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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I'm stil trying to figure out why digital games cost as much as physical ones. Like there is no manufacturing, shipping, or storage cost.
  2. Would still be a better choice. It's becoming clearer that outside of Spiderman, Holland can't really carry a movie. It's the sort of stupid thing only Sony could come up with.
  3. How many good Xbox exclusive games have been released in the past few years? You act like droughts are unheard of.
  4. Reach was pretty damn good, Halo 4 was so bad I just snapped the disc in half after beating it.
  5. If Walberg is in this they might have well just had him be Drake.
  6. VF5 was pretty amazing back in the day. This franchise didn't have as exciting a lore as Tekken or SF but it could be argued that it was the best 3d fighting franchise.
  7. BF5 is free on PSN. Was thinking about downloading it and see what the big deal is.
  8. Trying to connect current day open world games to it is.
  9. "oh, hey Saucer." You're still up to the same old assuming/assigning gimmick I see.
  10. The Xbox could come covered in dildos and you wouldn't complain.
  11. Yea, because the color will impact your life some way.
  12. I feel like this shows gamepass isn't the industry game changer xboys claim it is.
  13. The windows store is pretty pathetic. There seems to be zero quality checking or assurance on what's on there. You'd be hard pressed to find apps that aren't rated like 1.3/5 and the interface looks like a a bad power point presentation.
  14. I found the original net image a million years ago and used to post that before someone clipped it into a smile. The google image was actually very high res, especially for like 10 years ago. It used to take up the whole screen almost.
  15. The title says it all. Like 3 pages of Jerry and Remi fighting is infinitely more entertaining than 2 or 3 nerds acting like GB going away is a loss.
  16. Not to be a dick, but why are constantly whining about stupid shit with the PS5? If you are this salty 6 months in, your ass is going to be wide open over the next few years. Like did Bill Gates save your village or something?
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