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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Nah, just noticed how bizarre it is to hear MS marks be disgruntled about an actual hit game while clinging to future vaporware dry ass sequels like Halo Infinite as if the last two games weren't ass.
  2. Nah, I heard the game case smells like plastic and the disc can break easily if you try to bend it. Typical Sony trash.
  3. To the people using Netflix as an example of gamepass, look at what happened there. The biggest studios pulled out to maximize their catalogs. If the numbers don't work for game makers why would they waste their time having their sales cannibalized?
  4. Not as a subgenre I suppose? but there are some good songs out there. I take songs of any genre as they come as I listen to pretty much anything other than country and death metal.
  5. No, and yes. It doesn't even have to be a club but any gathering of people trying to have fun that and not pretending to be lumberjacks in the woods. I'm sure you like his trash ass music specifically aimed for people like you.
  6. LOL I hate having to defend Joe Biden simply because stupid people love to blame him for shit that's not under his control despite the many things he can legit be pointed at for not doing.
  7. Just saw The Tomorrow War. Was actually going well until the third act then turns completely ridiculous and illogical. It's like a great 90s style end of the world throwback flick then becomes a parody of a 90s style end of the world movie.
  8. Lol kids are getting socially skewed but are probably smarter at the same age than the preceding generation, like since the begging of mankind. The kids will be alright.
  9. If you ever left your mom's house and went to a club, songs like these are pretty much turn up songs. The beat is very good and the lyrics, they're not Mos Def and not trying to tell a message. Again, I'm not surprised you hate a song about sex but enjoy songs by a white rapper bemoaning how hard he has it while also boasting about how successful he is making shitty rap songs. Like can you imagine the kind of party where his songs would be played? What kind of audience do you think would be at a concert for this? Casual klan ravers?
  10. I'm looking forward to his future releases Sometimes no means yes The election was rigged Wuhan Clan 2 Genders You will not replace us
  11. I think Remi summed it up perfectly. His flow is garbage, the beats sound like royalty free stock crap, and he looks like a GTAO create a character made by a ten year old who just got banned from Fortnite. He's talking about Adderall fueled, phone obsessed kids like that's not his probable fanbase outside of aggreived white men.
  12. Lmfao nigga you don't even know what to do with a WAP so I understand why you would hate it, but like a safe space song about how poorly the heroic white man has it in the world he also some how controls.
  13. The fact that you and Cooke like a white rapper complaining about how bad white men have it pretty much says it all tbh. This is why no one can take you two clowns seriously.
  14. I just realized that he's the same guy who made this trash ass song. Ain't that nigga Canadian? Talking about American politics? No wonder Cocke likes him. White boys doing too much these days.
  15. Ep 3 was pretty weak but they made up for it in episode 4. It's easily the best one this season. So far it's the best of the Marvel shows. The theme is pretty amazing as well.
  16. Would be interesting to play this again. I wonder if they expanded the online missions as that was a welcome surprise at how good it was.
  17. No one is a saint. Helping his fellow incels about nerd shit isn't a net win in my mind. The gaming/tech/geek culture has turned ridiculously toxic the past few years, thanks mostly in part because of his type. Edit. This is a pointless go around so I'll just drop it at this point. This thread isn't supposed to be about him anyway.
  18. And it's not just a lack of empathy but also his resentment of the notion entirely, based on his own stupidity.
  19. I agree with your points about empathy. I also believe in emotional intelligence and both are some of the biggest ways I view people. You can't lack both and be a good person, it's just not how that goes. There's this very toxic sense of self-importance that runs through people who are busy assigning what is "virtue signaling" in their minds. No one in here is or was crying or acting devastated by the news. This way of thinking is just how emotionally stunted people defend their shitty selfishness by making other people seem like they are bad and some how aggrandize themselves. Th
  20. Yeah, I hear you Remi, but here he goes doubling down on how much of a piece of shit he is. I get that part of it is some deep seated insecurity he obvious has but yeah, he fucking still sucks.
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