever snap on HDD. I had a DRE on my first fat PS2 but just returned it to Toys R Us for a new one. Yes, MS sent free boxes but at the same time so many people had at least 1 they couldn't pull of charging people.
  14. Lol this nigga talking waiting for ports of an old game. Next, Spicoli gonna make fun of people for paying for sex. Lol
  15. By the definition given from our resident antigeniuses , nearly every sequel is a soft reboot.
  16. God, it must be liberating to be able to say any stupid shit and expect people to take you seriously.
  17. Have you even seen a Matrix movie before?
  18. They literally showed footage of the previous movies in this and it's heavily implied that this take place way in the future of the previous movies. Like how does your brain work?
  19. Lol you are delusional. That absolutely doesn't look like they are rebooting anything. Jesus, the fucking title is Ressurection. Please spare us the tears.
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