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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. lol This nigga is literally posting white nationalist propaganda with the threat of a race war as the cherry on top and he's too retarded to even realize it.
  2. That's where you're wrong. You might not have to be "special", but it's definitely a hurdle to be a woman or POC to achieve what certain people can with lesser effort. The real story is that white males honestly are aware of their privileges and dont actually like equality because it lessens their edge over others.
  3. Dude legitimately complains about anyone other than a white man getting a paycheck. Oh, I mean thin white man as he also complains about plus size people being on TV or movies. He's never been much but he's definitely just become an insufferable cunt over the past few years.
  4. I've honestly stopped watching gaming, nerd culture and entertainment based YouTubers because so many of them have just become aggrieved MRAs. They all drink from the same well that Cooke does without realizing it's laced in great deal with bigotry and the defense of bigotry.
  5. Hey, Remember when the former President told 4 women of color, who were duly elected officials to "go back to their country" even though 3 of them were born and raised here and half of the country didn't even care? Or when one of the biggest cable news host said immigration would make the country "dirtier". Those were the old days of the early 2020s.
  6. A racist, sexist, credible sexual assualter was the President of the United States 6 months ago. His only platform was calling Mexicans rapist and drug dealers and vowing to ban Muslims from this country. Yes, that was the height of race/gender equality.
  7. lol Racist love to talk about diversity of thoughts as if it's not just rebranding racism.
  8. I misread you second sentence, but to be fair it's wording could be construed both ways.
  9. lol that has never happened. Some of you motherfuckers need to go back to school or something. Say what you will about "white privelege" but it is almost always white men who claim racism doesn't exist, everyone is equal, non-white males exaggerate about everything, and societal changes come naturally and organically. It never has, nor will it ever.
  10. Coming from possibly the least intelligent person on this site, this is interesting. Please name historical losses in diversity?
  11. Fuck that 80s bullshit. I have no interest in played out 80s nostalgia.
  12. Halo sucks so who cares. They're going to make it more boring and dull than the last two games? White guys are always scared when they hear diversity. Get over yourselves already.
  13. Yet always outsmarting you, so what does that say?
  14. You're saying this to Cocke of all people unironically. lol I can't think of the last time he's said anything that wasn't boderline retarded.
  15. What does this even have to do with COVID? And the "dats racyst" shit is something that you always use to discredit views you don't agree with.
  16. Lol yeah, I watched my gf play it. Literally every female character was throwing their panties at him and he's just oblivious to it all.
  17. Yes, because of the long list of possible government assassinations due to tax evasion that have happened over the decades. Maybe that explains Lincoln, JFK, and MLK?
  18. It's funny how your go to is to always make light of racism some how. Like you just have to act racist even when race isn't the topic and shit. ****a is just racist for fun and shit lol.
  19. Yeah... There's a huge difference between epstein who could have ruined the lives of some of the wealthiest and influential people in the world and a drug abusing tax cheat who might have had some no name dude killed or whatever.
  20. Tifa is fine AF. My first time ever thinking a game character could get it.
  21. The old one actually looks better but yeah, they couldn't even make that look interesting.
  22. You spend most of your day looking up as much trivial videogame gossip as possible, how do you not know the difference?
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