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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol the Xbox was one gen after N64. Yes, Halo was the last exclusive killer app and that was almost 20 years ago.
  2. It's when people buy in demand products from retail in hopes of turning a profit. Which is why they are not buying xboxes.
  3. I'm bright and handsome. You're just making terrible points that don't even add up. I'll break it down for the fun of it. 1. You used scalpers as a reason sales are so good. With zero data on how many sales were scalpers. 2. You then claimed people aren't buying them because they are tons of them on electronics bay. But when you go the first page is and they are bids over $700 for them. So unless you're now claiming scalpers are buying them from eBay your point doesn't hold water. I'm not a dummy just bust because people won't even pay retail for xboxes.
  4. Are you talking about electronics bay where it's selling for hundreds more than it sells for in stores?
  5. You guys are whinging about a non issue that would easily correct itself. In 2 years are you guys still going to be using scalpers as an excuse Xbox is in 3rd place?
  6. Lol xboys mad people aren't scalping xboxes because no one wants one. 😪
  7. Yea, because scalpers usually make a killing selling stuff no one wants because this is the bizarro world.
  8. I didn't realize that this was going to be an open world game. Now the 10 year plan makes more sense. They trying to GTA online this shit. Lol this will be interesting.
  9. Yeah, I met some cool dude last night who hired me on for the island heist. This is really GTA elavated. I was doing quick jobs before which can be fun but you're also relying on strangers whose community makes systemwars seem tame.
  10. 2 days into GTA online. This is the ultimate form of gaming lol.
  11. Amazon has really turned to shit. The stuff I ordered last night was supposed to arrive tomorrow when I ordered. Now it's Sunday. It's legit been over a year since I have gotten anything I order from them on time.
  12. Lol you were complaining about women taking advantage of men in the court system too. Which came out of nowhere as well.
  13. Most men who hate women say that. The fact that you take a female lead character simply to make feminist happy shows that. They are over 50% of the world population. It's not some form of tokenism.
  14. I'm sure Ms didn't want to pay 8 billion dollars either. Disney bought both Star Wars and Marvel for the same amount and those are money printing franchises that made that money back in a couple of years. People who don't care about reddit fanboys aren't going to want money on the table to come off to make them happy.
  15. I honestly don't care. Saying gamepass exclusive is a political move. When PS5 outsells the Xbox by nearly 2 to 1 in a couple of years I expect gamepass to be available for Sony and possibly Nintendo systems too.
  16. And I loved Psy-ops more than anyone else and from what I saw this isn't some clone of the game. It's telekinesis, theres only so many ways to do that in a game.
  17. They are good but also too loose. If you gently bush against a desk or chair they go flying. Also the controls are... weird? I stopped playing after an hour or so because the deadzone and tracking don't feel right in the game for some reason.
  18. Just ordered it along with another HDD. I wanted to DL FFVII remake since it's on PSN+ and realized that after buying Spiderman my console memory was full.
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