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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Straight people groom kids far more than Trans people do. Which is the one the biggest problems with bigotry; people pretending that they only have issues with certain groups for vile shit every other group does. I feel like gako and I sound like broken records here but the sheer lack of self awareness of some people in here is absurd. Is there any single group that has "groomed" more kids than the catholic church?
  2. It's kind of a extraordinary that someone would make a thread where they act like a victim for publicly posting prejudice. This from the same piece of shit acting all high and mighty in the no-name youtuber thread.
  3. I wasn't prepared for the new season of Money Hiest. First, the stakes are definitely high and secondly they split it in fucking half. Now have to wait for part 2.
  4. No one defended doxxing, everyone is just pointing out how silly it looks when MS fanboys try to act all level headed between mountain dew tantrums and acting like some random tech youtuber is a household name or something.
  5. We are in the era or big youtubers having 20-30+ million subscrbers and barely anyone on the street would know who they are. It's more that you only view them to run back with any "good" MS/ "bad" Sony and Nintendo news you can find. Like I said before, the geek culture online community has gotten more and more toxic over the past 5 or 6 years anyway, so fuck them.
  6. Yes, I'm sure he's going to be in the next movie the Rock does because the world all knows who the other top 4 tech youtubers are. While I don't condone doxxing, lemshits trying to act holier than thou, especially on this site is fucking hilarious. Your buddy DynamiteCuck wished death on someone and their family for posting console sales numbers. Like legit just the actual data without commentary and he was so triggered he was wishing death on the person.
  7. Lol this isn't 2010. 5 million YouTube subs doesn't make someone well known anymore.
  8. Yes, a rumor of ports of years old games is really Sony abandoning consoles. Like you motherfuckers are delusional and shit.
  9. It's not so bad considering set photos can't reflect how the movie would look. Only the first shot is bad tbh. Still don't expect much from this movie though.
  10. lol please rant from your incel manifesto again.
  11. Oh god, you're desperate for a fight again.
  12. Take what seriously? I made one comment about a couple of the characters looking and sounding like a couple of the creative staff. That's it. Y'all tried cracking some code behind it like a knucklehead scooby team and shit. You also have a lot of nerve pretending to have any chill you lost your shit because I said "incel" lol.
  13. Weren't there fucking aliens in the last Saint's Row game? Now you guys are just complaining to complain.
  14. lol Did anyone bring up race or gender or politics before he and Saucer did? Just like you do all the time? What is there to add to an already shitty conversation with idiots? Ever since Gamergate white men in the geek sector have grown increasingly petulant over any perceived loss of status, presence, or praise. Like this niggas reaction to a trailer is "the soys are whining about white angel princes again" nonsense. Or discounting the fact that even at face value, the sheer lack of self awareness and stupidity to say "How is this cultural appropriation? Its white guys making a g
  15. lol It's fucking hilarious how insecure white boy gamers are.
  16. I mean looking at the video, its pretty clear they based the characters on the game makers themselves.
  17. I mean like cats were going on about NMH3 and stuff so he's got some smack cred here.
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